But MM dont have pet skills anymore my dude, only growl and some little stuff like slow and slow fall, everything else is on the hunter already
The rework was literally to put all utility on the hunter.
Your question is answered by your own premise, why not get rid of it? because pet is a pocket tank/distraction for the enemy, why the fuck would get rid of it?And if the pet is just a pocket tank/distraction for the enemy. Why not get rid of it? if its only that for the that spec?
And that is something all hunters can do, so i dunno where is your "only for that spec" comes from.
all of then have their own toolkit that make then able to survive, the only thing HUNTERS have, is the pet, regardless of the spec, if druids have the forms and self healing, shaman have totens and elementals, priests have shield self heal, fear hunters have the pet.News flash....a lot of other dps also can get around with a pet to tank for them....mages, balance druids, priests, shamans ( okay they have a elemental once every so often).
Trying to balance MM to tank without a pet would basically be asking for another spec or class all together.
??? what close?Nope. But 2 of them are very close. again like mages. So they could have been more diverse.
You can just replace magic with something else, imagine reworking arcane to be melee and spellsword, get rid of most of magic, just to make it feel "unique", its nonsense.nope again, since you can already run hunter without the use of pets ( or with little help < like you yourself said). you can still dps with it.
Removing mages magic is like removing hunters pets AND weapons.
What are you even talking about, cant you quote the specific quote, so i know which part are you responding to?and what has removing a option of gameplay to do with me having a opinion? And sv still uses pets last time i checked so that makes 2.
Im not filling anything, im answering exactly what you wrote.But dude/lady really stop filling in things that are not there. several of your response are not related to what i said, or you fill in blanks that are not there , or say i say things that i did not say.
But thats a problem that is unrelated to opinions, MM have pets for 20 years, thinking they should not have, for giggles, just doesnt make sense, especially when MM already have the option to go with pets, or go without oneBut again, we disagree on if MM should have pets. You have your Opinion, i have mine.
Like, how someone opinion is that they should REMOVE the option, to play a spec, is beyond me