Questing through the zone, and actually reading the text that appears on your screen explains all of this. Quite early and quite clearly.
This is not an issue Horde players faced.
Your problem here is you're trying to assume that Blizzard does not want to emulate the Maw again with Hallowfall. It's clear they weren't trying to, so why even compare Hallowfall to the Maw? You're just assuming. Beledar shifting and changing the environemtn is no different than Fyrakk Assaults in Dragonflight, where it was akin to an event happening rather than a entire zone designed a certain way. Hallowfall was not designed to be like the Maw, so why try to compare and contrast the 2 negatively is ridiculous.2. i suspect it's out of fear for the backlash to the maw, but blizzard is clearly too afraid to ever make a zone dangerous in any ways, so the whole "giant crystal turns purple" gimmick is just stupid because all that happens in some rares spawn for a couple minutes, and the NPCs all look like idiots for having an entire culture dedicated to being petrified of this happening.
I agree, but I would have preferred Azj-Kahet this way or even Undermine coming up.i feel like hallowfall should have been this expansion's suramar - an end game zone you only get into at max level, and the beledar shift should be more frequent and for longer and make the zone deadly as shit but also the only way to access certain quests and such.
This reads as some random bar of expectations you had for the zone versus how it was even presented and implemented to begin with. The zone really wasn't built up to be anything you are criticizing it it is, the zone feels too much like some toothless edgelord nonsense because it's all aesthetics and no game play implications. is quick stuff to get one activity for the great vault ticked off on weeks, where I don't want loot, but just crests from the vault. Click 4 fires and off you go. Also 60k XP on alts if you pick the the quick activities (rescue 3 recruits, hose shit down, kill a named...that kind of stuff)
So yeah...even if this zone was fugly, I still like how fast you can get something done here...compared to ...say...the Nerubian zone, collect wax, machine maintenance etc...