1. #1

    Season of Discovery - Tier Tokens to be added to Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor

    Season of Discovery - Tier Tokens to be added to Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    We’ve been extremely excited watching both existing players and brand new players level fresh characters in Season of Discovery these past several weeks since we made rune abilities purchasable on the Rune Broker.

    With Phase 7 coming up fairly soon, we’re looking at ways to help new player-characters get caught up and ready for this new content. The role-specific set bonuses are incredibly impactful in Season of Discovery and a large part of player power, so we’re making all eight Tier 1 set tokens, and the belt, bracers, boots, and glove tokens for Tier 2 available on the Tarnished Undermine Real Vendor. Prices will be as follows:

    • Tier 1 Wrists/Waist/Hands - 15 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Feet/Shoulders - 20 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 2 Chest/Legs/Head - 25 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 2 Wrists/Waist/Hands/Feet - 35 Tarnished Undermine Reals

    This should allow new and existing players catch up on the Tier 1 and Tier 2 set bonuses they might be missing in preparation for the new content.

    We do not want to totally invalidate older raid content. We currently have no plans to expand the raid equipment present on the Undermine Real vendor, and we’ve focused this change exclusively on giving newer characters access to set bonuses that may be critically impactful to their character progression.

    These will become available with scheduled weekly maintenance in each region.

  2. #2
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
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    This is an excellent addition. This will allow current player's alts and new players (or returning) to level-up and actually be geared enough to enter current content.

    Love me some SoD.

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