Poll: Which is more fun for tanks?

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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Lochton View Post
    Tanking Raids, for me. More fun with mechanics, people have - in my experience - better attitude and vibe compared to people you may experience in M+.
    That's wild. Tanks don't have any mechanics in raids, raid tanking is literally the most boring dull thing you can do in this game. There is a reason no tanks ever want to do farm and they are the first people to lose motivation. Even on progress fights, you generally master the single tank mechanic (sometimes just a taunt swap) in the first 5 pulls and have to sit there for a hundred pulls more while the rest of the raid figures out how not to die.
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  2. #42
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakna View Post
    That's wild. Tanks don't have any mechanics in raids, raid tanking is literally the most boring dull thing you can do in this game. There is a reason no tanks ever want to do farm and they are the first people to lose motivation. Even on progress fights, you generally master the single tank mechanic (sometimes just a taunt swap) in the first 5 pulls and have to sit there for a hundred pulls more while the rest of the raid figures out how not to die.
    In my experience, the lack of Tanks are in M+, not Raiding. And honestly, no one can be bothered farming raids if not needed, that has been an issue for over a decade.
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  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Lochton View Post
    In my experience, the lack of Tanks are in M+, not Raiding. And honestly, no one can be bothered farming raids if not needed, that has been an issue for over a decade.
    That's just because you need vastly less tanks to raid compared to M+. It doesn't change the fact that tanks don't get to do anything fun in raids, we might get 1 interesting gimmick per tier if we are lucky, other than that it's just taunt on x and move boss. Raid tanking needs some serious innovation.
    Your persistence of vision does not come without great sacrifice. Let go of the tangible mass of your mind, it is only an illusion. There is no escape.. For the soul burns on everlasting encapsulated within infinite time. A thousand year journey at the blink of an eye... Humanity is dust..

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Felfaadaern Darkterror View Post
    Having a debate with someone about which tanks prefer. I know which *this* tank prefers, but they question whether my view represents most tanks.

    Which is more fun for you: tanking raids or tanking M+?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'll hold off on my answer so as not to bias the poll.
    ..any of those are fine with friends and shite with randoms.

  5. #45
    M+ by far.

    The Problem with Tanking Raids is, just many bosses are just like "Taunt at X stacks or after Boss casted Y". Sometimes you have unique Tank mechaniques, but most of the time you just stand there, doing low dmg and taunt when your addon says to.

    The first few Raidweeks are fun, because the bosses are new, you have no gear, so the chance to die if you dont use your defs smart and drop your mitigation is kinda high. But then you get gear, used to the bosses and then its become very very very very boring. Its like you play a DPS who taunts, but you dont do significant DMG. Even Mythic raids are mostly boring to tank, because the most wipe mechanics arent for tanks only. Most of the time DPS have to do something and if they fail you are like "Ok, not my fault, but again a wipe".

    In M+ you always struggle to survive, cause u always pushing higher keys, while you are forced to pull big chunks of adds, so you can make it intime.

    Tank Fun for me is all about surviving. If you dont run into hard encounter that can kill you its boring to play.

    And having high DPS cause you play some cheese talents/builds for that one specific pull isnt that much fun. Most Raidbosses are single target and you are always on the bottom of DPS ranking, if you dont have some really undergeared DPS in your group and/or DPS who just play bad. (No front).

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashana Darkmoon View Post
    My fav part is that healing contributes 15% of a healer's score.
    Naturally. Only DPS matters for every role.

  7. #47
    Bloodsail Admiral Kyux's Avatar
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    I don't like how M+ is constant action and rushed. Whereas with a raid you have a short bout of action with a predictable pattern. It's more about execution rather than speed (while ofc M+ has a large degree of execution, speed plays a major role).
    Quote Originally Posted by Akhlys View Post
    Once upon a time, boats were full of leaks. Now, our leaks are full of boats.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    hasn't really been iterated on for the entirety of the game's lifecycle.
    Objectively false. We went from one superior tank (vanilla, warrior) to BC's 'pallies are best because AOE', to having distinctly specialized tanks for certain damage types (magic damage = DKs), the vengeance/AP mechanic, and many other changes over the course of the game.

    You might not enjoy the role, but it's a fallacy to pretend that it hasn't changed.

  9. #49
    From my experience I think tanking dungeons is more fun than tanking raids, but I haven't mained a tank in a raiding guild which might change things a lot (since you would get to know your co-tank and form a partnership with them). But with a dungeon I'm 100% in control of what happens on the tank-front and I also have freedom to pull certain ways. If I do a raid I might get a co-tank who is not on my wavelength who might want to do things differently but even if you get a tank who is on your side, I find a lot of the fights just boil down to certain taunt-swaps and not a whole lot of juice to some of them in that area.

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