1. #1

    New Shaman Tank for the Next Expansion

    (If anyone can help me because I can’t insert images and it becomes difficult to follow the text. Thank You)

    The whole presentation is here-> https: //ibb. co/w4w6Twp

    I have been reading about the Shaman Tank on the forums for a long time but, maybe I am wrong, I have never seen an elaboration on it. Today, there is the Shaman Tank on Discovery but there is still no confirmation from Blizzard that something similar will be implemented on Retail.
    The time may be ripe for the fourth Shaman specialization and I hope to be able to give a starting point. I have never played tanks so the numbers you will see may be under or oversized, forgive me.

    The starting point is the name of the specialization: Warden. I chose this name to connect a bit to the Druid (our cousin who already has four specializations) and because the mission of the Shaman Tank should be to keep the (restless) elements at bay and ally with them to protect Azeroth. So from now on I will call him that!

    I rework the Shaman talent tree to try to make it little more flexible and eliminate some of the hassles of achieving important talents. I also thought about grouping together the skills that are of the same type better. I think it’s much more organized this way and players can focus on what they really want to achieve.

    I think Wind Shear and Earth Elemental should be base spells. This change is well suited to the introduction of the new talent “Furious Land” but above all because I believe that interrupt is a fundamental basic ability.

    I think Reincarnation needs to be changed because it’s a bit clunky. Negates a death, but it does so with many non-enjoyable flaws, and very few upsides. The drawback of wasting active CDs and Buffs is already a huge loss more often than not. It just making it reset on pull would don’t make it overpower.

    The Astral Bulwark is never considered. If it had the effect of being usable while stunned, it could find its niche, perhaps in PvP.

    The changes to Elemental Resistence were made because it is a completely situational specific talent but, when needed, it needs to be easily usable to make sense. Adding it to Earth Shield’s healing makes it easily obtainable and nerfing it a bit makes it less important to have but you’ll want to have it anyway.

    I changed Hex because after the pruning of the two-point talents, I found inappropriate to have two points to spend for such an unnecessary CC except in PVP or in niche situations. Bind Elemental talent is thematic, for Shamans, to add a CC about elemental creatures. Like Warlock with Demons.

    The Furious Land talent was added to bring the Earth Elemental CD up to par with its cousins ​​(Fire/Storm). A 2,5 minute CD is still long and therefore does not incur unbridled use.

    I changed Creation Core because it was overshadowed by Call of the Elements and therefore a dead talent. Now this talent becomes an additional option to help Shamans with resource generation.

    I added Haze Totem, a new totem. I have introduces a new utility, it was previously exclusive to the Rogue. Just like Wind Totem competes with Stampeding Roar, the new Haze Totem will also compete with Shroud of Concealment. Haze is a fixed point that hides anyone inside it for a certain radius while Shorud moves with the user. So Haze is a nerfed version of Shroud. Totems should be able to copy the abilities of other classes but in a more awkward way.

    The Mastery might seem a bit cumbersome but my goal is to give Warden the need to use all the available elements. So I came up with the idea that each element could strengthen a different defensive stats.

    The Warden’s gameplay is to alternate the damage spells (Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Lava Burst) needed to accumulate Maelstrom to launch the spenders (Earth Shock and Earthquake) with those useful for maintaining aggro on the targets (Rockbiter and Stormstrike).

    Warden can then choose different paths:
    - enhance the Earth Elemental that helps him maintain aggro in situations with various additions and allows him to obtain additional shields;
    - enhance the passive effect of the shields (Lightning Shield and Earth Shield) to do more damage and receive additional healing;
    - use various Totems to have access to abilities useful for protecting allies or spreading DoT and damage on the targets (the PvP talents that have now passed to the Warden, will then have to be replaced with new abilities);
    - also use a whole branch (Barricade of Fire, Flame Mastery, Primordial Wave and Splintered Elements) linked to Flame Shock to deal damage and increase block change;
    - enhance Stormstrike or Earth Shock/Earthquake to obtain additional effects based on the situation.
    Warden also has three spells (Shamanistic Rage, Stoneburst Resurgence and Elemental Barrier) in addition to Ascendance, to mitigate damage in dangerous situations.

    Other utilities that could be considered are:
    - Furious Totem and Resurgence (on Reincarnation’s effect) that, based on the situation, come to the aid of the Warden in case he should die. The first offers a totem that aggro targets, if Reincarnation is not available, until the Warden is ressed by an ally, while the second forces the use of Reincarnation and creates a pool that heals him and up to 4 allies in the area;
    - On Feral Lunge there are Feral Swap which adds the ability to help an ally mitigate damage and Feral Quake which adds a small AoE.
    The last ability is Tempest Beam which, is inspired by Chain Harvest, useful for dealing damage and healing allies.

