Are you afraid of the dark? In Season of Discovery Phase 7, you’ll need to face your fears and go boldly into an all-new dungeon— Karazhan Crypts. Journey to famed ziggurat, Naxxramas, visit the Rune Brokers to purchase runes and rune-related discovery items, and face the Scourge as they invade Azeroth once more.
Key Dates:
- January 28:
- Karazhan Crypts Dungeon Opens
- Scourge Invasions Begins
- February 6 at 1:00 pm PST worldwide:
Fear the Darkness within Karazhan Crypts
Beginning with maintenance the week of January 28, an all-new dungeon— Karazhan Crypts— will make its debut. Work with your party to navigate through the shadows and face the dangers that lurk within, investigate puzzles, and uncover the secrets deep in the halls and cavernous tunnels .
- Where: Begin your journey toward attunement for Karazhan Crypts by visiting the Lights Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands to pick up the starting quest.
- What: Level 60, 5-Player Dungeon
- Lockout: 24 Hours
Designed to be a challenge for well-geared players, this dungeon will introduce a unique new “darkness” mechanic that will require players to group up and stay within the light if they want to avoid hidden hazards within . The rest is up to you to explore and discover.
Face the Scourge
The Scourge marches once more and the horrors which serve the Lich King have begun to seed the lands of Azeroth with the plague of undeath. Join with the Argent Dawn in this world event to put a stop to them. Unlike in previous iterations of the Scourge Invasion, there is no end in sight.
- Where: Eastern Plaguelands, Azshara, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Tanaris, Winterspring, major cities, and select dungeons.
Level 60 players can speak with the Argent Recruiter within your capital city to receive the quest,
Light’s Hope Chapel. These players can also undertake a variety of additional quests during this event that can be picked up in the major cities or from defeated Scourge invaders.
You’ll be tasked with investigating the Scourge activity within the major cities and thwarting invasions throughout Azeroth. Keep your eye on your map (M) to locate these hotspots of activity and put a stop to them.
In each invasion point, you’ll engage with rare undead who each have a chance to drop various helpful items. Additional foes can be found in the Dire Maul, Razorfen Downs, Scarlet Monastery, Scholomance, Shadowfang Keep, and Stratholme dungeons.
Along the way, you’ll collect Necrotic Runes, which can be used to purchase items during this event from Commander Thomas Helleran at Light’s Hope Chapel, including
Blessed Wizard Oil,
Consecrated Sharpening Stone, Major Healing and Major Mana Potions, and more.
Visit the Rune Brokers
Don’t forget to visit the Rune Brokers which can be found in each race’s starting zone and in every major city. You’ll be able to purchase all runes and rune-related discovery items for the low low price of one copper each! Please note that some runes for Druids, Paladins, and Shaman will continue to require players to equip a relic and perform certain actions before it can be created. The required relic is also available for purchase from the vendor.
Face the Terrors within Naxxramas February 6
Floating above the Plaguelands, the necropolis known as Naxxramas serves as the seat of one of the Lich King’s most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel’Thuzad. Horrors of the past and new terrors yet to be unleashed are gathering inside the necropolis as the Lich King’s servants prepare their assault.
Tuned for 20 players, you can venture into these hallowed halls with up to 40 players to take on the terrors within and reap the rewards with new mechanics and added “Empower” difficulty. You’ll discover Sanctified gear which can be improved with the new Seal of the Dawn trinket to take on the dangers in Naxxramas at the highest difficulty. Players will also receive more loot drops when a quarter is empowered, including new cosmetic items for your collection.
Within the Frostwyrm Lair, raid bosses Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad have more secrets to uncover when all bosses are defeated at their highest difficulty.
We can’t wait to see you (or not) in the dark depths of the Karazhan Crypts, the halls of Naxxramas, and anywhere danger takes you in Azeroth!