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  1. #41

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Blah blah blah.. Thats all I hear. First people were complaining about people AFKing in BGs so blizzard put in a solution by reporting AFKers to make them inactive. Now people dont even bother to use it. Im just going to sit back and enjoy my honor that I saved up while you cry. Doesnt hurt me one bit.

  2. #42

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    The tool isn't hard to get around.

  3. #43

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    piss me off I missed AV weekend

  4. #44

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Good thing even the worst welfare set costs partially arena points in wrath tho

  5. #45

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Actually, this reminds me of voting. People were killing each other over voting and no one gives a damn about it. TV actually encourages you to vote these days. Theyre begging you to.

  6. #46

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I came so disgustingly close to blowing all my honor on garbage 70 gear with my honor capped characters when they said it would be reset. In an alternate reality I'm QQing everywhere. But instead hooray for jesus and stuff.

  7. #47

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    75k cap? wow i thought it was more than that lol

  8. #48

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Strangler
    Actually, this reminds me of voting. People were killing each other over voting and no one gives a damn about it. TV actually encourages you to vote these days. Theyre begging you to.
    Tu ne peux pas te debarasser de moi Boubou. Je serais de retour demain.

  9. #49

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    First of all, gold is not identical to honor points because gold is a currency that is necessary for several basic gameplay activities for all higher level players. You must have a certain amount of gold to keep up with repairs, pay for reagents, and for respeccing fees (all of which increases with your level). More importantly, the wow economy requires players to have a healthy amount of gold for trade to continue once the expansion arrives. On the other hand, you cannot say that any of this is true for honor points.

    In a perfect world, blizzard would reset everything so no one would start with an unfair advantage. But for the reasons I had mentioned, it is impractical to completely reset gold. This does not mean blizzard doesn't care, but their intention is to draw the line somewhere to diminish the degree to which players will have an advantage.

    From what I've seen, blizzard has done a fair job with what they are planning to reset for pve and pvp. All lvl 70 raid and arena gear will be obsolete at lvl 80. Badges of Justice are being reset and so are the arena points. Reputation from old factions will be useless, but so will all lvl 70 arena teams whose ratings will be reset. And now the value of honor will be decreased much like the value of gold will be after the expansion - both of which had ways of being exploited in the past. So it seems fair to me.

    What this argument is devolving into is nothing more than the classic pve vs. pvp argument. And this is where I believe pve should ALWAYS have a higher priority over pvp for this game. The vast majority of lore and game content has always been designed for pve in mind since the very beginning. Pvp and arenas are more of a recent addition that was included for some variety and appeal to more customers - especially to stupid, arrogant, and immature teens between the ages of 13-17. Teens who are so stupid they would waste $15 of their parent's money per month on terribly designed pvp gameplay. Go play a genre that takes real skill (like an RTS or FPS) then brag about it, retards. This is a fucking role-playing game for christ's sake. /end rant

  10. #50

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I see how this will work out.

    People will farm there ass of to get 75000 honor.
    When they hit 80 (and lost all the honor they would have gotten when levelling) they will buy 1 or 2 items.
    Than Blizz will make a patch and make the 75000 cap higher.

    So Goodluck to the people going to farm, I'll just get some more points doing pvp and quests in wintergrasp.
    -The world has moved on-

  11. #51

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by nublet

    What this argument is devolving into is nothing more than the classic pve vs. pvp argument. And this is where I believe pve should ALWAYS have a higher priority over pvp for this game. The vast majority of lore and game content has always been designed for pve in mind since the very beginning. Pvp and arenas are more of a recent addition that was included for some variety and appeal to more customers - especially to stupid, arrogant, and immature teens between the ages of 13-17. Teens who are so stupid they would waste $15 of their parent's money per month on terribly designed pvp gameplay. Go play a genre that takes real skill (like an RTS or FPS) then brag about it, retards. This is a fucking role-playing game for christ's sake. /end rant
    I like PvE tards that always thinks 99% of players are PvEers... For them PvP is not at all enjoyable it seems like. Guess what, some actually do like PvP but hate your fucking PvE noobcake shit..

