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  1. #81
    Well if it was exactly the same then maybe I'd play it, but not as much as I'd usually do.

    That being said, if WoW was truly a single player game then certain aspects of the game would just work diffrerently. They would for example put a lot more emphasis on questing and make it more fun/interesting like it is the case in other RPG games.

    IMO WoW is overall fine the way as it is right now, where a whole bunch of the game is single player already and all you really do is meet people in the world and have a choice to play with them, whereas the actual group content is separated and more reserved for end game.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Except that wow is not just an mmo : it's an mmorpg. Some players care only about the mmo aspect, some only about the rpg aspect, some care about both, and, somehow, it seems that some players care about neither. In any case, none of them are wrong or should play other games (except the last group maybe) just because you can't accept that not everybody care about everything that's in the game.

    Wow is a huge game, with way more rpg-related content than a lot (all ?) of single player rpgs so you can't blame them for playing it specifically for that reason alone.
    Frankly, I do not care what players who log into a MMO and expect a single player RPG think. These opinions are worth less than Enron stock.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Frankly, I do not care what players who log into a MMO and expect a single player RPG think. These opinions are worth less than Enron stock.
    But you log on and demand the game not be an MMO and barely be an RPG. Not to say that what you want is wrong, but if you are going to disregard other people… glass houses.
    "stop puting you idiotic liberal words into my mouth"

  4. #84
    Pretty much what I do now, so it wouldn't be much of a change for me.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Frankly, I do not care what players who log into a MMO and expect a single player RPG think. These opinions are worth less than Enron stock.
    Good thing, then, that it's not about what you or me care about, but about what huge chunks of the playerbase are interested in.

    There is a lot of people who want an rpg with as much content and updated as regularly as wow, and there is simply no other options than playing wow as a single player game. If you see some alternatives, feel free to share the titles, I'm sure a lot of people would love to try them. In the meantime, let people play however they want and stop judging them based on their gaming tastes.
    MMO Champs :

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Good thing, then, that it's not about what you or me care about, but about what huge chunks of the playerbase are interested in.

    There is a lot of people who want an rpg with as much content and updated as regularly as wow, and there is simply no other options than playing wow as a single player game. If you see some alternatives, feel free to share the titles, I'm sure a lot of people would love to try them. In the meantime, let people play however they want and stop judging them based on their gaming tastes.
    I think you are a bit off base. WoW costs money every month, and you have to buy expansions. You can absolutely get more content than WoW by spending that money on multiple other games, let alone if you jump into the modding community of a lot of big single player RPGs. There are hundreds of thousands of hours of RPG gameplay to be had in games you have never even heard of.
    "stop puting you idiotic liberal words into my mouth"

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    I think you are a bit off base. WoW costs money every month, and you have to buy expansions. You can absolutely get more content than WoW by spending that money on multiple other games, let alone if you jump into the modding community of a lot of big single player RPGs. There are hundreds of thousands of hours of RPG gameplay to be had in games you have never even heard of.
    The issue is the "multiple other games". A lot of people might want to carry their characyer accross all of their journey, not create another one in each game, they might want to stay in the same universe they they love. Additionnaly, they might simply enjoy the various mechanics of wow, like combat-wise, and don't want to relearn a new game everytime. There is just no wow-equivalent among the purely single-player games, so a lot of people are willing to play wow to scrath that itch, despite not caring much (or at all) about the multiplayer aspect of the game (and despite its heavy cost, as you mentionned).
    MMO Champs :

  8. #88
    What if wow were a completely different game than it has ever been? Would you still play it in this completely amazing and not ridiculous contrafactual world?

    Also, would you guys play starcraft 2 if instead of a strategy game it was a power washing simulator?
    A better way to think about Casual v Hardcore:

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    Imagine that you log in to WoW and all team-making aspects are completely gone. You can only and exclusively do single player actions alone.

    That means you can do levelling with questing and mage tower/single player raids/dungeons and you can do any kind of 1V1 PvP.

    You can not raid/5man/group or do any kind of team-PvP but you can only publicly chat to set up 1V1/trading/public brawls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Good thing, then, that it's not about what you or me care about, but about what huge chunks of the playerbase are interested in.
    Hopefully you aren't talking about this butchered WoW trial account nonsense that epigramx was trying to sell.

