Seeing all the cool mecha mounts and gadget transmog coming up with the Cartel Renown in Undermine had me wish for similar content, but in a more Gnomish/Titan aesthetic and that made me wish for some Mimiron/Mechagnome line of Renown in the future, possibly The Last Titan, if it all starts in Ulduar.
So now I'm making this thread on what Renown and factions you would see coming in the next two expansions, and I'm starting with my own wishlist.
Sun Court
Similar to the Dornogal Council, I imagine a Renown line related to the officials of Quel'thalas (Lor'themar, Rommath, someone with blue eyes for parity I suppose) and whose contribution would be to make us discover the first zone.
Minigame/Event : Poetry slams with the sindorei. Similar to the Theater Troupe of Dornogal, you prepare the event and then participate with some dialog choices to impress the audience.
Rewards : The most colorful strider and flying carpet, some fancy sindorei pieces of armor.
Sunreavers / Silver Covenant
I know the faction conflict is a thing of the past (for now), but maybe we could get some remnant of it if these two were faction specific. There’s a chance we will see them in Midnight after all, although I don’t know in what form.
Minigame/Event : Since these two factions originate from Wotlk, another nice callback to their rivalry would be the Tournament.
Rewards : They'd provide mostly the same things, but always with their faction’s color. Some chargers and dragonhawks would be cool. I’m looking forward to new dragonhawk models, actually.
These would be mostly about the Farstriders and Rangers. The political turmoil of Quel’thalas doesn’t reach them, except help doesn’t either. They are mostly focused on healing the Ghostlands, probably with the help of the Forsaken and maybe some Argent emissaries from the Plaguelands.
Minigame/Event : Patrols in the Dead Scar to fight whatever remains of the Scourge and purify the ground. This could lead to gathering little resources to start more quests, similar to the Hallowfall farms event, or simply to buy rewards.
Rewards : If the arathi lynxes are a callback to their elven origins, then I think it would be cool for a faction of Quel’thalas to have their own. I don’t know what a good flying mount could be for them if not another HD dragonhawk.
Shattered Sun
Assuming Quel’danas is its own zone and not part of the base one, I would love to see the Shattered Sun draenei and elf initiative again. If the Sunwell is threatened again, perhaps even Velen could be there. Seeing both the Lightforged and the Void elves somehow would be fun too.
Minigame/Event : I don’t know what is planned for the Sunwell, but defending it from waves of enemies seems appropriate. Since we can expect the Void, tracking down the points where they come from and closing their portals would make sense too.
Rewards : Some sindorei ornamented elekk and a draenei ornamented strider ? I’d be curious to see that. Also a flying platform, mixture of draenei and sindorei arcane arts. HD reworks of the Sunwell raid and Magisters' Terrace weapons would be cool to grab during the event.
Amani Tribe
Assuming we don’t get the whole Amani Tribe as dumb corrupted antagonists, I’d like to pick up their story back where we left it. See some of Zul’jin legacy, meeting back with the loa, get Talanji involved, etc.
Minigame/Event : Something revolving around their Loa. Various challenges for various bonuses and rewards. Maybe a pact system like with the nerubian leaders.
Rewards : I guess a HD amani bear would be cool. Some flying mounts could be tied to Akil’jun or Jan’alai, or it could simply be a bat. And of course it’s been a minute since we didn’t get some new Troll armor and weapon models.
-The Last Titan-
I imagine each of the first Renown lines would be about the Keepers, their quarters and their preferred Titanforged. That is assuming the first zones of the expansion really are Ulduar and not the whole Northrend. I'm not really a believer of a full Northrend revamp and Ulduar has been shown to be absolutely massive outside and inside the complex, so this is what I'm going for.
His content could revolve around his workshop and the mechagnomes. Keeping the machines up and running, protecting them from invaders, surviving Mekkatorque and Erazmin shenanigans (or even worse, Overspark and Manastorm schemes), etc.
Minigame/Event : Something similar to the Machine Awakening in the Ringing Depths, like repairing the Tram while it’s attacked by rampaging robots. Or something inspired by Mimiron’s encounter, where we test his newest inventions in combat !
Rewards : Since that was the starting point of the thread, I would love to see things similar to the ones in Undermine. Jet-pack and battery cloaks, generators and force-field generators, etc. Mounts could include some spider-tank with a more Titan design and a mecha that feels gnomish.
This line would be about Thorim and his relations to the vrykuls and dwarves. Maybe he'd still be grieving Sif and Loken, while dealing with the consequences of Loken’s treason and the legions of iron dwarves, vrykuls and giants he created.
Minigame/Event : Perhaps some hunting parties with Hati and Skoll. Hunting the enemies of Ulduar, that is.
Rewards : Armor pieces with lightning effects ? Hammers ? Mounts could include a stormwolf and a non customizable version of the stormrook, for those who didn't pay TWW's collector edition.
There are several types of giants in Northrend and we know very little of them. Maybe Hodir's content would be about the Sons of Hodir looking for the help of their brethren.
Minigame/Event : Perhaps a callback to what happened to him in Legion and how he’s dealing with the corruption. We’d take some time to purge him from Fel and blast some felfire elementals. Or something lighthearted where we dance with giants (and avoid getting stomped).
Rewards : I'm not sure how much a Giant mount is possible, but I could see us using a giant as a means of transportation inside Ulduar ! I think rewards should also include a huge ice club at least. I kind of want to see the small tools of the giants being used as 2H weapons by our characters. Some polar bear and maybe an eagle would be neat as a mount, even though these creatures were seen used by the Frostborn Dwarves.
I guess this could explore her relations with Nature, the Dream and the green dragonflight. We could learn more about Eonar, Elune and their relationship over a tree. Also, her gardens were already one of the biggest parts of Ulduar in the raid, so I guess this could be huge.
Minigame/Event : I don’t know, we could pick up acorns from a world tree. That would set the night elf storyline for at least ten years. Or maybe a mission where we are sent to Sholazar to help our old friends. After all, we did get visions of the Frenzyheart and Oracle orphans in the future.
Rewards : So, remember that cat lady that we kill and who screams a lot ? How about we get her cats as a mount now ? No idea what a flying mount could be for her renown. Maybe another kind of faedrake ? A flower dragon ?
This is again assuming he doesn't come back as an antagonist (I know there are people who want that), I could see Odyn having his own Renown line in a patch or something.
Minigame/Event : I’m sure Odyn would be all about making us fight his goons in an arena. It would go crescendo : mortal rivals, vrykuls, valarjar, val’kyr, up to the guy himself.
Rewards : More Titanforged weapons and armors. A val’kyr as a means of transportation. A stormcrow flying mount and why not an eight-legged horse (a nightmare for the animators probably).