1. #1

    Question Is this something or not ?

    I just looked again at the BlizzCon 2023 World Soul Saga announcement, and when Chris Metzen speaks, there is a background image. When you look at it (you must zoom a little), there are 3 circles. The outer circle has icons with class/spec images, the second has playable race icons, and the third circle is with empty cells.

    It looks similar to Azerite armor (a totally failed system) or Path of the Titans (feature) that was announced as a Cataclysm feature but was then canceled.

    Do you think it means some race/class customization or something else, or is it just "an ordinary WoW presentation image"?

  2. #2
    "Sir, I think I see something in the bottom right quadrant of Chris Metzen's BlizzCon 2023 announcement slide."

    No! It can't be! Zoom in...

    "Sir, I think it might be..."


    "Holy shit, sir, I think you just confir-"

    Enhance even more, God damnit!

    "Sir, our software can't handl-"

    Did you hear me, dipshit?! I said ENHANCE!

    "Um... okay. Here it goes!"

    ::the machine roars as the sound of keyboard typing intensifies::

    ::after a tense thirty seconds, the image on the screen becomes crystal clear::

    ...my God, kid.

    It's true! They're going to nerf Mages in 13.0!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    "Sir, I think I see something in the bottom right quadrant of Chris Metzen's BlizzCon 2023 announcement slide."

    No! It can't be! Zoom in...

    "Sir, I think it might be..."


    "Holy shit, sir, I think you just confir-"

    Enhance even more, God damnit!

    "Sir, our software can't handl-"

    Did you hear me, dipshit?! I said ENHANCE!

    "Um... okay. Here it goes!"

    ::the machine roars as the sound of keyboard typing intensifies::

    ::after a tense thirty seconds, the image on the screen becomes crystal clear::

    ...my God, kid.

    It's true! They're going to nerf Mages in 13.0!

  4. #4
    do you have a link to the image?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by alex wolf View Post
    do you have a link to the image?
    cant link image (because mmo-champion forum rules), but when you look at the video at youtube: BlizzCon | Opening Ceremony | World of Warcraft at 13:01.

    There it is

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benno6 View Post
    cant link image (because mmo-champion forum rules), but when you look at the video at youtube: BlizzCon | Opening Ceremony | World of Warcraft at 13:01.

    There it is
    Titan Runes maybe?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    Titan Runes maybe?
    Maybe, thats a good point. But I really wish it will be some race+class customization :P

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Benno6 View Post
    Here is the image
    Well, what are you talking about? I don't see.

  10. #10
    There seems to be 13 circles which probably represents the 13 classes in game, which makes sense since the other circles represents specs and races.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enteroctopus Magnificus View Post
    Well, what are you talking about? I don't see.
    he's talking about the outer circle. so we've got classes on the inner one, specs on the middle one and what looks like titan runes on the outer one. could be something, could also be nothing

  12. #12
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benno6 View Post

    Here is the image
    Pretty sure they were using that as an interstitial video between every segment. Just a fancy graphic showing all the classes and specs arranged in a wheel.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    "Sir, I think I see something in the bottom right quadrant of Chris Metzen's BlizzCon 2023 announcement slide."

    No! It can't be! Zoom in...

    "Sir, I think it might be..."


    "Holy shit, sir, I think you just confir-"

    Enhance even more, God damnit!

    "Sir, our software can't handl-"

    Did you hear me, dipshit?! I said ENHANCE!

    "Um... okay. Here it goes!"

    ::the machine roars as the sound of keyboard typing intensifies::

    ::after a tense thirty seconds, the image on the screen becomes crystal clear::

    ...my God, kid.

    It's true! They're going to nerf Mages in 13.0!
    You inspired me -

  14. #14
    It could be the Path of the Titans feature, a scrapped feature for Cataclysm, for The Last Titan.

    "The system would have been tightly related to the profession of archaeology and was integrated with the glyph interface. Players would have been able to join cults dedicated to various Titans and, by following in the path of a titan, would be able to unlock a new type of glyph known as an ancient glyph, which would have been completely unrelated to the inscription profession."

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    he's talking about the outer circle. so we've got classes on the inner one, specs on the middle one and what looks like titan runes on the outer one. could be something, could also be nothing
    the outer circle seems to be the logo of "The Last Titan" expansion, at least the coloring, because the letters probably were in the other expansions too

  16. #16
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
    Will be interesting if much of the speculation around the usage of runes by the titans (on their stasis prisons, Sargeras' armor) and their connection to Domination magic (also using similar runes) begins to hold true.

    I know Pyromancer likes to muse about Eonar (and lately, Norgannon) being evil masterminds behind a lot of the Warcraft universe's woes, and he likes to claim that Sargeras was Dominated (à la Anduin by the Jailer) to be the bad guy he is, so the universe has a scapegoat... with Eonar and Norgannon being the masterminds.

    Also he believes the Primus is the true Jailer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I have it on good authority that this isn't what Jesus would do.

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