1. #1

    Cataclysm Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns for a Limited Time

    Cataclysm Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns for a Limited Time
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    The time to strike at Ragnaros the Firelord is now as you prepare for what challenges lurk ahead in Cataclysm Classic. For all stalwart champions beginning a new journey or continuing their odyssey in Azeroth, take advantage of the Joyous Journeys experience buff which increases experience gains by 50% for all players up to level 85!

    Finish leveling a character, create a new one, or invite friends to join you in Cataclysm Classic. The buff is active by default, but you can visit any innkeeper in the capital cities and Dalaran to turn it off or on again.

    Take advantage of the Joyous Journey’s experience buff now until the next major Cataclysm Classic content update. It’s an excellent opportunity for new and returning players to level up and join in the fight— for Azeroth!

    *Experience buff not available in modern World of Warcraft®, World of Warcraft® Classic Era, Season of Discovery, or WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms.

  2. #2
    The 5 people playing classic will love this

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Megarichkid View Post
    The 5 people playing classic will love this
    127k Cata
    68k SoD
    53k Anniversary
    10k Era

    And this is only from the Raid Logs.

  4. #4
    Legendary! SinR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megarichkid View Post
    The 5 people playing classic will love this
    Nah we all got everything at 85 already.

    Waiting for Monks now
    We're all newbs, some are just more newbier than others.

    Just a burned out hardcore raider turned casual.
    I'm tired. So very tired. Can I just lay my head on your lap and fall asleep?

  5. #5
    cata classic already has the late mop xp table which is way too fast. Quests quickly turn green and gray, making an already trivial leveling experience downright braindead.

    It's clear that this is where leveling stopped being fun in wow, and it's downhill from here...

  6. #6
    it was never fun and always a chore. Such is the way of theme park mmos. It was always meant to funnel you to raiding thats where the game is.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by dandan View Post
    It's clear that this is where leveling stopped being fun in wow, and it's downhill from here...
    Can confirm leveling was never fun including in Vanilla

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by supermany2 View Post
    127k Cata
    68k SoD
    53k Anniversary
    10k Era

    And this is only from the Raid Logs.
    Fax the fax. People have no clue how healthy the games are. And we got 38 million registered characters, for mythic+ alone on Retail. Just had to put it out there for the people. Very much active, all of the versions.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nzx View Post
    Can confirm leveling was never fun including in Vanilla
    Can confirm opinions are subjectives.
    MMO Champs :

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kingj56 View Post
    It was always meant to funnel you to raiding thats where the game is.
    This is completely false. Early on wow barely had an endgame to speak of. MC wasn't even finished when the game shipped.

    But sure, let's rush all that "boring" grind of xp, quests and dungeons so we can quickly get to the end game and... grind reputation, daily quests and heroic dungeons

  11. #11
    Over 9000!
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    Quote Originally Posted by dandan View Post
    cata classic already has the late mop xp table which is way too fast. Quests quickly turn green and gray, making an already trivial leveling experience downright braindead.

    It's clear that this is where leveling stopped being fun in wow, and it's downhill from here...
    you can switch the buff off if you don't want it.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    you can switch the buff off if you don't want it.
    I know I can switch it off, I was just wondering why it was deemed necessary when leveling is already so game breaking fast in cata classic.

    I mean, if leveling is to be seen by the devs just as some crap you need to get out of the way ASAP rather than content that should be enjoyed, why not make it so you start at max level? What would be lost?
    Last edited by dandan; 2025-01-23 at 03:10 PM.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dandan View Post
    It's clear that this is where leveling stopped being fun in wow, and it's downhill from here...
    Levelling was never fun, it started off as a boring, grindy auto attack/sat drinking fiesta, where you either spammed one button or pressed 1 button every ~9 seconds. Don't even get me started on RNG resist/miss/avoids that had absolutely nothing to do with skill.

    Quote Originally Posted by dandan View Post
    I know I can switch it off, I was just wondering why it was deemed necessary when leveling is already so game breaking fast in cata classic.

    I mean, if leveling is to be seen by the devs just as some crap you need to get out of the way ASAP rather than content that should be enjoyed, why not make it so you start at max level? What would be lost?
    People have levelled and "enjoyed" that content countless times, for those who just want to get to the new expansion or re-roll another alt, this makes life easier. Doesn't matter how fast it is, it can always be faster for people who have done it so many times already. Why would I want to waste hours just to get ready to play MoP when I could be playing other games? I'd be more than happy to skip straight to current max, but that's not likely to happen.

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