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  1. #61
    Even after ~1500d played, I'll have to answer with a definite No! For me the game is:

    1) Playing with friends/WoW-buddies as they add an interesting social aspect to the game, plus pretty much any dungeon run feels a little bit different than last time (raid runs much less so). PUGs can range from excellent to horrible, but so is pretty much every random person you meet up with IRL.

    2) Farming rare things (appearances, mounts, toys). These things having a random chance to drop, therefore taking time, makes total sense in an MMO as time investment is introduced as a variable. Again this becomes entirely pointless when other people aren't there to compare collections with. In addition, farming RNG things never made sense to me in single player games either.
    Last edited by cybernoid; 2025-01-08 at 01:50 PM.

  2. #62
    Absolutely not. My guild is the main reason I play WoW. There are many other better games than WoW, but no better MMO. Because only this one has my guild.

  3. #63
    This should be a poll. I play pretty much exclusively solo so, I would definitely still play. However, not having a hustling and bustling world of players would make the game less fun and interesting, even as a solo player. But if the game was designed as a solo player game, there would be so much more that could be done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Traknel View Post
    Yes it is. In fact, the next expansion is going to be called "Mists of Metzen" and is just going to be various mobs with his face stuck on them.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Calibar View Post
    This should be a poll. I play pretty much exclusively solo so, I would definitely still play. However, not having a hustling and bustling world of players would make the game less fun and interesting, even as a solo player. But if the game was designed as a solo player game, there would be so much more that could be done.
    I agree that it should be a poll; but the catch is that if you vote yes, your MMO-C account is deleted and your browser's homepage is reset to a link to download FFXIV.

  5. #65
    Depends. Is it free to play too? Cuz servers are the cost, and a solo only WoW could literally be made to run client side. I'd be fine with a Skyrimized version of WoW.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I agree that it should be a poll; but the catch is that if you vote yes, your MMO-C account is deleted and your browser's homepage is reset to a link to download FFXIV.
    As if that'd stop anyone here from voting yes

  6. #66
    Mechagnome McCrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Depends. Is it free to play too? Cuz servers are the cost, and a solo only WoW could literally be made to run client side. I'd be fine with a Skyrimized version of WoW.
    If it would be an offline game in solo-mode, I would love to start it up and just walk/ride/fly around and listen to the music.

  7. #67
    No. WoW without other people would be boring as fuck.

    Also, only six different threads active in WoW General in the last three days. Damn.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    As if that'd stop anyone here from voting yes
    Ah, but you see...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by McCrazy View Post
    If it would be an offline game in solo-mode, I would love to start it up and just walk/ride/fly around and listen to the music.
    I'd love to know precisely what about other people simply existing in the video game prevents you from doing exactly that right now.

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    If you want to participate in WF race
    That's just a strawman because it misunderstands the reality of raiding guilds themselves. Raiding guilds have internal competition even when they are VERY casual guilds who can't even kill a single Mythic raiding boss easily.

    That's because they have a goal to achieve something and the team has to be strong to do that and sometimes that means the members competing with each other for who is best for that goal.

  10. #70
    Mechagnome Seiken3's Avatar
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    Nope. /10char

  11. #71
    I've been playing WoW solo for the past decade, so it wouldn't make any difference to me (- except I'd need NPCs to buy the shit I auction).

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    That's just a strawman because it misunderstands the reality of raiding guilds themselves. Raiding guilds have internal competition even when they are VERY casual guilds who can't even kill a single Mythic raiding boss easily.

    That's because they have a goal to achieve something and the team has to be strong to do that and sometimes that means the members competing with each other for who is best for that goal.
    Difference between active and passive competition - is that in case of passive competition it's your choice, how high you want to get. If you can't handle competition - you always have choice to set lower difficulty/reward threshold. At the end it isn't different from playing solo games, where it's up to you to handle game's difficulty. Active competition doesn't work this way. If you join random BG - you either can play against much stronger players or you can't. You don't have choice to play in noob league, cuz devs don't give you such choice. So how you play - doesn't depend on you. It depends on other players, you play against. If they don't let you play, how you want - you just can't do it.
    FOMO, gating, RNG, grind, overtuning, competition - endgame.
    Solo MMO: no more humiliating queues and toxic competing.
    Aggro and combat: game would only be better without obsoleted mechanics.
    DF in a nutshell: GW2 copy-paste with AFK events and nothing to do.

  13. #73
    In it's exact state as is, as proposed by the TC? No - MMO-style gameplay generally doesn't work particularly well if you take out the MMO part of it.

    Now, if Blizzard were to take WoW's storyline, and do a Dragon Quest X Offline style conversion of the game, and work into a full fledged WRPG style game with branching narrative choices, a fleshed out recruitable party, and a more linear style of storytelling through Classic and it's expansions over the course of years? Yeah, that would be something I'd be all about. Even more so if it borrowed the combat style of Rogue Trader as well.