    That’s all, I hope you appreciate the effort and love I put into this class that I love so much.

  2. #2
    Legendary! Seezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SHAMABAM View Post
    (If anyone can help me because I can’t insert images and it becomes difficult to follow the text. Thank You)

    The whole presentation is here-> https: //ibb. co/w4w6Twp

    I have been reading about the Shaman Tank on the forums for a long time but, maybe I am wrong, I have never seen an elaboration on it. Today, there is the Shaman Tank on Discovery but there is still no confirmation from Blizzard that something similar will be implemented on Retail.
    The time may be ripe for the fourth Shaman specialization and I hope to be able to give a starting point. I have never played tanks so the numbers you will see may be under or oversized, forgive me.

    The starting point is the name of the specialization: Warden. I chose this name to connect a bit to the Druid (our cousin who already has four specializations) and because the mission of the Shaman Tank should be to keep the (restless) elements at bay and ally with them to protect Azeroth. So from now on I will call him that!

    I rework the Shaman talent tree to try to make it little more flexible and eliminate some of the hassles of achieving important talents. I also thought about grouping together the skills that are of the same type better. I think it’s much more organized this way and players can focus on what they really want to achieve.

    I think Wind Shear and Earth Elemental should be base spells. This change is well suited to the introduction of the new talent “Furious Land” but above all because I believe that interrupt is a fundamental basic ability.

    I think Reincarnation needs to be changed because it’s a bit clunky. Negates a death, but it does so with many non-enjoyable flaws, and very few upsides. The drawback of wasting active CDs and Buffs is already a huge loss more often than not. It just making it reset on pull would don’t make it overpower.

    The Astral Bulwark is never considered. If it had the effect of being usable while stunned, it could find its niche, perhaps in PvP.

    The changes to Elemental Resistence were made because it is a completely situational specific talent but, when needed, it needs to be easily usable to make sense. Adding it to Earth Shield’s healing makes it easily obtainable and nerfing it a bit makes it less important to have but you’ll want to have it anyway.

    I changed Hex because after the pruning of the two-point talents, I found inappropriate to have two points to spend for such an unnecessary CC except in PVP or in niche situations. Bind Elemental talent is thematic, for Shamans, to add a CC about elemental creatures. Like Warlock with Demons.

    The Furious Land talent was added to bring the Earth Elemental CD up to par with its cousins ​​(Fire/Storm). A 2,5 minute CD is still long and therefore does not incur unbridled use.

    I changed Creation Core because it was overshadowed by Call of the Elements and therefore a dead talent. Now this talent becomes an additional option to help Shamans with resource generation.

    I added Haze Totem, a new totem. I have introduces a new utility, it was previously exclusive to the Rogue. Just like Wind Totem competes with Stampeding Roar, the new Haze Totem will also compete with Shroud of Concealment. Haze is a fixed point that hides anyone inside it for a certain radius while Shorud moves with the user. So Haze is a nerfed version of Shroud. Totems should be able to copy the abilities of other classes but in a more awkward way.

    The Mastery might seem a bit cumbersome but my goal is to give Warden the need to use all the available elements. So I came up with the idea that each element could strengthen a different defensive stats.

    The Warden’s gameplay is to alternate the damage spells (Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Lava Burst) needed to accumulate Maelstrom to launch the spenders (Earth Shock and Earthquake) with those useful for maintaining aggro on the targets (Rockbiter and Stormstrike).

    Warden can then choose different paths:
    - enhance the Earth Elemental that helps him maintain aggro in situations with various additions and allows him to obtain additional shields;
    - enhance the passive effect of the shields (Lightning Shield and Earth Shield) to do more damage and receive additional healing;
    - use various Totems to have access to abilities useful for protecting allies or spreading DoT and damage on the targets (the PvP talents that have now passed to the Warden, will then have to be replaced with new abilities);
    - also use a whole branch (Barricade of Fire, Flame Mastery, Primordial Wave and Splintered Elements) linked to Flame Shock to deal damage and increase block change;
    - enhance Stormstrike or Earth Shock/Earthquake to obtain additional effects based on the situation.
    Warden also has three spells (Shamanistic Rage, Stoneburst Resurgence and Elemental Barrier) in addition to Ascendance, to mitigate damage in dangerous situations.

