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  1. #101
    The world is toxic...ofcourse so is world of warcraft.

    Some environments are more toxic than others.
    And i would be lying if i said i never raged in pvp chat....i do sometimes on a bad day. (nothing too aggressive ofcourse, never got banned)
    Is just the nature of normal.

    I only have one recent funny story.
    In every Russian random BG premade i always /chicken emote the enemy premade team and spam it.
    One day my random team got a single russian healer...and he /chicken me at the prep phase...
    Useless to say...i got zero heals that BG i was mad but now im smiling a lot just thinking of the situation.

    Im not racist, but man...i really hate russian premade in random BGs and always banter with friends how much i hate it.
    Just playfull banter.
    But man...full ass premades VS a group of randoms is not fair >_<

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    frankly i have always had stance that if you encounter a lot of toxicity in wow you are the reason...
    most likely what happened: op behaved like dick, been called out for it, and instead of retrospection he went to cry on forum...
    This is mostly true, but there are certain sections that are more toxic than others, from my experience at least in 12-15 keys people are super nice and helpful even when stuff goes wrong, there isn't really any blaming and flaming going on because everyone has "lighthearted" expectations for that content.
    Meanwhile doing 2-5 keys on my alt, i think every other run has at least 1 moon sized ego flaming someone with his 2.1k rio main encyclopedic knowledge of the game, its so weird... Still, at least its not classic levels of toxic.

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