1. #11641
    Looking for an addon that traks BG win/loss, I could have sworn there was a Broker or Titan panel addon that did it but can't seem to find it.


  2. #11642
    Quote Originally Posted by celinamuna View Post
    WA question
    Currently i want icon to track stack counts of buff, and remaining duration.
    While i can do %s %p it doesn't really look bueno, since it goes into one straight line.
    Is it possible to make it display stack count on top half of icon, and duration below ?
    you can do a custom text and manually add some line breaks in between things, but you can't just put anchor one text to the top and one to the bottom.

  3. #11643
    Quote Originally Posted by pnutbutter View Post
    you can do a custom text and manually add some line breaks in between things, but you can't just put anchor one text to the top and one to the bottom.
    figured as much, thanks.

  4. #11644
    Dreadlord GoKs's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    South Africa
    Hey all.
    I know this seems a bit lazy (and is, but 588 pages is allot to read), but can someone please point me to a place that can help me configure elvui. I see allot of people with great looking UI but when I try to configure elvui, I keep messing up. My brain capacity is real low so preferably a place with pictures if possible.


  5. #11645
    Quote Originally Posted by Cobaltius View Post
    Looking for an addon that traks BG win/loss, I could have sworn there was a Broker or Titan panel addon that did it but can't seem to find it.

    ReFLEX addon does this pretty well

  6. #11646

    I've been looking for a way to customize the icon size of Bartender icons - I don't want them to be square, but rectangle, with more width and less heigth. I've looked through the lua files, and the only thing I could find that looked like it might do this, didn't in fact do so. Here's what I tried:

    in ButtonBar.lua I changed the sizes here:
    -- align the buttons and correct the size of the bar overlay frame
    ButtonBar.button_width = 36
    ButtonBar.button_height = 36

    which only affected the overlay, not the actual icons. I can't for the life of me find where to adjust the actual size of the icons.

    I'll be forever grateful if someone can manage to help me out.

        Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Hendrik "Nevcairiel" Leppkes < h.leppkes at gmail dot com >
        All rights reserved.
    --[[ Generic Template for a Bar which contains Buttons ]]
    local _, Bartender4 = ...
    local Bar = Bartender4.Bar.prototype
    local setmetatable, tostring, pairs = setmetatable, tostring, pairs
    local ButtonBar = setmetatable({}, {__index = Bar})
    local ButtonBar_MT = {__index = ButtonBar}
    local defaults = Bartender4:Merge({
        padding = 2,
        rows = 1,
        hidemacrotext = false,
        hidehotkey = false,
        hideequipped = false,
        skin = {
            ID = "DreamLayout",
            Backdrop = true,
            Gloss = 0,
            Zoom = false,
            Colors = {},
    }, Bartender4.Bar.defaults)
    Bartender4.ButtonBar = {}
    Bartender4.ButtonBar.prototype = ButtonBar
    Bartender4.ButtonBar.defaults = defaults
    local LBF = LibStub("LibButtonFacade", true)
    local Masque = LibStub("Masque", true)
    function Bartender4.ButtonBar:Create(id, config, name)
        local bar = setmetatable(Bartender4.Bar:Create(id, config, name), ButtonBar_MT)
        if Masque then
            bar.MasqueGroup = Masque:Group("Bartender4", tostring(id))
        elseif LBF then
            bar.LBFGroup = LBF:Group("Bartender4", tostring(id))
            bar.LBFGroup.SkinID = config.skin.ID or "Blizzard"
            bar.LBFGroup.Backdrop = config.skin.Backdrop
            bar.LBFGroup.Gloss = config.skin.Gloss
            bar.LBFGroup.Colors = config.skin.Colors
            LBF:RegisterSkinCallback("Bartender4", self.SkinChanged, self)
        return bar
    local barregistry = Bartender4.Bar.barregistry
    function Bartender4.ButtonBar:SkinChanged(SkinID, Gloss, Backdrop, Group, Button, Colors)
        local bar = barregistry[tostring(Group)]
        if not bar then return end
        bar:SkinChanged(SkinID, Gloss, Backdrop, Colors, Button)
    ButtonBar.BT4BarType = "ButtonBar"
    function ButtonBar:UpdateSkin()
        if not self.LBFGroup then return end
        local config = self.config
        self.LBFGroup:Skin(config.skin.ID, config.skin.Gloss, config.skin.Backdrop, config.skin.Colors)
    function ButtonBar:ApplyConfig(config)
        Bar.ApplyConfig(self, config)
        -- any module inherting this template should call UpdateButtonLayout after setting up its buttons, we cannot call it here
    function ButtonBar:UpdateButtonConfig()
    -- get the current padding
    function ButtonBar:GetPadding()
        return self.config.padding
    -- set the padding and refresh layout
    function ButtonBar:SetPadding(pad)
        if pad ~= nil then
            self.config.padding = pad
    -- get the current number of rows
    function ButtonBar:GetRows()
        return self.config.rows
    -- set the number of rows and refresh layout
    function ButtonBar:SetRows(rows)
        if rows ~= nil then
            self.config.rows = rows
    function ButtonBar:GetZoom()
        return self.config.skin.Zoom
    function ButtonBar:SetZoom(zoom)
        self.config.skin.Zoom = zoom
    function ButtonBar:SetHideMacroText(state)
        if state ~= nil then
            self.config.hidemacrotext = state
    function ButtonBar:GetHideMacroText()
        return self.config.hidemacrotext
    function ButtonBar:SetHideHotkey(state)
        if state ~= nil then
            self.config.hidehotkey = state
    function ButtonBar:GetHideHotkey()
        return self.config.hidehotkey
    function ButtonBar:SetHideEquipped(state)
        if state ~= nil then
            self.config.hideequipped = state
    function ButtonBar:GetHideEquipped()
        return self.config.hideequipped
    function ButtonBar:SetHGrowth(value)
        self.config.position.growHorizontal = value
    function ButtonBar:GetHGrowth()
        return self.config.position.growHorizontal
    function ButtonBar:SetVGrowth(value)
        self.config.position.growVertical = value
    function ButtonBar:GetVGrowth()
        return self.config.position.growVertical
    ButtonBar.ClickThroughSupport = true
    function ButtonBar:SetClickThrough(click)
        if click ~= nil then
            self.config.clickthrough = click
        self:ForAll("EnableMouse", not self.config.clickthrough)
    local math_floor = math.floor
    local math_ceil = math.ceil
    -- align the buttons and correct the size of the bar overlay frame
    ButtonBar.button_width = 36
    ButtonBar.button_height = 28
    function ButtonBar:UpdateButtonLayout()
        local buttons = self.buttons
        local pad = self:GetPadding()
        local numbuttons = self.numbuttons or #buttons
        -- bail out if the bar has no buttons, for whatever reason
        -- (eg. stanceless class, or no stances learned yet, etc.)
        if numbuttons == 0 then return end
        local Rows = self:GetRows()
        local ButtonPerRow = math_ceil(numbuttons / Rows) -- just a precaution
        Rows = math_ceil(numbuttons / ButtonPerRow)
        if Rows > numbuttons then
            Rows = numbuttons
            ButtonPerRow = 1
        local hpad = pad + (self.hpad_offset or 0)
        local vpad = pad + (self.vpad_offset or 0)
        self:SetSize((self.button_width + hpad) * ButtonPerRow - pad + 10, (self.button_height + vpad) * Rows - pad + 10)
        local h1, h2, v1, v2
        local xOff, yOff
        if self.config.position.growHorizontal == "RIGHT" then
            h1, h2 = "LEFT", "RIGHT"
            xOff = 5
            h1, h2 = "RIGHT", "LEFT"
            xOff = -3
            hpad = -hpad
        if self.config.position.growVertical == "DOWN" then
            v1, v2 = "TOP", "BOTTOM"
            yOff = -3
            v1, v2 = "BOTTOM", "TOP"
            yOff = 5
            vpad = -vpad
        -- anchor button 1
        local anchor = self:GetAnchor()
        buttons[1]:ClearSetPoint(anchor, self, anchor, xOff - (self.hpad_offset or 0), yOff - (self.vpad_offset or 0))
        -- and anchor all other buttons relative to our button 1
        for i = 2, numbuttons do
            -- jump into a new row
            if ((i-1) % ButtonPerRow) == 0 then
                buttons[i]:ClearSetPoint(v1 .. h1, buttons[i-ButtonPerRow], v2 .. h1, 0, -vpad)
            -- align to the previous button
                buttons[i]:ClearSetPoint("TOP" .. h1, buttons[i-1], "TOP" .. h2, hpad, 0)
        if not LBF and not Masque then
            for i = 1, #buttons do
                local button = buttons[i]
                if button.icon and self.config.skin.Zoom then
                elseif button.icon then
    function ButtonBar:SkinChanged(SkinID, Gloss, Backdrop, Colors)
        self.config.skin.ID = SkinID
        self.config.skin.Gloss = Gloss
        self.config.skin.Backdrop = Backdrop
        self.config.skin.Colors = Colors
        Utility function
    -- get a iterator over all buttons
    function ButtonBar:GetAll()
        return pairs(self.buttons)
    -- execute a member function on all buttons
    function ButtonBar:ForAll(method, ...)
        if not self.buttons then return end
        for _, button in self:GetAll() do
            local func = button[method]
            if func then
                func(button, ...)
    ~ I'm having trouble hearing you. Getting a lot of bullshit on this line. ~

  7. #11647
    Quote Originally Posted by Duskmoon View Post

    I've been looking for a way to customize the icon size of Bartender icons - I don't want them to be square, but rectangle, with more width and less heigth.
    Might be worth trying Masque Rectangle @ wowinterface.

