Well how did them putting the mount in PvP workout. Did it make PvP more popular? No did not improve anything and neither will this. They moved from 14s m+ gear to 15s then 16s 18s now 20s that are now 10s they keep moving the goal post. If 1 person is getting 1 piece mythic gear a week who cares most of the time like it happened to me that last 2 weeks same gloves and trinkets in all 3 slots So I ran 16 dungeons got nothing .
Making another mount at that high rating is going to turn more people off more than people want to get it. Ill get it but i know at least 7 people said f it im not even going to bother because they keep moving the goal post. And its going to blow as a pug getting it. Blizz is stuck in this mindless loop where they keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome. And all this is going to do is make more god comps and other classes even more left out 40% of the high run keys are they same comps same specs. They are setting up to fail.
Personally not interested in any of them other than the M+ mount, but glad to see the game continue to churn out new and new-ish stuff. I am kinda concerned about the staying power of this patch, though. Undermine doesn't really feel like a big place, hope it doesn't go stale before 11.2
I just don't care anymore..stop it, don't stop it - when there were achievements for 100..200 even 500 mounts..I eventually got them, but now it is..whatever. Just with achievements itself. We are showered with them to a point that I am numb and have given up chasing anything - which I see as a good thing.
Yeah, I did get the Delvers achievement mount, Thrahyr or whatever the name is from Siren Isle and will get Siesbarg - because they do look sort of unique - but hard pass on anything now on the list. If it drops...fine. If not .. alo fine.
Transmogs are absolutely going that way as well atm...between recolors and bland...there are very few I chase. Usually class or armour type based ones.
The only thing insulting here is the level of entitlement you have. Christ man, it's a billion dollar game franchise. Do you want Ion Hazzikostas to fly you out to Irving for every patch?
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"I hate all these recolors"
>has 11 mounts total on their account