    Other utilities that could be considered are:
    - Furious Totem and Resurgence (on Reincarnation’s effect) that, based on the situation, come to the aid of the Warden in case he should die. The first offers a totem that aggro targets, if Reincarnation is not available, until the Warden is ressed by an ally, while the second forces the use of Reincarnation and creates a pool that heals him and up to 4 allies in the area;
    - On Feral Lunge there are Feral Swap which adds the ability to help an ally mitigate damage and Feral Quake which adds a small AoE.
    The last ability is Tempest Beam which, is inspired by Chain Harvest, useful for dealing damage and healing allies.

    That’s all, I hope you appreciate the effort and love I put into this class that I love so much.
    Boring topic that's been beat into the ground. People don't not tank because Shamans aren't tanks. It would be something people would get excited about for a week and then realize they don't like the role of tanking.
    "Do you think man will ever walk on the sun? -Ali G

  3. #3
    Only Blizzard knows how many people are exclusive
    or almost exclusive players of one main character. Shaman mains may well try tanking if shamans can suddenly tank. But are there enough Shaman mains to make it worthwhile?

  4. #4
    I know I would, as I main shaman but don't have time to gear a whole alt to be viable for tanking. If I could get a shield and trinkets and pivot to tanking as a shaman I definitely would.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Only Blizzard knows how many people are exclusive
    or almost exclusive players of one main character. Shaman mains may well try tanking if shamans can suddenly tank. But are there enough Shaman mains to make it worthwhile?
    I mean I think if the goal is to make queues shorter for DPS then adding more tanks to the game isn't the answer and is probably never going to be

    Since LFD became a thing we've gotten like 2 new tank classes and 2 new healers and people still struggle to find tanks. Hell SoD has shaman rogue and warlock tanks PLUS Feral and Paladins are like actually viable and people aren't exactly swimming in tanks over there

    However I think his goal is just "I think it would be neat if shaman could tank" which lofty goal but not offensive
    Last edited by Mysterymask; 2025-01-30 at 08:06 AM.
    3 Major Rules of World of Warcraft Players:
    1. No one on earth wants to play World of Warcraft less than other World of Warcraft players.
    2. The desire to win>The desire for anything else in World of Warcraft. NO EXCEPTIONS
    3. Efficiency will be king no matter how you think it will improve the game.

  6. #6
    It looks like Ench shammy rework into tank spec, honestly.
    Add flame shock and earthshork it fine, but Stormstrike? Its wind attack, not Earth one. I think main theme of it should be Earth and fire, to offset Fire/Air/Earth Elemental and Air/Fire/Frost Ench themes. Earth shock is fine
    I rather see Earthshock Primal Strike as main abilities, Earthquake as main AoE cooldown. Maybe take Sundering from Ench and give it to EarthWarden?

    I assume spec is using shield? So defence abilities should bring some action with shield? Or it will be 2hand mace?

    Main mechanic of all tank spec is 2-3 abilities to manage resourses and 1-3 to active mitigation. What have you?

    My proposition is Primal strike as filler, generate some "rockness". Rockbiter with 6-9sec cd to generate more "rockness". New skill, let it be "Elemental warding"- spend your "rockness" to give some armor with flat damage reduction. Yes, another pala SoR, druid Ironfur, DK Bone Shield or DH spikes. You need to develop some post-effects for it, to be different to other class active mitigation buttons.

    Maybe each "Elemental warding" generate stack of "earth shield" that hurl bolt of lava to target at attack and reduce damage it does to you?

    Sundering as main AoE generator, Earthquake as AoE spender? Another spell needed to selfheal or absorb of some kind. Maybe "earth shield" pulses with absorb, and how many stacks - absorb increases?

    You need to think mechanic for your spec. What main ups and downs of it, how to operate in raid fight or m+ trash packs. Aaand, to be somehow different from other tanks. Earth Elemental is too similar to Ox summon from monk, so I rather see Earth Elemental buffing you instead, maybe some offtanking?

    Let totems be utility, not main source of actions? Or it will be some sort of totem managment? Maybe standing near Stone Bulwark give you damage reduction? Maybe totems will be main abilities (I rather not, but its your thread, so go wild)

    - - - Updated - - -

    I done "talking" with ChatGPT and generate some concept of it. Feel free to do it too.


    Earthwarden Shaman

    Role: Tank
    Primary Attribute: Stamina & Agility
    Armor Class: Mail
    Weapon Specialization: One-handed weapons, shields

    Key Themes: Harnessing the unyielding strength of earth and fire to protect allies. The Earthwarden combines steady, layered defense with fiery retaliation.

