The world is toxic...ofcourse so is world of warcraft.
Some environments are more toxic than others.
And i would be lying if i said i never raged in pvp chat....i do sometimes on a bad day. (nothing too aggressive ofcourse, never got banned)
Is just the nature of normal.
I only have one recent funny story.
In every Russian random BG premade i always /chicken emote the enemy premade team and spam it.
One day my random team got a single russian healer...and he /chicken me at the prep phase...
Useless to say...i got zero heals that BGi was mad but now im smiling a lot just thinking of the situation.
Im not racist, but man...i really hate russian premade in random BGs and always banter with friends how much i hate it.
Just playfull banter.
But man...full ass premades VS a group of randoms is not fair >_<