Thread: M+ Rework Idea

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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by enexa View Post
    Hi everyone, first post for me here. Every now and then I was reading in this forum already but never made an account. Now I have some ideas for mythic+ dungeons I thought would be interesting for you guys. I consider myself a casual player and my main holy paladin is now at 2,6k, KSH is where I usually stop playing, but I had experience up to 3,1k in late Dragonflight (all without addons because I like it very minimalistic). Please forgive my mediocre english, it may not be the best


    +Equalize gear much like in mists of pandaria challenge-mode-dungeons with the exception that you can still benefit from higher ilvl gear, just not too much (like in PVP, where all Players are now quite at same ilvl, but those with much better gear than others are still minimally higher in ilvl than the equalized standard set ilvl, so noone can overpower the dungeon with gear and all players are roughly the same. So now skillful execution of class gameplay/mechanics brings much more to the table than a higher ilvl gear which would now give only a small advantage.)

    +Leave death counter in place, remove the dungeon timer and have finite charges for BL and pots to avoid the problem of waiting for BL to come off cd between trashpacks (see below). Plus the higher your dungeon key, the less of deaths your group has "available".

    +Make all bosses have a soft or hard enrage timer to avoid degenerative gameplay behavior. no major time-pressure but rather a reward for playing clean.

    +Finite charges instead of cooldowns for pots and bloodlust.
    (EDIT: There is a cooldown of a few minutes after using one of the groupwide charges for BL, so you cannot chain-abuse it.)
    Remove the cooldown from pots (was 5mins) and bloodlust (was 10mins) and make it so that the Team can only use it a set amount of times in the dungeon as long as they are inside (for example: your Team can use bloodlust only 3x per dungeon (groupwide), and each Player can use pot only 5x per dungeon).
    this would give players the opportunity to play m+ dungeons without a toxic timer-pressure, no more meta bs, and at the same time keep up the challenge by having an increasingly difficult death counter and soft/hard enrages for bosses, plus this change would avoid degenerative gameplay (like super-long pausing between trash pulls).

    +Integrate some sort of puzzles or riddles to solve at the door in front of the last boss room just like in some open world quests or delves. nothing too hard, just for fun and flavour. you can opt out of this if you wish and open the door without solving the riddle, but solving it would give your team a minor tertiary (1%) leech buff for example. the door opens and your team can fight the final boss.

    +Remove depletion of keys. if it happens that some players are kidding around and leave, your key wont be downgraded.

    +No more affixes except some minor ones which are more there for season flavour but not for unneccessary additional cognitive load. like let the players play the dungeon and not the affix.

    +Make shorter but more frequent m+ seasons and adjust rating requirements for achievements accordingly. instead having 3 seaons in an Expansion, have 4 or 5, so players have more dungeon variety more often.

    +Bonus: Wotlk and Tbc dungeons for m+ available with appropriate adjustments to boss mechanics to modernize them a bit (Layouts are mostly fine imo).


    Do you like my rework or is there something you think is absolut garbage?
    I'd like to have a civil discussion about this topic. Thank you!
    For the most part these are some good suggestions, other than the puzzle-at-last-boss thing. Players would find a way to troll each other with it, like spamming the wrong solution etc.

    I genuinely think that Mists challenge mode-style dungeons would be better than the random affix stuff we see in M+, so I'm 100% on board with that.

    And I agree about depleting keys, that needs to go.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceMistakes View Post
    For the most part these are some good suggestions
    Meanwhile I think we'd be better off having some of these things incorporated into a seperate game mode (EDIT: to clarify; not totally seperate as of like "Plunderstorm", but rather another option to choose from in the difficulty menu). I'm thinking more of a mythic-0-style dungeon mode but at the difficulty level of about a M+10 with a few tweaks.

    Something that doesn't replace timed M+ as it is right now, but rather be complementary to it and offering players a different approach to a challenging dungeon experience.
    Last edited by enexa; 2025-01-21 at 11:22 AM.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by enexa View Post
    Meanwhile I think we'd be better off having some of these things incorporated into a seperate game mode (EDIT: to clarify; not totally seperate as of like "Plunderstorm", but rather another option to choose from in the difficulty menu). I'm thinking more of a mythic-0-style dungeon mode but at the difficulty level of about a M+10 with a few tweaks.

    Something that doesn't replace timed M+ as it is right now, but rather be complementary to it and offering players a different approach to a challenging dungeon experience.
    Works for me, because there are people who love M+ as it exists already.

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