    Core Mechanic: Earthen Plates

    Passive: Your bond with the earth creates Earthen Plates, which form a protective barrier around you.
    Stacks up to 5. Each plate absorbs damage equal to 2% of your max health.
    Plates regenerate every 2 seconds if not fully depleted.
    When a plate breaks, you gain Earthen Fortitude, increasing armor by 5% for 4 seconds (stacks up to 3).

    This mechanic emphasizes steady defense with a dynamic loop of maintaining and consuming plates.

    Key Abilities

    Stone Barrier (Cooldown: 30 sec):

    Instantly regenerates all Earthen Plates and prevents them from breaking for 6 seconds.

    Elemental Bulwark (Cooldown: 2 min):

    Grants you 5 Earthen Plates and increases their absorption by 50% for 10 seconds.

    Earthmeld (Cooldown: 1 min):

    You meld with the earth, reducing all incoming damage by 30% for 8 seconds.

    Offensive Abilities

    Earthquake Strike (Melee, AoE):

    Slam the ground, dealing Nature damage to enemies in a cone and generating 1 depleted Earthen Plate per 3 enemies hit.

    Molten Slam (Cooldown: 30 sec):

    Consume all current Earthen Plates, dealing Fire damage in an area. The damage and radius scale with the number of plates consumed, leaving a molten pool for 6 seconds.

    Sundering (Ranged, AoE):

    Summon a fiery fissure, dealing Fire damage and reducing enemy attack speed by 20% for 6 seconds.

    Utility Abilities

    Earthen Grip (Cooldown: 30 sec):

    Create chains of earth to root enemies in place for 6 seconds.

    Geode Shield (Cooldown: 1 min):

    Encases an ally in earthen protection, absorbing a large amount of damage for 8 seconds.

    Mastery: Unyielding Earth

    Increases the absorption of Earthen Plates and your healing received by X%.

    Talent Ideas

    Crystalline Plates: Earthen Plates now absorb 3% of your max health but regenerate more slowly.

    Shattering Impact: When an Earthen Plate breaks, nearby enemies take Nature damage.

    Hardened Core: Gain 10% increased health while you have at least 3 Earthen Plates.

    Lava Overflow: Molten Slam’s molten pool lasts 4 seconds longer and deals increased damage.

    Seismic Strike: Earthquake Strike now generates 2 depleted Earthen Plates when hitting at least 3 targets.

    Molten Echo: Your Fire abilities have a chance to create a secondary eruption that deals AoE Fire damage.

    Earthen Resilience: Reduces the cooldown of Stone Barrier by 4 seconds.

    Mountain’s Resolve: While standing still, your damage taken is reduced by 5%.

    Fire and Stone: Your Earth and Fire abilities increase each other’s effectiveness by 10% for 6 seconds.

    Rotation Example

    Start with Stone Barrier to generate full Earthen Plates.

    Use Earthquake Strike to deal AoE damage and regenerate depleted plates.

    During heavy damage phases, activate Elemental Bulwark or Earthmeld for increased durability.

    Use Molten Slam as a burst AoE ability during offensive windows or when plates are about to expire.

    Maintain Sundering to weaken enemy attacks and deal consistent damage.


    Steady mitigation through Earthen Plates.
    Scales well in AoE situations through Earthquake Strike and Molten Slam.
    Strong utility with Geode Shield and Earthen Grip.


    Reliant on regenerating Earthen Plates, making high burst phases more dangerous if mitigation isn’t timed well.
    Movement-heavy fights may interrupt talents like Mountain’s Resolve or defensive positioning.
    Last edited by Pyrophax; 2025-01-30 at 09:28 AM.

  7. #7
    Legendary! KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
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    Never gonna happen.

    You can get your fill of shaman tanking in Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. Not only shaman tanks, but warlock and rogue tanks too.

    Shaman tanks in SoD have a cool AoE Lava Burst kind of ability for AoE threat generation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I have it on good authority that this isn't what Jesus would do.

  8. #8
    Over 9000! sam86's Avatar
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    seriously no, i don't want shaman to be a tank, introduce new mail class to tank, but don't add or change spec
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  9. #9
    Scarab Lord Polybius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seezer View Post
    Boring topic that's been beat into the ground. People don't not tank because Shamans aren't tanks. It would be something people would get excited about for a week and then realize they don't like the role of tanking.
    Seriously doubt this as we’ve seen with Aug Evoker and to a lesser extent DH mains.

    Personally, if I could tank on my main (Rogue) I’d switch roles in a heartbeat rather than play an alt. I did the same for Priest once Shadow was taken seriously as a DPS spec.

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