  8. #11648
    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerNerd View Post
    Might be worth trying Masque Rectangle @ wowinterface.
    The issue I always had with that Masque overlay is that it squishes the icons, rather than cropping or zooming them. I wanted to try rectangle action bars myself, but never ended up with anything I liked because of that.

  9. #11649
    Hm, think I'll just change and batch process the icons themselves again, easier than hassling with each separate addon. Thanks for the reply.
    ~ I'm having trouble hearing you. Getting a lot of bullshit on this line. ~

  10. #11650
    Okay, moving out on deep water here, but...

    I'm wondering if there is any addon that modifies the default raid frames, like a skin or something? I don't like having to set up Grid or VuDho or the like, I really prefer the default frames. But they're a bit clunky and don't fit the rest of my UI. So I'm speculating in ways to modify them. I have a bit of programming experience, but not with LUA much yet, other than through other addons...

    Any ideas on wether such an addon already exist, or if it would be do-able to make one? Mostly I'd just like to be able to change the fonts, colours, borders... perhaps even resizing them if possible.

    EDIT: In relation to this, any hints to guides on how to start out with making WoW addons would be much appreciated.

  11. #11651
    Stood in the Fire ODDLAWL's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Skogul View Post
    Okay, moving out on deep water here, but...

    I'm wondering if there is any addon that modifies the default raid frames, like a skin or something? I don't like having to set up Grid or VuDho or the like, I really prefer the default frames. But they're a bit clunky and don't fit the rest of my UI. So I'm speculating in ways to modify them. I have a bit of programming experience, but not with LUA much yet, other than through other addons...

    Any ideas on wether such an addon already exist, or if it would be do-able to make one? Mostly I'd just like to be able to change the fonts, colours, borders... perhaps even resizing them if possible.

    EDIT: In relation to this, any hints to guides on how to start out with making WoW addons would be much appreciated.
    Well you can add Raid Indicators, you can also change the size of some debuffs with Layover , you can also add Timers and Indicators, I'm not sure if CompactRaid actually uses the Blizzard Raid Frames, but I think it does.

    You can probably find more at Curse/Raid Frames but those are the ones I've heard of before. Hope it helps.

    I don't have any guides to provide because I'm not really looking into making addons, but I'm sure other people do!

  12. #11652
    Quote Originally Posted by ODDLAWL View Post
    Well you can add Raid Indicators, you can also change the size of some debuffs with Layover , you can also add Timers and Indicators, I'm not sure if CompactRaid actually uses the Blizzard Raid Frames, but I think it does.

    You can probably find more at Curse/Raid Frames but those are the ones I've heard of before. Hope it helps.

    I don't have any guides to provide because I'm not really looking into making addons, but I'm sure other people do!
    CompactRaid actually does most of what I want it to, and is still quite similar to the default frames. Still takes some tweaking though, but seems to have some decent default settings based on class. However, it seems it hasn't been updated in a while, and it does not show shields on group members, like the default frames have been updated to do. I guess it might be a minor nuisance for the time being, but it'll annoy me in the longer run. :/

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another question, different issue!

    I just installed Aurora and Clean Icons: Tiny, as I'm following the tutorials by Touchymcfeel. Problem is, I'm also using the addon iLvLr, and it is creating some weird black borders on the icons in my character screen.

    Any tips on how to remove those? I really want to continue using iLvLr, but it looks pretty darn bad. :/

  13. #11653
    So, I made a whole thread about this issue.. Which probably was kind of pointless. So instead I'll just post the issue I'm having here.

    I use Elvui as many others. And along with Elvui I am running Elvui_addon_skins or whatever it's called. But I'm getting LUA errors all the time connected to the skins addon.
    So, what I did was I removed all my addons and logged in. 0 errors.
    Reinstalled Elvui. 0 errors.
    Reinstalled addon skins. Errors.

    Tried deleting my WTF and Interface folders and then reinstalling Elvui + addon skins. Still getting errors.

    This is the error I'm getting:

  14. #11654
    Quote Originally Posted by ErayoEU View Post
    So, I made a whole thread about this issue.. Which probably was kind of pointless. So instead I'll just post the issue I'm having here.