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    The issue is the "multiple other games". A lot of people might want to carry their characyer accross all of their journey, not create another one in each game, they might want to stay in the same universe they they love. Additionnaly, they might simply enjoy the various mechanics of wow, like combat-wise, and don't want to relearn a new game everytime. There is just no wow-equivalent among the purely single-player games, so a lot of people are willing to play wow to scrath that itch, despite not caring much (or at all) about the multiplayer aspect of the game (and despite its heavy cost, as you mentionned).
    It sounds like you are kind of defining yourself into being correct. You are right, there is no game that is just like World of Warcraft that is single player, if by "like World of Warcraft" you mean called world of warcraft, in the warcraft universe, with the warcraft aesthetic, and with the exact same gameplay.

    But there are a ton of engaging, unbelievably massive, role playing game experiences that are single player. You can get hundreds of hours out of some individual games, and I don't think that the vast majority of people playing WoW single player are also putting more than a few hundred hours a year into it.
    "stop puting you idiotic liberal words into my mouth"

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    Hopefully you aren't talking about this butchered WoW trial account nonsense that epigramx was trying to sell.
    Why not ? What's wrong if someone wants to do only do "questing, mage tower/single player raids/dungeons, or any kind of 1V1 PvP" an " raid/5man/group or do any kind of team-PvP" ? A lot of player already play the game that way and have a lot of fun that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    It sounds like you are kind of defining yourself into being correct. You are right, there is no game that is just like World of Warcraft that is single player, if by "like World of Warcraft" you mean called world of warcraft, in the warcraft universe, with the warcraft aesthetic, and with the exact same gameplay.

    But there are a ton of engaging, unbelievably massive, role playing game experiences that are single player. You can get hundreds of hours out of some individual games, and I don't think that the vast majority of people playing WoW single player are also putting more than a few hundred hours a year into it.
    Neither of us have any numbers obviously, but I'd wager that most people willing to play wow as a purely single player game are also ready to put quite a lot of hours into it. And, even so, they might just like wow lore, world, ambience, or just pure mechanics more ; even more than other games who might be more focused on these aspects. Tastes are subjectives and no player can be considered as wrong for liking wow more (even as a purely single player game) than games specifically designed for that purpose.

    Note that it doesn't really apply to me : I enjoy questing alone and discovering the world at my own pace (aka very slowly), but I also like raiding and doing m+ with friends and guildemates. Some of the best experiences I've had were forged in raids (in wow and in other mmorpgs) and I'm very much not sure that I would continue playing wow if these experiences could not be replicated.
    But I'm also realistic and aware that other people like the game for other reasons and that I can't consider that how I personnaly play the game is the only legitimate one. If more and more people want to play the game solo, then they should be able to because, at the end of the day, what matter is not what I, you, or any individual want, it's what the majority wants.
    MMO Champs :

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Why not ? What's wrong if someone wants to do only do "questing, mage tower/single player raids/dungeons, or any kind of 1V1 PvP" an " raid/5man/group or do any kind of team-PvP" ? A lot of player already play the game that way and have a lot of fun that way.

    Neither of us have any numbers obviously, but I'd wager that most people willing to play wow as a purely single player game are also ready to put quite a lot of hours into it. And, even so, they might just like wow lore, world, ambience, or just pure mechanics more ; even more than other games who might be more focused on these aspects. Tastes are subjectives and no player can be considered as wrong for liking wow more (even as a purely single player game) than games specifically designed for that purpose.

    Note that it doesn't really apply to me : I enjoy questing alone and discovering the world at my own pace (aka very slowly), but I also like raiding and doing m+ with friends and guildemates. Some of the best experiences I've had were forged in raids (in wow and in other mmorpgs) and I'm very much not sure that I would continue playing wow if these experiences could not be replicated.
    But I'm also realistic and aware that other people like the game for other reasons and that I can't consider that how I personnaly play the game is the only legitimate one. If more and more people want to play the game solo, then they should be able to because, at the end of the day, what matter is not what I, you, or any individual want, it's what the majority wants.
    If a game like this but solo was viable, one would exist. They don’t exist for a reason, and that is financial viability. The number of people willing to pay a fee to play a single player game is vanishingly rare. You need a constant revenue stream to keep releasing content like this, and if AAA game companies are good at anything, it’s monetization. If there was a way to charge people this much money for a single player game, they would be doing it.
    "stop puting you idiotic liberal words into my mouth"

  13. #93
    Mechagnome McCrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I'm sure Blizzard is horribly crushed by the realization that they haven't earned your monthly subscription so you can deliberately play the game incorrectly.
    Actually I don't care anymore. I was (as far as I remember) just answering the OPs question.

