Quote Originally Posted by nvaelz View Post
Why did premades become a problem? The game changed in its balancing.
It was about the same time attacking 2 players in open world became difficult, no matter skill representation.

I call it "Big Button Gameplay" whereas you as a player press big button that autoplays the game for you. When this was introduced in Shadowlands, premades became so much more toxic. Continuing into Dragonflight where it became even worse because the "Big Button Gameplay" was enhanced in Dragonflight.

Now in The War Within, which is a less "enhanced" version of Dragonflight, premades feel less toxic than in Dragonflight, but more toxic than in Shadowlands.

And I promise you,
A large precentile of players that think "There are more premades now so that's why" and this is the single level plane they think on, is wrong. Because previous to Shadowlands, in Classic until BFA we as solo players had more kill potential in our characters, from the time where if you didn't fakecast or if you didn't react strongly with a healer class you lost,

Just look at the ability Rapture, it's a 30 second duration immortality button that only gets negated by Dampening, In Legion you had to cast constantly to survive, you had to change school if you got kicked, you had to play well, playing well with a button like Rapture is pressing it, and the time we have to press it is several GCDs, even a very old person can manage to press that button in time.

Consistently playing 2v2 is facing Big Button Gameplay Discipline priests 90% of games, since the game is all about locking down in CC chains to press Big Button Gameplay offensive CD rotations into players that means there's no real pressure it's all scripted,

Which brings me to another point, double DPS needing to do extreme setups with CC chains while autistically outplaying defensively against 1 Big Button Gameplay healers,
Which is so funny because Blizzard nerfed CCs so that players could not just scripted CC chain into wins as easily anymore, but at the same time they made double DPS be all about scripted CC chains, so it's a double nerf if you get it.

Since you NEED synergy with your partner in 2v2, if you play double dps, it demands that both players are participating in delivering consistent CC chains several times in a match most likely definitely the higher rating things go, you can surely manage to 1tap CC chain into a win, but the moment the Big Button Healer starts pressing Rapture in the first 5 seconds of a match it's no longer a 1CCrotationSituation.

But this is about Battlegrounds, since we need EACHOTHER so badly to win, what happens is premades have eachother, you'll have 2 mediocre or better healers, you'll have a 3-4 decent DPS or better, you'll do extremely well as an average gamer if you manage the powerlevel of your group,

Because, most players are terrible at the game, so premades having average+ gamers in it is like being in the top 10% of the playerbase,

So, into my point trying to make people understand what's made premades so toxic, and it's a personal point, it's not a brag, it's a self-referencing story.

When Shadowlands released, my sunny disposition toward Battlegrounds was shattered.
I played all Legion, all BFA, I enjoyed solo queueing battlegrounds so much, and I felt and experienced the potential of my own gameplay and the learning curve was there, it always felt like I had options to improve to play better, to try to get ahead of multiple opponents at the same time,

Ofcourse I'm not superhuman XD I would lose often, but there was this back-of-my-mind feeling that I could overcome odds, and there was always a point to struggle to improve.

And here's real realest point but you won't get it if you skipped my story,
When Shadowlands was released my experience facing premades changed in a week, I remember having fun solo queueing battlegrounds in last week of BFA, and I remember facing the same players that I thought were bad now having insane capabilities just based on their enhanced Big Button buffs Blizzard implremented with Shadowlands, I no longer enjoyed solo queueing battlegrounds from the very first week of Shadowlands, it was not a cultural shift, but a cultural shift that was completely piloted by Blizzard stupid gamedesign decisions that inferiorated everything about WoW combat mechanics,

I enjoy that gearing is more streamlined, it just took them several years to fix the small easily fixable QoL changes but that's Blizzard feels like they don't really sort deep issues with the game and their updates, they just don't care about the product like I do. They care about selling it.

Sure we can be realistic and not believe lessons from the past will ever be learned.
We can assume that the Big Button Gameplay will still exist in it's current form and probably never touch ground with what made Classic > BFA great in it's combat mechanics, and how do Blizzard fix the game then?

It's already fixed, it's what we have now, Solo Shuffle, Solo Blitz, M+, all fragmented minigames within a dead space of a game called WoW 2.0 the Lobby game, where the world is all about collecting cosmetics that are tied to the subbait Trading Post.

Final note, World PVPing, let me try to make this extremely concise
Attacking 1 player feels great, 1v1 feels amazing in TWW, we combo our offensive CD ramp, they defensive, we outplay with defensive/cc, then we win. Like a trading game.

Attacking 2 players feels horrible, experiencing their lack of skill and they still win because, you can't trade CDs with 2 players, you attack 1 player with ur CD rotation, they press defensive, they both offensive CD on you, you HAVE TO press your own defensive, after that you lose because you can't outplay their remaining defensive with your lack of offensive, you can't outlast their offensive because your lack of defensive,

The only time you win 1v2s which is rare and still feels bad, is only because they're literally afk or don't even try,

And this is why premades are so toxic, because solo player power is so nerfed 1vX.
Don't complain this is for you, go play solo blitz or solo shuffle, or epic bgs maybe, just avoid random bgs, it's dead content now in the new combat mechanics of the game, but I promise you, personally, if they ever unfk combat mechanics, I'll stomp on these trash players(that only premade)s lowtier faces and reminisce on how they've been carried by Blizzard awful game design so far, it's undeserved how bad this game is, it's good for subbait it's good for bad players to feel good at the game,

Subscription count, because if the game is visceral and real in its skill representation then bad players get deleted out of subscription, that's the game WoW is, it feels bad being dominated by someone stronger, when you feel like you have no chance, so yeah feel good about being stomped and ltierally having no chance, against average scrubby premades that just outplay you on Blizzard intended gameplay plan, (Teamwork).
No, not really.