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I'd rather have a new class than more customization on the existing classes.
Customization for existing classes IMO doesn't add all that much aside from graphical flair. As much as I loved getting green fire at the time on my warlock & am still angry with Blizz for how they took away my Dalaran Brilliance back in the day, I feel like those effects are usually neat graphical flair, but fade into the background over time. Arguably, those customizations could be a hindrance & thus removed later if Blizz opts to redo a spec/class for future ideas.
Comparatively, a new class adds a ton of flavor into the game. Most of them add new unique styles of play, such as the empowerment style the Evoker has. Plus, new classes always add a ton of depth to the story. Would WotLK have felt the same without the storyline of Acherus and the freeing of the Knights of the Ebon Blade? Would MoP have been as impactful without the Monk storylines to flesh out Pandaren culture?
The fact that the expansions with new classes seem to be the most popular ones (WotLK, MoP, Legion, & DF) is quite telling as far as the effect a new class has on the game & the expansion world at large.