    I use Elvui as many others. And along with Elvui I am running Elvui_addon_skins or whatever it's called. But I'm getting LUA errors all the time connected to the skins addon.
    So, what I did was I removed all my addons and logged in. 0 errors.
    Reinstalled Elvui. 0 errors.
    Reinstalled addon skins. Errors.

    Tried deleting my WTF and Interface folders and then reinstalling Elvui + addon skins. Still getting errors.

    This is the error I'm getting:
    That Lua error is not from the current version of ElvUI_AddonSkins. What is your current version number and where are you downloading it from?

  15. #11655
    Quote Originally Posted by pnutbutter View Post
    That Lua error is not from the current version of ElvUI_AddonSkins. What is your current version number and where are you downloading it from?
    Downloading it from the curse client.

    Could take a look at the Tuk homepage instead and I'll get back to you.

    Edit: My version was 1.65. The one from Tuk's homepage was 1.69. So I'll give that a go.

  16. #11656

    [SOLVED] Weak Auras - Resto/Balance Druid Wild Mushroom and/or Efflorescence Reminder

    Quote Originally Posted by celinamuna View Post
    WA question
    Currently i want icon to track stack counts of buff, and remaining duration.
    While i can do %s %p it doesn't really look bueno, since it goes into one straight line.
    Is it possible to make it display stack count on top half of icon, and duration below ?
    You can also duplicate it and put them both in the same group, and then make your newly duplicated one text only. Use the group to manage the two layers... this is the way for non lua ppl like myself :P This way you can also animate the text and texture/icon independently.

    - - - Updated - - -

    [SOLVED] Weak Auras - Resto/Balance Druid Wild Mushroom and/or Efflorescence Reminder If you already knew about this.. damn you lol

    If you've tried this on your own and failed, you know Efflorescence isn't a personal aura and there's no registration in the addon for druid totems. Here's the frustratingly simple workaround from an ancient thread: wowace.com/addons/weakauras/forum/18727-wild-mushrooms/#p10 (sorry can't post links yet) ... seriously druids have had totems for years now - how is this still the solution? Oh well it works. See for yourself!

    Weak Auras Resto Druid Wild Mushroom Reminder import string - pastebin.com/u85dTHSc
    Triple click the body of the raw paste data or be sure to copy/paste accurately. Delete extra spaces after pasting if any are present.

    I put mine right over my classbar so the default UI 5min icon shows up in place of the reminder as I cast Wild Mushroom. Balance druids probably don't want inverse tracking for mushroom but w/e - they can duplicate more triggers for the same tracker like it seems Halari in the mentioned thread did for their own purposes.

    The next step is to track how many people are currently affected by Efflorescence, but since the source of the spell (according to the combat log) is the totem, the usual tracking trigger options aren't enough. I'll need some LUA guru advice or code to copy/paste...
    Last edited by Corncob; 2013-11-03 at 07:04 AM. Reason: pastebinupdate

  17. #11657
    Hey, I recently returned to WoW. I am still low level but that won't be for long and I am already wanting to set up my UI because I really am a flashy kind of person and the normal UI bores me plus I miss some of the info I used to have.

    So my question is what are some good up to date addon's to build a ui out of for a bm raiding hunter. I would also like to note that I have a very good gaming set up so addon size and power doesn't matter too much, i play wow on ultra 60-90 fps most times. I would also like to start making use of my keybindings. I have the razer naga epic mouse if anyone knows what that is and a razer anansi keyboard.

    So far I am thinking addon wise...

    -Skada (I heard recount is no longer used due to tech issues)

    -Xperl (I used to have this, I really like how it can animate the character icons and make them realistic and 3D)

    -Deadly boss Mods

    -Prat 3.0 (Chat addon)

    Any help, guidance or suggestions would be great at this time!

  18. #11658
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Jan 2013
    Somwhere between Norway and Finland
    Hey, I was wondering if anyone of you do know what addon fatboss uses for notes?

    ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIWfXVKEFYs) the one at 04:06 at the lower right of the UI.

    Thanks in advance!

  19. #11659
    Quote Originally Posted by Inphernal View Post
    Hey, I was wondering if anyone of you do know what addon fatboss uses for notes?

    ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIWfXVKEFYs) the one at 04:06 at the lower right of the UI.

    Thanks in advance!
    Likely a custom standalone addon or custom code in WeakAuras/PowerAuras.
    Looks pretty basic appearance-wise, so I think it was put together to be functional and perhaps is something personal by that user.

  20. #11660
    Its Weak Auras text that has a simple load trigger like just "In Combat" and the trigger is something similar to Player Health >= 0%.

    There has been standalone addons created for similar (but better) functionality that highlights a line based off of stacks or other mechanics on a boss, but as far as I'm aware Thok doesn't have one.

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