Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
I'd say it varies a lot? I liked Molten Front myself but people generally did not. Isle of Thunder is superb. Then WoD did not really have a middle just a start and end. With Legion it is technically the Broken Shore which was a disaster. BfA had TWO and I felt both were solid and complementary. Korthia is the worst zone added in a patch and Zaralek is not much better. So I think it is a toss so let's hope Undermine does what it needs to.
Everytime i read criticism about SL i get so sad, because the addon was so promesing to me. Its like WoD, that got cut down so hard, because of some trouble in the background and couldnt be what the devs had in mind. Like korthia had to be bigger, every covenant should have different questlines etc.