Is there anything new for Classic? And can you get the Pet and Mount again from last Time?
Is there anything new for Classic? And can you get the Pet and Mount again from last Time?
I still dont believe Venruki made a video complaining about how easy/fast is to get everything on the plundershop...and that there is no reason to play it for longer.
Wait...Towellie...Bellular...also agreeing with
I mean...sure..."progression" is really important in MMOs but is not the end-all-be-all for the genre.
In fact i think this mentality is a plague to the MMO genre, stopping devs from figuring new ways of "fun" to be had without being always rewarded constantly.
With that said...i still agree you should be able to do something with the extra plunder but it should be IMO something niche, not so important few gold or stuff to gear up your alts or something.
To be fair... things are much simpler this time around. You can play until you just buy the things you want, instead of grinding until you get to the renown you need like the previous one. So you could do 2-4 games to buy a mount and be done.
On top of that, it's much easier to get plunder, I'm playing just 2-3 games a day and I'm almost at the half-way amount of plunder needed to buy everything new in this event.
"Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
"You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
"They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...
No idea how the first one was but time to get what you want and "difficulty" I feel they nailed .. and they fucked up every single event in the recent years.
You do a few matches, get what you want or do some more to get everything. If you like it, play some more, if bored that's it. That's how a limited time event should work, not have your balls squeezed to grind a stupid chore.
It takes 3 hours or so to get all the stuff, it's way too fast. I understand wow has a lot of people that just play to get everything (why on earth would you do that?) but come on?
Uh, yes you are, maybe not if you lose all the games, but you get 2.5k-3.5k per game, you can crank out 10 games in 3 hours. We started (and finished) the very first day, and we didn't get playing until just before 22:00, we stopped around 1:30 and at that point we had everything. We also had a short break in there