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  1. #61

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    they might even make the new cap so high so you can´t even purchase 1 item whit just 75k honor, like add 10 times to all criteria of how it is now, so cap would be 750k and cheapest item will then be like 90k (as for 9k item like it is now) and for AV giving 10 times as much honor etc etc. Then only marks will be the thing to farm (and tbh you almost always have marks ready before you´ll get enough honor)

    soz for bad spelling

  2. #62

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Regardless of the threads contents, honor points will not be resetED ? I mean granted english isnt everyones native language but at least make an effort on the bloody subject.

    (Honor points will not be reset .... in case you want to amend it).


  3. #63

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Haha this is actually quite fun. I mean i didnt bother about the reset i just spent my Honor and marks on crap just to get rid of it since they announced a RESET! But hey now i bother why the f..k make a public statement, and then after a week or 2 go out with a new. " NO RESET"

    I mean who are these fags at blizzard tbh. Make up your minds. ( GMs will be flooded with "refund please" )
    If you'r not first you'r last

  4. #64

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    What about marks in wotlk. How would they work

  5. #65

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by nublet
    First of all, gold is not identical to honor points because gold is a currency that is necessary for several basic gameplay activities for all higher level players. You must have a certain amount of gold to keep up with repairs, pay for reagents, and for respeccing fees (all of which increases with your level). More importantly, the wow economy requires players to have a healthy amount of gold for trade to continue once the expansion arrives. On the other hand, you cannot say that any of this is true for honor points.

    In a perfect world, blizzard would reset everything so no one would start with an unfair advantage. But for the reasons I had mentioned, it is impractical to completely reset gold. This does not mean blizzard doesn't care, but their intention is to draw the line somewhere to diminish the degree to which players will have an advantage.

    From what I've seen, blizzard has done a fair job with what they are planning to reset for pve and pvp. All lvl 70 raid and arena gear will be obsolete at lvl 80. Badges of Justice are being reset and so are the arena points. Reputation from old factions will be useless, but so will all lvl 70 arena teams whose ratings will be reset. And now the value of honor will be decreased much like the value of gold will be after the expansion - both of which had ways of being exploited in the past. So it seems fair to me.

    What this argument is devolving into is nothing more than the classic pve vs. pvp argument. And this is where I believe pve should ALWAYS have a higher priority over pvp for this game. The vast majority of lore and game content has always been designed for pve in mind since the very beginning. Pvp and arenas are more of a recent addition that was included for some variety and appeal to more customers - especially to stupid, arrogant, and immature teens between the ages of 13-17. Teens who are so stupid they would waste $15 of their parent's money per month on terribly designed pvp gameplay. Go play a genre that takes real skill (like an RTS or FPS) then brag about it, retards. This is a fucking role-playing game for christ's sake. /end rant
    This is either a joke post, or one of the saddest things I have ever read on these forums. I'm torn on which :\

  6. #66

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I will still hang on lvl 79 just like I did everytime before with my hunter to kill lowbies and farm hk's mohahahaha
    hope they won't be still wearing their old resilence sets though!
    the ensidia ban was clever marketing

    oh noes, someone is using engineering

  7. #67
    Scarab Lord AetherMcLoud's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by velourea
    I will still hang on lvl 79 just like I did everytime before with my hunter to kill lowbies and farm hk's mohahahaha
    hope they won't be still wearing their old resilence sets though!
    Wow, you surely must have an e-peen this long: 8=o
    You know what is better than drinking a beer? Brewing your own beer. And then drinking it. And then... Drinking another beer. And then, punching somebody in the snout! That's what!

  8. #68

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    lol same here
    the ensidia ban was clever marketing

    oh noes, someone is using engineering

  9. #69
    Pandaren Monk Swampmoose's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    For those of you who spent all your honor, you can thank your cry baby friends that made them reverse their decision. And while you are at it you can thank them for the fact that now you have to farm even more honor at 80 to afford the more expensive rewards.

    Lol @ what QQ gets you! Enjoy the grind again Kiddies.

  10. #70

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I'm sure you mean to sound very cool with calling others crying kiddies but somehow you sound like the one frustrated
    the ensidia ban was clever marketing

    oh noes, someone is using engineering

  11. #71

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    saying farming gold and farming BGs are the same thing and doesnt matter if no reset is some 12 year old logic.

