I'd like them to take inspiration from Fallout 4's housing system. It has a snap-together system for building houses piece by piece, with the snap locations almost making these pieces like giant realistic Legos. Then you can also freehand place things to decorate after getting your physical structure built. You can get creative and use pieces in unexpected ways, especially with some of the mod tools.
I'd also like them to do a furniture construction profession like Wildstar had that ties into it. A new primary profession is long overdue, with the last one being Inscription in Wrath. It would be even better if this hypothetical Carpenter profession came alongside a new gathering profession to fuel it, like Lumberjacking of Forestry perhaps. The tech from the lumber mill in the garrison and the tree harvesting that went with it could be easily repurposed for this.
I like small cosy places, so I wouldn't bother with any grand mansion type player house. Just give me a bed and a place to store my shit, a nice fireplace, a little place to cook, maybe one or two mannequins to display transmog, some weapon displays. A juke box like in the garrison would be cool.
Challenge Mode : Play WoW like my disability has me play:
You will need two people, Brian MUST use the mouse for movement/looking and John MUST use the keyboard for casting, attacking, healing etc.
Briand and John share the same goal, same intentions - but they can't talk to each other, however they can react to each other's in game activities.
Now see how far Brian and John get in WoW.
I'd rather they make Carpenter-type profession as a secondary profession. No way I want to a) ditch my mains professions for Carpenter or b) level and play a lot on an alt just to have Carpenter.
Also would be a great way to tie all other professions to it as well and to make old content relevant by requiring old mats too.
You think that it will be an alternative gamemode and not an instance ?
Most game/software dedicated to outfit design are far more configurable than wow tmog, yet it doesn't stop tmog from being one of the most popular feature in the game.
MMO Champs :
Well let's see...
- I can plop it pretty much anywhere, meaning every area in WoW, old/current expansions doesn't matter. I can see some restrictions to the actual place to avoid it interfering with quest hubs and already existing structures
- it has to be integrated into the world so I can go in and out without loading screen
- I must be able to move it to another place if I get tired of my current choice (this could be used as a nice gold sink)
- I must be able to use buildings from every race/culture, if I want to mix a troll hut with a dwarven bunker then so be it
- no player power attached to it whatsoever
- use achievement points to unlock stuff. this would give players maximum freedom of which content to do for the inevitable grind; also veteran players get a nice head start
- for someone else to visit my home all that would be necessary is me being the group/raid leader. other players must not need to click anything, just come to the area where I built my home and they are in
something like this I also had in mind.
- that there is a place of like small town size with idk 10 plots in every region, but i would restrict it to only Azeroth with some random name and looks suited for the region
- it would be phased so technically you could have thousand players houses on the same spot, and everyone would be able to just walk in depending in what phase they are
- you would be able to join effort with other players in your phase to upgrade certain stuff in your little town to actually make it feel like someone is living and there are useful things and NPCs to help the strangers passing by
- in other words, that your house is actually part of the world not just one spot for all in their phases, like Farm in MoP or Garrison in WoD.
I'd give an answer, but the reality is that I'd want to create for myself multiple styles of homes or not-homes (coffee shop, bar, fight club etc) to have all these different forms of expression.
Been playing this game for 20 years and want to celebrate it in all sorts of different ways, including a place to kick back and stare at all the shields I've collected.
...Ok, time to change the ol' Sig ^_^
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