I agree with the change. The honor doesn't really concern me, that's easy to grind out. But if your in a bad battlegroup, grinding WSG and and AB tokens can be excruciating. 1 token per 20 - 30 minute fight gets irritating.
I agree with the change. The honor doesn't really concern me, that's easy to grind out. But if your in a bad battlegroup, grinding WSG and and AB tokens can be excruciating. 1 token per 20 - 30 minute fight gets irritating.
Your point (‘gold = honor as a currency’)  is really stupid.Originally Posted by Aetius
The gold is a standard, world(of warcraft)-wide currency, and the honor/marks are only for PvP players. So your point that it’s an advantage to have stocked some gold is right, BUT ITS AN ADVANTAGE FOR EVERY PLAYER, NOT ONLY PVP-PLAYERS.
All PvPers can now save their honor, to have 2-3 free items right when they hit lvl 80, + the items BOUGHT WITH GOLD(because yes, PvP players can also stack money…)
Having some FREE(yes FREE, because the expansion isn’t out yet, and you can farm for lvl 80 items RIGHT NOW)  is in the exact opposite of WoW’s mind from the beginning, I really CAN’T understand why blizzard just gave up to pvp-whiners.
A point to clarify. The first month of PvP will be the hell of a boring place to wander, because the ones topping the charts are going to be the ones who had the most time to waste before the expansion’s release. As for the PvE, 95% of the players will join for instances with their 3-4 PvP items, and think they’re ready for raids.
Again, I can’t understand what Blizzard’s thinking on this change, and I’m kinda disappointed that they changed their minds again, in advantage of PvP players AGAIN.
PvP is a part of the game, where more casual players are heading, and finding their way to have fun. But should it really be THAT ez for casuals? Why should they have some free gear again?
Give a COMPLETE set, equivalent to PvP gear, buyable with Badges of Justice, to PvE players!!!
I don’t want free gear. I want WoW to be a game where PvE players aren’t disadvantaged compared to PvP players.
Only because 75% of PvPers are casuals doesn’t mean they gotta get free gear… It’s not that I want casuals to have to pass more time on, I know.. they don’t have enough time to play… I only want PvE/PvP time-to-spend-getting-equivalent-gear to be a bit balanced……