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  1. #81
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baskev View Post
    No, i do not say they have more time. Thats you putting words into my mouth. It would free up skills, they could remove all pet skills and replace them with gun/bow skills. Or other skills.
    But MM dont have pet skills anymore my dude, only growl and some little stuff like slow and slow fall, everything else is on the hunter already

    The rework was literally to put all utility on the hunter.

    And if the pet is just a pocket tank/distraction for the enemy. Why not get rid of it? if its only that for the that spec?
    Your question is answered by your own premise, why not get rid of it? because pet is a pocket tank/distraction for the enemy, why the fuck would get rid of it?

    And that is something all hunters can do, so i dunno where is your "only for that spec" comes from.

    News flash....a lot of other dps also can get around with a pet to tank for them....mages, balance druids, priests, shamans ( okay they have a elemental once every so often).
    all of then have their own toolkit that make then able to survive, the only thing HUNTERS have, is the pet, regardless of the spec, if druids have the forms and self healing, shaman have totens and elementals, priests have shield self heal, fear hunters have the pet.

    Trying to balance MM to tank without a pet would basically be asking for another spec or class all together.

    Nope. But 2 of them are very close. again like mages. So they could have been more diverse.
    ??? what close?
    nope again, since you can already run hunter without the use of pets ( or with little help < like you yourself said). you can still dps with it.
    Removing mages magic is like removing hunters pets AND weapons.
    You can just replace magic with something else, imagine reworking arcane to be melee and spellsword, get rid of most of magic, just to make it feel "unique", its nonsense.

    and what has removing a option of gameplay to do with me having a opinion? And sv still uses pets last time i checked so that makes 2.
    What are you even talking about, cant you quote the specific quote, so i know which part are you responding to?

    But dude/lady really stop filling in things that are not there. several of your response are not related to what i said, or you fill in blanks that are not there , or say i say things that i did not say.
    Im not filling anything, im answering exactly what you wrote.

    But again, we disagree on if MM should have pets. You have your Opinion, i have mine.
    But thats a problem that is unrelated to opinions, MM have pets for 20 years, thinking they should not have, for giggles, just doesnt make sense, especially when MM already have the option to go with pets, or go without one

    Like, how someone opinion is that they should REMOVE the option, to play a spec, is beyond me

  2. #82
    A new class would work better.

    Ranger Class, specs;-
    Archer, classic bow n arrow fantasy, ranged dos
    Gunslinger, dual wield pistols, ranged dps
    Enforcer, one hand sword, one pistol, range/melee hybrid
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  3. #83
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    If Blizz wants to add another class that is rdps with a bow, gun, or crossbow and doesn’t use pets, they can absolutely do that. They’d can do so with a bard class, tinker, and I’m sure there are others.
    a ranged bow/gun using bard seems weird
    but a tinker can fit ranged slot with guns
    i think we need better classes to fit ranged physical dps without pet, gunslinger fit it really well but still u stuck to guns
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    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  4. #84
    New Talent on the PTR

    Unbreakable Bond – Regain access to Call Pet. While outdoors, your pet deals 15% increased damage and takes 15% reduced damage.

    A great compromise imo. Didn't see Blizzard doing a change like this, credit where its due.

    Wait, hang on, I am too positive. It's definitely going to be something messy with pet tuning :-)
    Last edited by Doffen; 2025-01-23 at 06:30 PM.
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  5. #85
    I don't really understand why some are so against keeping the pet. It's mostly a great tool when for levelling since hunters have very few ways to regen health unlike other classes (except rogues, they were by far the worst of all classes when I levelled every single class to to 80.

    I also don't understand why blizz has such a hard time balancing it. I think a lot of people that like having access to the pet for solo content are okay with not using it in groups setup. I don't understand what makes it so hard for them to just have lone wolf or the new talent thingy be baseline? You got a pet out? Ok so it does this amount of DMG. You don't? Here's some abilities that are buffed or just blanket 10% DMG increase...

    Like, I genuinely don't get it, pet doesn't need to be competitive, I would not mind at all if I did 5% less DPS to make up for having a tank with me... it's so simple yet this is the second time they try to take the pet away from MM?

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    Close. MM has their own built in lust now, and a talent that picks the owl specialization between Tenacity (5% extra health and 3% DR), or Cunning (Master’s Call and movement speed increase).
    Think we’re still waiting to see if the pet with the talent gets a specialization. If it does, that is most likely an oversight as it gives them too much utility over the other 2 specs.
    True enough.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SL1200 View Post
    If you took the pet from survival would it even be a hunter anymore? I don't think so.
    Only way I'd ever play survival is if they let you dual wield two 1h weapons....

  7. #87
    I would like there to be no talent to have a pet or not. When in group the pet does 0 damage. People can have their pets out or not for cosmetic reasons. Solo the pet gives the hunter a 15% damage debuff. Problems solved.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nizah View Post
    why so mad bro

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by iindigo View Post

    There probably should be some place for regular/magic archers in WoW, but it doesn’t need to come at the cost of classic Marksmanship. Add a new hunter spec or create a whole new class. Yeah there will be overlap, but if overlap were a disqualification over half the specs in the game wouldn’t exist.
    keep in mind the legion marks quest completely revolved around the windrunners. It is clearly meant to be "their" spec. And they do not use pets.

    Idk why people are complaining though, this seems to fix the issue. Use a pet when solo, ditch it in real content
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  9. #89
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    I would like there to be no talent to have a pet or not. When in group the pet does 0 damage. People can have their pets out or not for cosmetic reasons. Solo the pet gives the hunter a 15% damage debuff. Problems solved.
    Thats completely nonsensical and not necessary, just dont use if you dont like, trying to fuck over other people game is just bad

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Thats completely nonsensical and not necessary, just dont use if you dont like, trying to fuck over other people game is just bad
    Explain how it's fucking over other people when it's Blizzards design goal for MM to be a petless spec? It solves balance and it gives a cost to having a pet in the world without forcing people to spec in and then out depending on what they are doing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nizah View Post
    why so mad bro

  11. #91
    Banned Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by munkeyinorbit View Post
    Explain how it's fucking over other peoplewhen it's Blizzards design goal for MM to be a petless spec?
    Because its removing a playstyle that people like/depends, which is having a pet as MM, isnt that just obvious?

    It solves balance
    It doesnt
    and it gives a cost to having a pet in the world without forcing people to spec in and then out depending on what they are doing.
    right now there is no cost and its not forced, there is no reason to change

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