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  1. #381
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    If the game is not fun for large groups of players, why do they still play? None of them are having fun, everyone is an addict? I disagree with that assessment.

    Like I said, it seems you want enough solo content to justify your monthly sub, while you handicap yourself from playing a majority of end game content by not participating. This is not the games fault.

    Even if they did add more mounts, you'd find another reason to complain. The problem is grass is greener syndrome. Adding more mounts would still be contributing to FOMO, still be an artificial means of replay, still not 'fun'.

    And speaking of Fun, what does that even mean to you? You aren't doing a majority of the content anyways. Nor are you playing classic.

    You're clearly not satisfied by WoW, why not move on and return later? It's worked wonders for me, as someone who finishes content quickly. In the meantime, WC Rumble is what I play daily.
    Unfortunately it's real truth. Many SP players have to play MP games, cuz they're better supported due to SP devs struggling with DLC and game-service concepts.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  2. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Unfortunately it's real truth. Many SP players have to play MP games, cuz they're better supported due to SP devs struggling with DLC and game-service concepts.
    Cuz SP games are fucking expensive to maintain cyclical content. It's incredibly hard for any game to maintain long term interest without gimmicky replay mechanics like loot grind or highly randomized content.

    WoW would have died a long time ago if they just shifted to s Singleplayer model. Like I said, majority of players wouldn't pay a sub fee to a singleplayer only game. Blizzard would just be failing in the same way Telltale did.

  3. #383
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Curious if there is a real SP game out there which has the support and maintenance of even half WoW's life.

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    Curious if there is a real SP game out there which has the support and maintenance of even half WoW's life.
    Candy Crush

  5. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    Curious if there is a real SP game out there which has the support and maintenance of even half WoW's life.
    Arguably Minecraft but no there probably isn't

    If you mean fan maintenance Skyrim
    3 Major Rules of World of Warcraft Players:
    1. No one on earth wants to play World of Warcraft less than other World of Warcraft players.
    2. The desire to win>The desire for anything else in World of Warcraft. NO EXCEPTIONS
    3. Efficiency will be king no matter how you think it will improve the game.

  6. #386
    Pandaren Monk khazmodan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Unfortunately it's real truth. Many SP players have to play MP games, cuz they're better supported due to SP devs struggling with DLC and game-service concepts.

    This is true, I was going to play Fallout New Vegas but I had a problem getting it stable on my newer computer and I finally gave up and played wow hardcore with a coworker which gave me some diabetes issues on my legs. Some games are too addictive for your health and I prefer a single player game because there is an ending and I can pause at any time to call my mom.

  7. #387
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    Curious if there is a real SP game out there which has the support and maintenance of even half WoW's life.
    There's probably some Paradox grand strategy games that have come close, they tend to have much longer life-expectancy than normal SP games. Sims or maybe Minecraft.
    In practice normal triple-A SP game product cycles tend to include release and couple of DLCs. They are far too expensive to maintain longer.

  8. #388
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Unfortunately it's real truth. Many SP players have to play MP games, cuz they're better supported due to SP devs struggling with DLC and game-service concepts.
    They don't "struggle". It' simply a fact that single-player games are not supposed to last forever. At some point support (DLC, patches, fixes) for them ends.

    Single-player games are not designed to last indefinitely like MMOs/live-service games are.

  9. #389
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    WoW is an MMO, that means multiplayer.
    Not necessarily in the context of the OP text. I allowed things like 1V1 pvp and public brawls and the auction house, so it can be multiplayer in that definition just not team-based multiplayer.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    Curious if there is a real SP game out there which has the support and maintenance of even half WoW's life.
    I doubt it, no much money. The most obvious thing to me about WoW was that the sub system was mainly a good solution against piracy.

  10. #390
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    The most obvious thing to me about WoW was that the sub system was mainly a good solution against piracy.
    Are you seriously saying you missed the bit where a private server got so popular Blizzard magically found their "lost-forever-backups" of vanilla and actually released Classic officially?

  11. #391
    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post
    you missed the bit where a private server
    The fact private servers are a bad experience, is what makes them a promoter of legit subs.

    Unless you're only here to advertise - the lie - that illegal servers are better gameplay.

