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  1. #41
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    NB and BE, yeah.
    this is like blaming humans for all things vyrkul done and doing even now
    back then they were same race: night elves, there was no 'blood elves' or even more accurate high elves (who are btw right now alliance not horde), and nightborn basically isolated themselves and didn't try to blow anyone or anything? so even blowing world that nelf did, nightborn (who back then were still night elf) literally can't be blamed for that, or anything for that matter, they just run away, at best u can blame them for hiding leaving world to be fucked, like how most human nations did during wc3 events
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    this is like blaming humans for all things vyrkul done and doing even now
    back then they were same race: night elves, there was no 'blood elves' or even more accurate high elves (who are btw right now alliance not horde), and nightborn basically isolated themselves and didn't try to blow anyone or anything? so even blowing world that nelf did, nightborn (who back then were still night elf) literally can't be blamed for that, or anything for that matter, they just run away, at best u can blame them for hiding leaving world to be fucked, like how most human nations did during wc3 events
    This implies elves are as short-lived and multigenerational as humans. Humans can't be blamed for actions of Vrykul because humans literally weren't alive yet.
    Some of the elves responsible for a lot of world breaking shit still alive and kicking or mutated in some way.
    Comparing human to vrykul is more like comparing elves to trolls

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    This implies elves are as short-lived and multigenerational as humans. Humans can't be blamed for actions of Vrykul because humans literally weren't alive yet.
    Some of the elves responsible for a lot of world breaking shit still alive and kicking or mutated in some way.
    Comparing human to vrykul is more like comparing elves to trolls
    Strangely enough, I have less problem blaming the Great Sundering on the night elves than the blood elves.

    Every type of playable elf is a descendant of people who fought against Azshara. The highborn chose to do it pretty late, but only the nagas and satyrs count the truly evil night elves in their rank (and in the case of nagas, there was also some mere servants who simply didn't escape in time).

    After that the night elves chose to become "guardians" of nature and Kalimdor in the worst way possible and with a long ass record of bad decisions and self serving initiatives, while the highborn fully owned that they wanted to keep doing magic and departed under the threat of death.

    They got back to the ancient tradition of stealing troll lands, while night elves watched other races struggle in the dust from the cover of their forests. I think that makes the both of them indubitably assholes.

    But I don't know. With the events of the Third war, I have more sympathy for the blood elves and high elves. Probably because their faults were acknowledged as such and because they lost close to everything, while night elves mostly lost immortality in Warcraft 3 and a monument of hubris in BFA.

    It's probably some "Warcrimes are fictional but my annoyment is real" type of deal.

  4. #44
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Gorefiend View Post
    This implies elves are as short-lived and multigenerational as humans. Humans can't be blamed for actions of Vrykul because humans literally weren't alive yet.
    Some of the elves responsible for a lot of world breaking shit still alive and kicking or mutated in some way.
    Comparing human to vrykul is more like comparing elves to trolls
    high elves have long life, but they die, at best someone grandpa of belf was alive during sundering, at worst we talk about lot of generations
    the only elves who are still alive and responsible of sundering are all night elves, even nightborn isolated themselves before sundering, if i remember right (and again, back then they were still night elves)
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  5. #45
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironhorn View Post
    Unfortunately it feels like Blizz is trying to make them just tiny green humans now. I hated the short story we just got which felt too much like a ham fisted workers rights lecture. I want my goblins to be overly insane, greedy, and explosive.
    That was common criticism they got when the short story dropped and I think they took that to heart. As they've been doing interviews and promo stuff for Undermine(d) they've put a lot of emphasis on wanting to make them more rounded as characters with more serious story elements while keeping the zany hyper-capitalist elements.

    I definitely hope they don't liberalize them, that'd be the most boring approach to "goblin socioeconomic reform."

    If they want to do it right, they need to make a faction of goblins that are anti-capitalist anarcho-punk revolutionaries. Leather jackets, safety pins, piercings, tattoos, mohawks, graffiti, civil disobedience would lend itself so well to the goblin aesthetic.

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