1. #1

    Question Delver's Bounty maps: have droprates changed?

    Since the weekly reset of the previous week - so Wednesday 8 January - I have run 4 tier 8 delves every day, total 36 delves on tier 8, and have not had a single Delver's Bounty map drop. Usually it is 3 per week, sometimes 4 when Zekvir breaches the delve.

    Anybody else experiencing this? Or has something about those maps changed perhaps?

    Getting desperate by now and not sure I should continue to run these delves. Any help much appreciated.

    (this is on the EU-Aszune server).

  2. #2
    I've experienced that almost every week. After almost 100 delves done I've had four bounties. Based on that I'm guessing that the map drop rate is 5%. If that is true then 0 out of 36 is somewhat unlucky but nothing out of ordinary.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Agricola View Post
    Anybody else experiencing this? Or has something about those maps changed perhaps?
    Patch 11.1 PTR - Delves Changes in Season 2
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    The Delve Map System

    In Season 1, you have a chance to find Delve Maps at the end of a run. These maps give you a large boost in rewards when used on another delve, including acquiring Gilded Crests. However, some people never found a map during their runs due to bad luck. Other players received multiple maps a week, followed by nothing for months.

    In Season 2 we’ll increase your chance to get a map with each run if you do not find one. We’ll also limit it so you can only earn one map a week.

  4. #4
    RNG, especially with so low drop rates is sometimes a bitch.
    IMO it's not something worth farming, more like a welcome bonus.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Agricola View Post
    Since the weekly reset of the previous week - so Wednesday 8 January - I have run 4 tier 8 delves every day, total 36 delves on tier 8, and have not had a single Delver's Bounty map drop. Usually it is 3 per week, sometimes 4 when Zekvir breaches the delve.

    Anybody else experiencing this? Or has something about those maps changed perhaps?

    Getting desperate by now and not sure I should continue to run these delves. Any help much appreciated.

    (this is on the EU-Aszune server).
    I was averaging 2 or 3 a week the first month or so of TWW, but after that they dried up. Didn't see one for weeks.

  6. #6
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agricola View Post
    Since the weekly reset of the previous week - so Wednesday 8 January - I have run 4 tier 8 delves every day, total 36 delves on tier 8, and have not had a single Delver's Bounty map drop. Usually it is 3 per week, sometimes 4 when Zekvir breaches the delve.

    Anybody else experiencing this? Or has something about those maps changed perhaps?
    I have done two bounties every day at the beginning of the expansion, on main and alts. I slowed down to 2 every 2-3 days since 11.0.5 hit.

    Since the expansion's launch up to now, I've only seen a grand total of four delve map drops for my entire account. I would say you getting and average of 3 maps per week was pretty darn lucky, from my experience.
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    I have done two bounties every day at the beginning of the expansion, on main and alts. I slowed down to 2 every 2-3 days since 11.0.5 hit.

    Since the expansion's launch up to now, I've only seen a grand total of four delve map drops for my entire account. I would say you getting and average of 3 maps per week was pretty darn lucky, from my experience.
    Judging also from other replies, I guess you are right! I'll count my blessings.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Throwme View Post
    [SIZE=3][B]Patch 11.1 PTR - Delves Changes in Season 2

    In Season 1, you have a chance to find Delve Maps at the end of a run. These maps give you a large boost in rewards when used on another delve, including acquiring Gilded Crests. However, some people never found a map during their runs due to bad luck. Other players received multiple maps a week, followed by nothing for months.

    In Season 2 we’ll increase your chance to get a map with each run if you do not find one. We’ll also limit it so you can only earn one map a week.[/blizzquote]
    I did not know that, thanks

    - - - Updated - - -

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dilbon View Post
    I've experienced that almost every week. After almost 100 delves done I've had four bounties. Based on that I'm guessing that the map drop rate is 5%. If that is true then 0 out of 36 is somewhat unlucky but nothing out of ordinary.

    It seems you are right, thanks.

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