Thanks for all of the feedback so far!
Noting these changes here for context:
- Eye of Kezan, Mug’s Moxie Jug, and Reverb Radio should trigger more consistently across all talent specializations.
- House of Cards cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes (was 2 minutes), duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds), and reduced variance of potential Mastery to ±10% (was 15%).
- Fixed an issue where the transform cast from Best-in-Slots was not immediately interrupted upon entering combat.
As you might imagine, House of Cards was changed due to a lack of other 1.5 min cooldown options across both Mythic+ and the raid. This left players preferring such effects limited to trinkets with a lower potential item level. Any specialization preferring a 2 min cooldown may opt for Signet of the Priory, while casters also have Soulletting Ruby at their disposal.
Regarding tuning feedback, we are still very early in the tuning process. Players can expect a pass prior to Season 2, adjustments to significant outliers in the early weeks of the season, and (barring any surprises) final adjustments following the Race to World First.
Tangentially, it is not intended that class modifiers (such as Unholy Death Knight’s) should affect the damage of non-class summons from trinkets such as Candle Confidant, Sigil of Algari Concordance, or Zee’s Thug Hotline. While this change has been present on Zee’s Thug Hotline since start of testing, it will be applied to the other trinkets in a future PTR build.
Riyyah: Ringing Ritual Mud was stealth nerfed now give about 800k absorb shield and pulse 24k nature over 10 seconds.
We’re investigating this as a possible bug affecting absorb effects more broadly.