  12. #392
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    The most obvious thing to me about WoW was that the sub system was mainly a good solution against piracy.
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    The fact private servers are a bad experience, is what makes them a promoter of legit subs.
    Are you high again? This is so circular it made me dizzy

  13. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post
    made me dizzy
    You are confusing yourself. You didn't even notice you moved the goalposts the moment you first replied because I was saying the sub model is very profitable compared to a single player game that can be pirated and you completely changed the subject to promote your favorite private servers being a thing.

    I could have ignored you since you were off topic. I only added that private servers are irrelevant since they are bad so they drive people to subs even more.

  14. #394
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    It should go without saying that discussion of private servers is not a permitted topic.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  15. #395
    Bloodsail Admiral m4xc4v413r4's Avatar
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    Honestly... yes, but not paying a sub.
    Most of the things I do now are single player anyway so...

  16. #396
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    You are confusing yourself. You didn't even notice you moved the goalposts the moment you first replied because I was saying the sub model is very profitable compared to a single player game that can be pirated and you completely changed the subject to promote your favorite private servers being a thing.

    I could have ignored you since you were off topic. I only added that private servers are irrelevant since they are bad so they drive people to subs even more.
    That made no sense at all.
    But whatever. Have a nice evening.


  17. #397
    Yeah the world would end & tears would start to form in my eyes if people that dont play multiplayer would play & if other people could enable their own nano sharding back & forth at will it would break my heart, it would be the badesty, I play to see other people, I want to seeEEeEe!1 them.

    Two Worlds II HD
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    Would you still play those if they were multiplayer?
    I wouldn't, I don't play games to socialize or to get harassed by cretins.

    Azeroth is a made up world that is held hostage for monetary gain, not illogical but not optimal, better to not get attached to fables.

  18. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post
    That made no sense at all.
    But whatever. Have a nice evening.

    hey at least he didn't say you were a strawman.

  19. #399
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    They don't "struggle". It' simply a fact that single-player games are not supposed to last forever. At some point support (DLC, patches, fixes) for them ends.

    Single-player games are not designed to last indefinitely like MMOs/live-service games are.
    Again. Dunno why, but SP game devs are obsessed about making brand new games from scratch instead of making DLCs. That's, what makes SP game development ineffective. Example? Diablo 3. Only one DLC was released for it, while it had great potential. And what then? Pointless infinite seasons? Another problem - is devs, wanting so called "existence tax". It's about being jealous about making games, players buy once and then able to play forever. They think it's unfair, that you play something, get fun, but don't pay for it. While we think, that it's fair to pay for PRODUCT. It's unreasonable to pay for something, if money aren't invested into creating new product. As result we have companies like MS, that want to be paid just for their existence. Hence so called "existence tax". That's why they try to turn games into services somehow. Easiest way - to make MP game, that requires servers, they need to maintain.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  20. #400
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Again. Dunno why, but SP game devs are obsessed about making brand new games from scratch instead of making DLCs. That's, what makes SP game development ineffective. Example? Diablo 3. Only one DLC was released for it, while it had great potential. And what then? Pointless infinite seasons? Another problem - is devs, wanting so called "existence tax". It's about being jealous about making games, players buy once and then able to play forever. They think it's unfair, that you play something, get fun, but don't pay for it. While we think, that it's fair to pay for PRODUCT. It's unreasonable to pay for something, if money aren't invested into creating new product. As result we have companies like MS, that want to be paid just for their existence. Hence so called "existence tax". That's why they try to turn games into services somehow. Easiest way - to make MP game, that requires servers, they need to maintain.
    Have you ever looked into the development history of D3 and why the planned second expansion 'King in the North' was cut and cancelled?

    Money. That's what it came down to. You can google it up. After the RMAH was a total bust and before Loot 2.0 was even implemented, the investors and execs lost faith in it being profitable and pulled their budget to focus on other projects. We know about this.

    Another issue was Diablo III's revenue model.[2] Reportedly, Blizzard was reluctant to commit to a second expansion because Diablo III lacks a steady revenue stream (aside from its Asian, free to play model), whereas most of its other games involve either a subscription fee (e.g. World of Warcraft) or microtransactions (e.g. Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm), therefore the game has low profitability compared to other Blizzard games in most regions (Asia being a notable exception).[3] This made it difficult for Blizzard to support a team of 100 people working on the game. John Hight begged Morhaime and Blizzard's other executives to wait until Reaper of Souls was shipped before making any final decision on the second expansion, but his requests were denied.[2]

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