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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by paxen View Post
    I approve of goblin silliness and this isn't offensive at all.

    Except that it's a pretty bad joke. I find that offensive. They could have done better!
    I find you're being offended offensive. Stop being offended, it offends me!

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    If you're somehow offended by this then somebody needs to change your diaper.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't think it's an homage to the John Wick movies at all. It's a simple coincidence. This is a pee joke. In a game rated T for Teen. Not even a completely lobotomized liberal could find a way to be offended by this, so my take is that if you are somehow finding a way to be offended, it's because you're one of the shoe sized IQ apes that will be mad at Blizzard regardless of what they do (or don't do).
    The fact that it is referred to as neutral grounds to all the different goblin cartels, kinda does suggest it being a homage to the hotel in John Wick as it serves the same function, of course it is possible to be both a homage and a pee joke at the same time.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Hellscream View Post
    The fact that it is referred to as neutral grounds to all the different goblin cartels, kinda does suggest it being a homage to the hotel in John Wick as it serves the same function, of course it is possible to be both a homage and a pee joke at the same time.
    Ah, figured it was a simple set-up and punchline. That does make it seem more like an homage to John Wick. It's not as if Blizzard are strangers to pulling from popular culture. A number of the Cataclysm revamp quests act like time capsules for 2010-era internet humor.

  4. #44
    I have yet to see anyone actually offended by it. All I see is pointing at imaginary people who, any minute now, will make a real fuss about how offensive it is.

    A WoW expansion without any poop joke would be incomplete. I don't read quests texts too deep anymore so I thought I missed the one in TWW.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I have yet to see anyone actually offended by it. All I see is pointing at imaginary people who, any minute now, will make a real fuss about how offensive it is.

    A WoW expansion without any poop joke would be incomplete. I don't read quests texts too deep anymore so I thought I missed the one in TWW.
    I saw a few people in the WH comments section beefing about it... they could've been trolls but with this community it's hard to be sure.

  6. #46
    To clarify, I am not offended by the joke here. I originally took it as just a goblin being stupid and basing the incontinent part literally because the goblin thinks that’s the correct meaning instead of intracontinental, and not the incontinence aspect. So, completely my bad on that. As stated, I am definitely not triggered by it, I think it’s funny if that is their intent, and was wondering where the poop joke of the xpac would be. This makes sense given Blizzard’s history.

  7. #47
    nice John Wick reference, although what player hub isn't there already a capital city in war within, maybe means like the npc area or something

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I have yet to see anyone actually offended by it. All I see is pointing at imaginary people who, any minute now, will make a real fuss about how offensive it is.

    A WoW expansion without any poop joke would be incomplete. I don't read quests texts too deep anymore so I thought I missed the one in TWW.
    I like how the game found the chance to not take itself too seriously. Then it makes people who do take things too seriously look like they're trying too hard. This game can be silly and parts of us like it for it.

  9. #49
    I see people fixating on the play on incontinence.
    But, is it not a play on being underground, inside a continent.

  10. #50
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    I think, imo, the problem is when you try to explain the job, the dialogue asking why the place is name like that was 100% unecessary and break any humor it had

  11. #51

    The Crimson Pack of Lunar Explosives Goblin On the Picture

    looks like is taking a piss straight on Azeroth. Is he an Incontinetal Hotel Employee too?

  12. #52
    Xal'atath was really just a goblin in disguise wanting to piss all over Azeroth... No one expected that plot twist.

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