1. #1

    Building Community

    What are some of your ideas to build more community to the game?

    Me maybe make more content like the Isle of Quel'danas where the community progress the world. Only this time the community have to maintain the progress cause they can lose it npc enemies or even the other faction.
    Last edited by Sauredfangs; 2025-01-22 at 05:20 PM.
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  2. #2
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauredfangs View Post
    What are you're ideas to build more community to the game?

    Me maybe make more content like the Isle of Quel'danas where the community progress the world. Only this time the community have to maintain the progress cause they can lose it npc enemies or even the other faction.
    Hard to do Quel'Danas style zone progress with cross-realm and cross-faction world content. Retail already has something similar now, live, with the Siren Isle and similar.

    I believe retail has a lot that offers community engagement. The problem is the players who do not care for it, and there is a majority of them. The moment Blizzard creates forced community engagement is the moment they receive a shit ton of backlash for making players have to rely on each other to accomplish things. There is already enough content in the game that requires community engagement even on a minimum scale.

    When you speak about "building" community, I read that as things that inspire people to engage with each other in a more positive sense. Even things like the soup event in DF (and its theater world quest counterpart in the Isle of Dorn).

    Also, the Quel'Danas example you gave: I would argue that is not a good example at all given how it was just a time gate.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2025-01-22 at 05:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    When you speak about "building" community, I read that as things that inspire people to engage with each other in a more positive sense. Even things like the soup event in DF (and its theater world quest counterpart in the Isle of Dorn).
    Yeah maybe more events like soup event might work. Or maybe more events like the Gurubashi arena. Maybe we could have scheduled fights between players and players can watch it and then people can bet on the fights. Thinking about it would probably hard to schedule it cause if they don't show up, so people could probably sign up on the spot and the game makes match maker on who signed up first.
    Last edited by Sauredfangs; 2025-01-22 at 05:27 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauredfangs View Post
    Yeah maybe more events like soup event might work. Or maybe more events like the Gurubashi arena. Maybe we could have scheduled fights between players and players can watch it and then people can bet on the fights. Thinking about it would probably hard to schedule it cause if they don't show up, so people could probably sign up on the spot and the game makes match maker on who signed up first.
    You know, that's actually a cool idea.

    The anniversary event at the Caverns of Time had transmog contest that players voted on. Stuff like that would be awesome.

    PvP related ones, where players place bets on the winner would be really fucking cool.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Sauredfangs View Post
    build more community
    Define "community".
    Are we talking about "all retail players" coming together to socialize around some kind of a task?

    I guess something like that could be done, but I don't really think it's going to build community. It's just a chore that people do. On their own.

    There used to be a small and very dedicated community during MoP that did Proving Grounds (remember those?) endless waves and had a ranking highscore table in WoWProgress. Just a handful of players, but everyone was dedicated on maxing the waves (I've forgotten what the max was, 256 waves maybe?).

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AudibleEscalation View Post
    Define "community".
    Are we talking about "all retail players" coming together to socialize around some kind of a task?

    I guess something like that could be done, but I don't really think it's going to build community. It's just a chore that people do. On their own.

    There used to be a small and very dedicated community during MoP that did Proving Grounds (remember those?) endless waves and had a ranking highscore table in WoWProgress. Just a handful of players, but everyone was dedicated on maxing the waves (I've forgotten what the max was, 256 waves maybe?).
    Yeah my initial idea is probably bad. People can come up with better ideas though. As for what I think community is its feeling connected with other people and being immersed in what its like to feel good through others, idk its hard to explain i have to think about it more.

    Maybe if another player is having fun in a way you can do too, that increases you're appreciation of the world. That way of having fun could be taking part of the same goals/objectives/activities etc.
    Last edited by Sauredfangs; 2025-01-22 at 05:50 PM.
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  7. #7
    The game has to be constructed from the ground up around facilitating the natural formation of friendships and guilds, like classic MMOs did. I had a magical time last year picking Final Fantasy XI Horizon back up again. You literally cannot solo past level 10 in that game. Mobs the same level as you will out DPS you and kill you. If you die you lose exp and can delevel and become unable to equip your gear (not to mention that it can take over an hour to run to a location), so there are stakes. You are forced to chat up the local players and form 6 man levelling parties with a tank and a healer and maybe a supporter just to level on normal overworld mobs. It takes a long, long time to reach level 75, and you have to do a lot of hard quests along the way such as forming an 18 man alliance to fight the bandersnatches and skeletons in Gusgen Mines to farm quest items for your subjob unlock, do the nation missions deep within beastmen strongholds populated with elites, quests to unlock the advanced jobs and to obtain your job armor, and so on. The entire game is built around playing with a party, so right from the get go you are finding committed people to play this game, leading to the formation of a guild that does content together.


