1. #1

    [Shower Thought Concept] Expanding Hero Talents

    So thought came to my head on possible Midnight expansion. Will it happen? Fuck I aint blizzard but figured I'd get my ramblings online.

    So my idea of expansion of Hero Talents would be an extra 10 talents on the 2 existing ones BUT also introduce a third spec!

    "Third Hero Spec that's lazy as fuck!" you might say but allow me to elaborate. The third hero spec will be specific to every spec in the game and for many will include a fun little role change. (Not all just where I can sneak it in and it make sense)

    An example would be the very often touted "Shaman Tank". What if Enhancement's third spec turns them into a tank spec. With this we don't have to make a 4th (5th/3rd for Druid and Demon Hunter respectively) and create a multitude of new tanks and healers for people to try out. This is kind of borrowing from Season of Discovery but since I see that as Blizzard experimenting I think it could go well.

    I'm not going to to go through every one but here's some rough ideas in Alphabetical Order. This also will allow non dps roles to go dps and I'll try to do things that make sense.

    Demon Hunter
    I can't really think of anything to make Havoc a healer or a tank so probably best to keep it pure DPS but giving Vengence a ranged spell based DPS spec could very much be done think I'll call it "Harvester" spec where they primarily utilize soul spells and spirit bomb. Havoc could potentially just also have a ranged spec too.

    Death Knight:
    Easy peasy on this. Unholy gets a heal spec that we can call "Necrotic" or "Regeneration" and will lore wise use plague to regrow and mend his allies with some fun little side effects. Blood we can re-give a DPS spec to bring back Blood DPS and Frost we can actually give a duel wielding tank spec. DKs are easy simply because we are simply giving back what they lost and I just thought unholy healing sounded fun.

    Druids almost feel like cheating on this and can't really think of too many with this.

    I think Devestation should include a melee spec, Preservation has a nature based DPS spec, and most fun we give Augmentation an earth based tank spec channeling Netharian's abilities.

    Tough one. I don't think a ranged tank would work to well and I'm not a fan of having a pet based tank as positioning is SUCH a giant part of tanking making one that's more complicated would be unintuitive. Marksman wouldn't make sense as either a melee or a healer spec so I'm just gonna make BM and Marks have extra DPS spec and Survival cause it's in the name can either be the tank or the healer leaning towards tank cause I think the fantasy of master and pet sharing the burden and protecting eachother might be fun

    Arcane gets a healer spec to work with the season of discovery varient, Fire gets a melee spec as a spellknight, frost gets a caster tank spec still mostly melee based but can tank in cloth. Neat moving on!

    As they already have all 3 roles only thing I can think of is giving Mistweaver a DPS spec and Brewmaster a healing spec.

    Like monk they already have access to all 3 specs but we can give Holy a proper shockadin spec. Maybe as an homage to the hold "Prot Holy" spec we can give the "Avenger" prot spec to allow them to have a more spell based shield dps spec.

    I guess Disc and Holy can get proper DPS specs but honestly what else can we do

    Ok one I actually had fun with. Combat gets a tank spec similar to SoD and actually figured give Assassination an "Alchemist" spec allowing them to heal. Since Rogues already can equip ranged weapons Subelty gets "Sniper" spec effectively and finally allowing another class to utilize ranged weapons! Man can you tell what classes I main?

    Enhance gets an earth based tank spec, Elemental gets another DPS spec, Resto gets a waterbending like DPS spec. I figured I'd have to give enhancement a tank spec cause otherwise I'll never hear the end of it.

    Demo gets the tank spec it's always wanted, Affliction gets a healer spec similiar to Unholy DKs, Destro...not sure

    This one I'm was kinda caught between but I feel its only fair Prot gets Gladiator spec for a proper sword and board dps spec, Arm's will get a Blademaster tank spec and Fury...honestly don't know what to do with that.

    As for random specifics classes will change primary stat for when they changed so we don't have to make Agility healing trinkets or caster strength trinkets whatnot (Aug Evoker tanks will become Agility based and Unholy DK Healers will become int based) and all of this is shower thoughts and "Concepts of a plan" and I am in no way connected to Blizzard nor is my ego attached to this.
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  2. #2
    Personally, I think all Hero Talents should stay at 10 Talents, but more effort in making every point feel flavourful and unique, rather than just a smattering of passives. Adding more talents just feels convoluted to me.

    As for the third spec thing, I don't see it happening that way. Blizzard was pretty clear on not messing with existing specs like that. Hero Talents aren't the SoD Rune system.

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