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  1. #221
    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post

    people seem to like WoW and dislike your idea

    Go play other MMOs

    we won't miss you.
    Purely hate-based posts like that - "leave -> don't play ->we don't miss you" - are nothing you invented. It's the typical response I've been reading since the TBC years whenever someone had constructive criticism against the current implementation and die-hard fans of the current implementation felt threatened and couldn't answer with actual arguments on gameplay and resorted on personal attacks.

    The years went by and the "then don't play" followed another "then don't play" and yet another "then don't play" and guess what: people stopped playing: the game was eventually 10% of its players in a world of 10X more potential players.

    To say it plainly: throwing hateful "then don't play" are empty attacks that change nobody's mind and improve nothing in the game.

    If you want the betterment of the game you either criticize it or answer on criticism with actual on topic arguments.

  2. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    Plain MMOs are a wide category, and some of them have no grinds.

    It's MMORPGs that find it hard to not leech sub money with grinds.
    Which? Show me an actual MMORPG with absolutely zero grinds.

    And yes, before you start, the burden of proof is on you not me.
    Last edited by Smeeh; Yesterday at 12:05 PM.
    I'ts not just safe, it's 40% safe.

  3. #223
    The best "grind" was the sons of Hodir stuff.

    A bunch of dailies that you can use to level, and an optional thing that will get you there a lot quicker if you can be bothered to do it.

    A daily only "grind" like the Korthia shit that made me quit, is a waste of life. No grind needed to be that fucking long. The FFXIV ones where it's like three simple quests that are a minute each is far better. Stop trying to compete for hours of my time spent doing things that aren't fun, it's worth far more to me than subscription money.

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