    Vanilla WoW lacked a dungeon finder. If you wanted to do a dungeon, you had to find four other people who fulfilled specific roles and had motivation to do that dungeon. The effort required to assemble that group and reach the dungeon really motivated you to make sure that group succeeded. You were out in the world trying to find committed individuals to play this difficult content with. "This guy can tank and he's good! I need him!". You created a friends list and formed guilds, and then it scales up from there. You created guilds because you needed way more than 40 people to do these 40 man raids (you needed backup raiders who could replace people, crafters, etc). Now you're having to do things that are completely external to the actual game itself. You're designing guild websites and moderating guild forums so that everyone can communicate and organize without being logged into the game. This is what ended up making the game good.

    Where is the social area of NuWoW? There is none. There is no inconvenience that facilitates player interaction. You can reach level cap having never made a friend. The overworld is not dangerous enough to require grouping up. You teleport into a dungeon with 4 other randos picked by the computer for you, blast through the dungeon, and then part ways having never spoken a word to each other. We have cross server everything, destroying server identities and communities. By Warlords of Draenor, every single player on your screen you had never seen before on your life and never would again. As time has gone on, the game has moved away from big social organizations towards smaller and smaller groups sequestered away from public view. You used to have maybe 80 people in a guild, perhaps two 40 man raids happening simultaneously, down to 30 man guilds for 25 man raids. That's not many people. Then WotLK happened and 10 man raids became possibility, so guilds shrank again to becoming 15-20 people. Then raid finder and personal loot was introduced, which meant that a guild was no longer necessary. The whole finding a good guild and becoming dedicated to it and forging lifelong friends and being proud of your guild has gone by the wayside. People reach level cap having never made a friend and then enter endgame with that mentality that they can play alone, hence why we have the mercenary PUGing mentality. The only community in retail WoW are RP guilds and coalitions like the Horde Vanguard on Moon Guard, but the game is not designed to naturally ease players into these communities. Most people do not know they exist.




    One off events like Isle of Quel'danas will not overcome the conditioning this game has where you can do almost everything by yourself and conditions players to not form bonds with each other.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I believe retail has a lot that offers community engagement. The problem is the players who do not care for it, and there is a majority of them.
    This is a problem Blizzard created by adding "convenience" features and making the game so easy that players do not need anyone else to reach level cap or to do "endgame", and thus do not make any effort to form new bonds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    This is a problem Blizzard created by adding "convenience" features and making the game so easy that players do not need anyone else to reach level cap or to do "endgame", and thus do not make any effort to form new bonds.
    Yes, because for years and years people were screaming for additional solo-player capability and content. To be able to play the game and achieve the same or similar heights by themselves without having to interact. This is not inherently a bad thing for the game, but does strike a blow to future social implications for the game. There are pitfalls on both sides of the argument because the human element--the players themselves and their behaviors--is what makes or breaks it.

    Blizzard did not create the problem. The players proclaimed the problem always existed, and Blizzard has made strides to appease both sides.

    It is unfortunate that the most polar extremes of these 2 sides are most vocal on this website.
    Last edited by KOUNTERPARTS; 2025-01-22 at 07:28 PM.

  9. #9
    As was said, take out the conveniences, forcing players to interact with one another.

  10. #10
    Stood in the Fire Merpish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    As was said, take out the conveniences, forcing players to interact with one another.
    Which no one really wants.
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Merpish View Post
    Which no one really wants.
    They think they don't. But, they do.

  12. #12
    I always thought the Duelers Guild was such a cool feature that they massively dropped the ball on. When they introduced it, it was very out of the way. You actually had to take a flight path to get there and there was no other reason to be there. It just made it inconvenient to get to and if you had to wait there was nothing nearby to do. Plus on the horde side half of the arena area was blocked by a wall so you couldn't see that half.

    I think if they brought it back it could be a fun popular feature. Make it in the main city in the pvp area, that way if you wanted to que and go play the AH or something you could do so. Putting it in the main city would easily allow others to watch without going out of their way to do so.

    Then you could add some type of currency for purely cosmetic rewards. Make it so you can eventually get all the items even without winning. Like a weekly to do 3 matches or something (no win required) gives a you bulk of currency. Also add in community events. Single elimination Sundays, or something. Similar to the dragon races, have a sigh up period then people face off.

    Of course there will be some things that would need tuned, like do heals fight dps classes? What about tanks? Do you add a dampening type system for this? Eyes would need to spawn at say 30 seconds or so etc. But I think it could be a popular feature if done right.

  13. #13
    When world of Warcraft first came out, there were not many online socialization spaces. Nowadays people have Discord, Telegram, Twitch, and several others. The niche that you guys so desperately long for has been filled by other more easily accessible platforms, and as a result people feel compelled to socialize less on WoW. Its heyday as a social communication platform will never return, and trying to force it will merely annoy those of us who have busy lives and careers and don't want to spend 3 hours waiting for a bunch of other people to join us in a dungeon.

  14. #14
    Maybe you should play classic?
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  15. #15
    Stood in the Fire Merpish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    They think they don't. But, they do.
    They don't. Anytime any convenience is ripped away, people get upset.

    Classic exists for people that enjoy not having these QoL features.
    Everyone on the internet is a dishonest actor.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Merpish View Post
    They don't. Anytime any convenience is ripped away, people get upset.

    Classic exists for people that enjoy not having these QoL features.
    Then, they cannot complain about the community aspect being gone.

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