    Pls go fuck yourself instead of dissing other you bloddy nab

  12. #52

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Resetting honour sounded like a bad idea in the first place. Good that they fixed it, but I wont be grinding my ass of in BGs just becasue of it. Just means I can keep pvping while waiting for Wotlk

  13. #53

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Phurox
    I like PvE tards that always thinks 99% of players are PvEers... For them PvP is not at all enjoyable it seems like. Guess what, some actually do like PvP but hate your fucking PvE noobcake shit..

    Pls go fuck yourself instead of dissing other you bloddy nab
    you sir, fail at pvp, pve and spelling. please think again before flaming another person.

  14. #54

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Everyone is talking about actually saving the BG marks for level 80. No one has mentioned the fact you can turn one of each BG mark in for 12.3k xp at the launch of WotlK, which would yield you 1.23M xp in about 5 min of logging into WotlK for the first time.

    Edit: Just tested in this patch and For Great Honor don't give xp so the above info is obsolete.

    Malm <Apex> @ EU-Al'Akir


  15. #55

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted


    I burnt a load of honour cause I thought they would reset.



  16. #56

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by deadrap
    you sir, fail at pvp, pve and spelling. please think again before flaming another person.
    You sir, truly suck. Other RPGs who respects them selves calls it PvP and PvE (Player versus Player, Player versus Enviroment, which you clearly didnt know or something?)

    Learn what the fuck you are talking about before playing smart ass kek kek thx bai bai.

  17. #57

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I'll start by saying the reset doesn't affect me either way. I'm sitting with around 15K Honor Points on my main and alts because I don't like to AFK in BG's, and thus only do them when I'm in the mood (which isn't all too often considering grinding BG's isn't exactly fun).

    The way I see it, the reset wouldn't help either way. Depending on your leveling speed, there will always be someone who already has a full set of pvp gear once you hit 80.

    And regarding gear, if you're doing PVE it obviously means you're possibly in a more social environment (unless you're multiboxing it, I'm sure you have friends and guild members who would be willing to do instances with you).
    So ...once you hit 80,get your friends, spend 5-6 hours doing 4-5 level 80 instances and come out with around 3-6 shinny new PVE pieces. So, if you spend one day after hitting level 80, you'll have the same benefits as someone grinding BG's for at least a whole week now(or then aswell, same rules apply).
    Oh...and those items will be from the same quality(itemlevel) as the blue PVP rewards that will be available on the honor vendor, won't they? :P

  18. #58

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Phurox
    You sir, truly suck. Other RPGs who respects them selves calls it PvP and PvE (Player versus Player, Player versus Enviroment, which you clearly didnt know or something?)

    Learn what the fuck you are talking about before playing smart ass kek kek thx bai bai.
    You may want to actually achieve something in this game other than reaching lvl70 before making comments wherein you have no place to talk, another know it all yet can never prove it to anyone else let alone himself. Where did I claim to agree with another poster in this thread?

  19. #59

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by moneyshotmagoo
    i hope they go back again and do reset it. that will ruin the expansion if they dont. it was bad enough there were so many welfare epics for 70. there are already a crap ton of people grinding for honor. marks are easier to earn then the total amount, but people will have 6 digit honor numbers under their belt just waiting to be spent at 80. if that happens im not gonna even bother playing this game anymore.
    good , 1 noob less
    Quote Originally Posted by Darhaja
    bad math ur doing 1.5.... its 150% sooo 100 haste rating = 250 after the buff or 300 haste rating 150% = 750 haste dunno how u got 1.5 or 15% anywhere its giving u 150% more haste from the haste u already have why do ppl try to always complicate things.

  20. #60

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Blää now i can t spend my honor on the epics they are going to add before wotlk, and iam not planning to farm another 75K honor

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