    BG Farming and hording honor to get the best lvl 80 pvp items the day you hit 80 is the same as hording up gold for the expansion and buying what....a boe epic? So when someone gets a boe epic like Blade of Wizardy 2.0, and buys it for 8k (like an idiot) thats the same as you getting a pvp item on par with Naxxramas loot?

    please, this is just to please the people that are too lazy to go to every new dungeon and progress through the expansion like 80% of the server will do and upgrade your gear in waves i.e. (lvl 70 gear --> heroic gear --> karazhan/t4 --> t5 --> t6) You want to farm BGs @ 70 and then level to 80 and go from (bad lvl 78-80 gear--> pvp t6+ loot) and I'm not saying anything about the people that actually pvp.

  12. #72

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Savage Gladiator
    Chest - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
    Hands - 0 AR - 3600 HP and 200 AP
    Head - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
    Legs - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
    Shoulder - 0 AR - 4800 and 275 AP
    MH Weapons - 0 AR - 8400 HP and 475 AP
    OH Weapons & Items - 0 AR - 3600 HP and 200 AP
    Shields - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
    2H Weapons - 0 AR - 12000 HP and 700 AP
    Caster 1H Weapons - 0 AR - 10000 HP and 575 AP
    Ranged Weapon - 0 AR - 12000 HP and 700 AP
    Throwing Weapon - 0 AR - 3200 HP and 175 AP
    Wands & Relics - - 0 AR - 3200 HP and 175 AP

    you still need AP for Blue honor items, so, np.
    And for the "guardian's gear" of lvl 80 most probably they'll cost around 30k per piece so it's not a big deal.

  13. #73
    Pandaren Monk Swampmoose's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by velourea
    I'm sure you mean to sound very cool with calling others crying kiddies but somehow you sound like the one frustrated
    Could care less, I have about 13k honor that has been sitting that way for months and it will probably stay like that for a long time to come. I just find it hilarious and rather pathetic that people cried so hard about how their honor is being reset after they spent countless hours "earning" honor while AFK farming AV. "Kiddies" bitch and moan until they get their way. And now it has bit them in the ass.

  14. #74
    Old God conscript's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    I hope what Bornakk is hinting at is that they are going to boost the Honor Cap up so much this 75K will be a drop of water in a well. Tack an extra zero onto everything imo. Honor cap up to 750k.

  15. #75

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    good job bliz give the pvp an advantage again over pve
    we all know they are welfare cases

  16. #76

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    For Fuck Sake! I hate those fucking retarded PvE fuck faces!

    Because some fucking chinese scums AFK in BG, then get the fuck off saying "all afk".

    Fuck off these threads if you just are some braindead skullfucked crybaby sucker up troll thats bores cus his mom doesnt have time to give him a fucking head.

    Grow up and get a GF or something, stupid fucktards.

  17. #77

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Swampmoose
    For those of you who spent all your honor, you can thank your cry baby friends that made them reverse their decision. And while you are at it you can thank them for the fact that now you have to farm even more honor at 80 to afford the more expensive rewards.

    Lol @ what QQ gets you! Enjoy the grind again Kiddies.

  18. #78

    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Phurox
    For Fuck Sake! I hate those fucking retarded PvE fuck faces!

    Because some fucking chinese scums AFK in BG, then get the fuck off saying "all afk".

    Fuck off these threads if you just are some braindead skullfucked crybaby sucker up troll thats bores cus his mom doesnt have time to give him a fucking head.

    Grow up and get a GF or something, stupid fucktards.
    65 words. 9 fucks.

    Calm down...

  19. #79
    Scarab Lord AetherMcLoud's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Quote Originally Posted by Phurox
    For Fuck Sake! I hate those fucking retarded PvE fuck faces!

    Because some fucking chinese scums AFK in BG, then get the fuck off saying "all afk".

    Fuck off these threads if you just are some braindead skullfucked crybaby sucker up troll thats bores cus his mom doesnt have time to give him a fucking head.

    Grow up and get a GF or something, stupid fucktards.
    Judging from the posts you have written today, and especially this one, YOU should be the one to grow up and get a life...
    You know what is better than drinking a beer? Brewing your own beer. And then drinking it. And then... Drinking another beer. And then, punching somebody in the snout! That's what!

  20. #80
    Elemental Lord Spl4sh3r's Avatar
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    Re: Honor points will NOT be reseted

    Well I bet we will need a new kind of mark to buy all the gear also, so the farmed honor is just waste since you will need get more (which you won't recieve cause of cap) when you farming the required marks in WotLK :P

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