  14. #94
    I think I would for awhile, but I expect it’d slowly play less over time, culminating in me not bothering to log in anymore.

    I don’t think any solo content has ever been responsible for my most memorable WoW experiences - be that for better or worse.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post
    it isn't "totally single-player" anymore

    you should change the topic to "would you play the game if I get to pick the things I like most?"
    I specify it's about team-based multiplayer being off. You could assume I meant that since I said multiple times in the OP 1 VS 1 PvP is in.

    It's my question and I don't need your permission the be the way I want but go on being passive aggressive if you want.

  16. #96
    The Lightbringer Huntaer's Avatar
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    Not for me no. I do a lot of things solo, sure. But i also do even more things with my friends. Maybe i'd do the campaign and then unsub again every time but.. i think not.
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  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by NineSpine View Post
    But you log on and demand the game not be an MMO and barely be an RPG. Not to say that what you want is wrong, but if you are going to disregard other people… glass houses.
    Lmao, right. Because apparently I'm a pariah for harboring the terribly controversial idea that Blizzard has a good thing going and it'd be financially, artistically and developmentally bankrupt to fuck up everything it has spent two decades iterating upon for the mere suggestion that a radically different version of WoW would usher in some kind of Renaissance for the genre. (A mere suggestion which always, curiously, is exactly whatever some random fuckwad on the internet is convinced is divine knowledge, known only to them.)

    That's not to say that there isn't merit in bad suggestions like the one posited in the OP. Just that almost every single person who legitimately wants an offline or single player version of WoW is just playing the wrong game. MMOs do not exist to perpetuate whatever imaginary social phobias or latent misanthropy players possess. I counter that MMOs exist in spite of these tendencies; and should therefore encourage people to become more sociable and less misanthropic. That's why I find the idea deeply offensive. Instead of allowing an MMO to tacitly improve a player's life, we're saying, "fuck it, guess everybody just hates having to acknowledge other people exist. Anyway, here's Wonderwall."

    Blizzard can do better than Wonderwall.
    Last edited by Relapses; 2025-01-11 at 09:29 PM. Reason: a words

  18. #98
    No. For me, the primary value of WoW is RP, which is inherently a social activity. I wouldn't play a single player WoW-like game.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardas View Post
    Good thing, then, that it's not about what you or me care about, but about what huge chunks of the playerbase are interested in.

    There is a lot of people who want an rpg with as much content and updated as regularly as wow, and there is simply no other options than playing wow as a single player game. If you see some alternatives, feel free to share the titles, I'm sure a lot of people would love to try them. In the meantime, let people play however they want and stop judging them based on their gaming tastes.
    If "huge chunks of the playerbase" want their MMO to be a single player game then I think it's about time Blizzard took lessons from our friends over at the CCP by starting to open re-education camps for these poor, hopelessly lost souls.

    Luckily, they already do this by placing most of the game's best rewards behind coordinated group play. Delves do at least provide the misanthropic masses you're referencing some kind of recompense, so in a way they're already satisfying that particular itch. I'm not sure if this appeals to the same "huge chunks of the playerbase" you mentioned but Blizzard would know better than anybody here and they aren't fully abandoning Delves so that suggests to me the feature is assisting with retention.

    Oh, and just in case it isn't clear: Neither you nor I have the faintest fucking idea what "huge chunks of the playerbase" want. I'm not arguing in support of never changing anything ever, though, I simply fail to see the point in developing a drastically different version of WoW which goes against almost all of the MMO genre's best principles on the notion that a single player MMORPG would be, like, totally sweet or something (as noted in my reply to @NineSpine).
    Last edited by Relapses; 2025-01-11 at 09:46 PM.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    I specify it's about team-based multiplayer being off. You could assume I meant that since I said multiple times in the OP 1 VS 1 PvP is in.

    It's my question and I don't need your permission the be the way I want but go on being passive aggressive if you want.
    Just pointing out you called the thread "Would you still play WoW if it was totally single-player?"
    And yes, it's your question.
    And no I wouldn't play it because it would be a shit MMO

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