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by oldgeezer View Post
    I've been playing WoW solo for the past decade, so it wouldn't make any difference to me (- except I'd need NPCs to buy the shit I auction).
    I allow the AH in the OP, mainly because the market is not a very friendly environment in reality, so it's closer to allowing 1 V 1 or a public brawl.

  15. #75
    Maybe? But not as much and would get bored sooner. I enjoy some solo play, but the real treasure is the friends we make along the way.
    I am blessed to be in a stable guild that has been continuously active for 20 years. I also have a bunch of friends who love to gather in comms and run keys.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Would you still drive your car if you woke up one morning and it was a bicycle?

    What an insanely stupid question.
    That's a pretty weird comparison, for many, the game would not change if all other players disappeared. A more accurate comprison would be : would you still drive your car if you woke up one morning and it was suddenly limited to 100km/h and not 200km/h ? A lot of people would answer yes, because not everyone use it to go that fast.

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I feel as if the people who earnestly believe that WoW should be a single player game are simply reliving this scene from Arrested Development every time they launch the game.
    You really can't accept that different people want different things in the game ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I'd love to know precisely what about other people simply existing in the video game prevents you from doing exactly that right now.
    Seeing dozens of other players buzzing around you and going mach12 on their sparkly ponies and other mecha-dragons can be quite immersion-breaking.
    MMO Champs :

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    I allow the AH in the OP, mainly because the market is not a very friendly environment in reality, so it's closer to allowing 1 V 1 or a public brawl.
    At that point it isn't "totally single-player" anymore as your topic would indicate. 1v1 takes two players, finding other players to peeveepee requires actually seeing them and being able to challenge them. Having shared AH would also indicate multiplayer game.

    Sure, everyone is free to start whatever thread they want and make up the rules for their discussion, but you should change the topic to "would you play the game if I get to pick the things I like most?"
    And no, I still wouldn't.

  18. #78
    Mechagnome McCrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'd love to know precisely what about other people simply existing in the video game prevents you from doing exactly that right now.
    13 Euros per month

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    That's a pretty weird comparison, for many, the game would not change if all other players disappeared. A more accurate comprison would be : would you still drive your car if you woke up one morning and it was suddenly limited to 100km/h and not 200km/h ? A lot of people would answer yes, because not everyone use it to go that fast.
    Nah. My first analogy is perfectly fine and you apparently cannot understand that sometimes apples cannot be oranges, even if you paint them the same color. A MMO cannot be a single player game. If you think this is a reasonable request, you are playing the wrong game.

    You really can't accept that different people want different things in the game ?
    What the actual fuck are you on about? I'm perfectly fine with dissenting opinions but the topic of this thread is "what if the color white was the color black?" MMOs are not meant to be single player experiences. This is an absolutely brain dead topic that doesn't deserve to be considered with any level of seriousness. I have absolutely zero empathy for the type of player that logs into a message forum made for a MMO then casually asks without even a tinge of irony what if the game were suddenly something it absolutely isn't nor ever was intended to be. This is not up for debate. You are playing the wrong game.

    Seeing dozens of other players buzzing around you and going mach12 on their sparkly ponies and other mecha-dragons can be quite immersion-breaking.
    What fucking immersion? If you expect a single player experience in a MMO then no amount of immersion will ever satisfy you because, as noted above, you are playing the wrong game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by McCrazy View Post
    13 Euros per month
    I'm sure Blizzard is horribly crushed by the realization that they haven't earned your monthly subscription so you can deliberately play the game incorrectly.

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Nah. My first analogy is perfectly fine and you apparently cannot understand that sometimes apples cannot be oranges, even if you paint them the same color. A MMO cannot be a single player game. If you think this is a reasonable request, you are playing the wrong game.

    What the actual fuck are you on about? I'm perfectly fine with dissenting opinions but the topic of this thread is "what if the color white was the color black?" MMOs are not meant to be single player experiences. This is an absolutely brain dead topic that doesn't deserve to be considered with any level of seriousness. I have absolutely zero empathy for the type of player that logs into a message forum made for a MMO then casually asks without even a tinge of irony what if the game were suddenly something it absolutely isn't nor ever was intended to be. This is not up for debate. You are playing the wrong game.

    What fucking immersion? If you expect a single player experience in a MMO then no amount of immersion will ever satisfy you because, as noted above, you are playing the wrong game.
    Except that wow is not just an mmo : it's an mmorpg. Some players care only about the mmo aspect, some only about the rpg aspect, some care about both, and, somehow, it seems that some players care about neither. In any case, none of them are wrong or should play other games (except the last group maybe) just because you can't accept that not everybody care about everything that's in the game.

    Wow is a huge game, with way more rpg-related content than a lot (all ?) of single player rpgs so you can't blame them for playing it specifically for that reason alone.
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