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  1. #21
    Pit Lord Alayea's Avatar
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    No, I don't think I will.

    Also, Bilzzard, a reminder that your incompetency screwed over some players last year and deleted the contents of their guild banks. You ghosted for a month afterwards -- despite knowing a couple days after the reports first flooded in what had caused the data loss -- just so you could craft the perfect weasel-worded non-apology that's every lawyer's dream, send only several items at best (which were made soul-bound after looting from the mailbox), and then silently tell those affected to bugger off and expect no compensation for your idiocy, just continue to fork over money as though nothing happened.

    How well do you think that would turn out for your reputation were it a different industry and told your clients/customers "sorry too much trouble to fix but please give money anyway"?
    Last edited by Alayea; 2025-01-14 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Its almost as if they put out a Chinese Zodiac themed mount around this time of year every year for the past several years. Weird.
    That and every patch we got as new shop mount for the past couple years

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    That and every patch we got as new shop mount for the past couple years
    That I won't deny but it just strikes me as silly to huff about a shop mount at this point of the year when they've done it for the last 8 or so years, roughly. Might as well moan about expansions releasing around the same time while you're at it.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    That I won't deny but it just strikes me as silly to huff about a shop mount at this point of the year when they've done it for the last 8 or so years, roughly. Might as well moan about expansions releasing around the same time while you're at it.
    Just pointing out its every patch now days

  5. #25
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alayea View Post
    No, I don't think I will.

    Also, Bilzzard, a reminder that your incompetency screwed over some players last year and deleted the contents of their guild banks. You ghosted for a month afterwards -- despite knowing a couple days after the reports first flooded in what had caused the data loss -- just so you could craft the perfect weasel-worded non-apology that's every lawyer's dream, send only several items at best (which were made soul-bound after looting from the mailbox), and then silently tell those affected to bugger off and expect no compensation for your idiocy, just continue to fork over money as though nothing happened.

    How well do you think that would turn out for your reputation were it a different industry and told your clients/customers "sorry too much trouble to fix but please give money anyway"?
    Out of curiosity, are you still paying and playing?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    New Patch new cash grab mount big shock
    Dude they release a new Lunar mount every year?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiark View Post
    bro literally EVERYTHING in the world that you can buy which you don't already own is basically a cash trap. I mean really all we need is a basic roof over our heads and food. Other than that it's just wants not needs. So are you mad at Best buy for TV's that you really don't need but look appealing? Or maybe Footlocker for stocking those shoes that are basically the same as ones you already have/had, but in a different color? Guess that's a cash trap too.
    Don't you dare to make sense

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alayea View Post

    How well do you think that would turn out for your reputation were it a different industry and told your clients/customers "sorry too much trouble to fix but please give money anyway"?
    Honestly, I think there are tons of companies getting away with some kind of crap...and worse than your bank thingy, but ofc they also have their customers who support the decisions, because they like the brand. I think the worst would be insurance companies, denying (valid) claims, any smartphone company playing their customers into buying a new phone every two years, because the new camera is slightly better and the battery lasts slightly longer, Lego is still making record money despite delivering bad product at insane prices...and last but not least, apparently Disney is still not out of business.

    That thing from the movie Fight Club about Motor companies after fatal accidents considering if a callback is cheaper or risking more deaths and paying if anyone sues them is apparently not made up...based on facts.

    Just some random shots in random directions. Does anyone remember what people jumping off roofs in Apple sweatshops did for Apple's reputation? Oh..that is right...I think close to zero. I know this is a video game forum, but the bank thing is kinda a tiny thing compared to the actual shit that companies get up to - hell...if only you brought up Blizzard's harrassment issues - and ... even that...anyone still giving a damn?

    (Now hit me with "Dude, just because there is worse shit out there, doesn't mean Blizzard should get away with the deletion of some pixels that were dear to people")
    Last edited by Just Passing through; 2025-01-14 at 10:34 PM.

  8. #28
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Well. That promotional image for the mount is borderline false advertising, because it makes it look like the snake would also slither on the ground like, y'know, an actual snake, but no. It's just uses the chinese dragon skeleton sans arms, so no slithering on the ground with it.

  9. #29
    Had to restart my battlenet cause of a update. When I did it had this ugly bastard cause I am already in a 6 month sub /sigh.

    I will just add the ugly bastard to some of my already ugly mounts.

  10. #30
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Can it fly though?
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by LemonDemonGirl View Post
    Can it fly though?

    So just for you, I tried the ugly bastard. IT DOES FLY.
    Be careful who you chat it up with here on these forums. If you are NOT for WoW and about WoW, people will report whatever you say and get you banned

  12. #32
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Well. That promotional image for the mount is borderline false advertising, because it makes it look like the snake would also slither on the ground like, y'know, an actual snake, but no. It's just uses the chinese dragon skeleton sans arms, so no slithering on the ground with it.
    Yeah, kinda a bummer. I actually think it looks cool but I was really hoping for a snake mount. I assumed it would have a similar flying animation to those when I saw it just based on the form, but I naively assumed it would have a snake-esque ground animation, so even though I dislike the chinese dragon flying animation I would have used it!

    Oh well. :shrug:

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  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    You need to pay for a 6 or 12 months sub just once to get it started. After that you can use gametime from token you paid for with gold to keep the sub running and get the mount every time.

    And Blizzard will love you if you do btw, this way they get €20 instead of €11 per month out of your subscription.
    WoW tokens are 1 month subs. So naturally it won't get you the 6 or 12 month sub bonus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alayea View Post
    How well do you think that would turn out for your reputation were it a different industry and told your clients/customers "sorry too much trouble to fix but please give money anyway"?
    Most companies get away with heinous shit all the time. Something like that wouldn't even be noticeable for most of them.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    WoW tokens are 1 month subs. So naturally it won't get you the 6 or 12 month sub bonus.
    All you need for the mount is an active 6/12 month sub. You need to start that sub with real money. You can then push the renewal date with gametime token bought with gold as far as you want. A sub is not cancelled when you redeem a gametime token.

  15. #35
    Anyone else thinks it looks kind of underwhelming? The blue water rabbit looks much more impressive in comparison

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by azuraji View Post
    Anyone else thinks it looks kind of underwhelming? The blue water rabbit looks much more impressive in comparison
    Just wait till next year.

    Because 2026 is the year of the...


  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Just wait till next year.

    Because 2026 is the year of the...

    I'd rather have a fire horse (2026) any day of the week than a wooden crappy snake

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