1. #1

    Inscription Powerlevelling guide -->

    I am copying this from the beta forums (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/th...37631&sid=2000) as i dont know if those will be up for much longer and i wanna preserve it for posterity.

    this is not mine.

    Estimated herbs used: (Powerleveling to 350)

    6 - 7 Stacks of Alabaster Pigment Herbs - (Peacebloom / Silverleaf / Earthroot)
    4 - 5 Stack of Dusky Pigment Herbs - (Mageroyal /Briarthorn / Swiftthistle / Bruiseweed / Stranglekelp)
    10 - 11 Stacks of Golden Pigment Herbs - (Wild Steelbloom / Grave Moss / Kingsblood / Liferoot)
    10 - 11 Stacks of Emerald Pigment Herbs - (Fadeleaf / Goldthorn / Khadgar's Whiskers / Wintersbite)
    8 - 10 Stacks of Violet Pigment Herbs - (Firebloom / Purple Lotus / Arthas' Tears / Sungrass / Blindweed / Ghost Mushroom / Gromsblood)

    6 - 7 OR 10 - 17 **
    Stacks of Silvery Pigment Herbs - (Golden Sansam / Dreamfoil / Mountain Silversage / Plaguebloom / Icecap)

    12 - 15 Stacks of Nether Pigment Herbs - (Ragveil / Felweed / Dreaming Glory / Terocone / Nightmare Vine / Netherbloom / Mana Thistle / Ancient Lichen)

    ** Silvery herbs has a very wide estimated range because there are 2 ways you can level from 290 - 300. One uses Silvery and can consume many herbs, the other uses Nether and takes far less but requires a higher level crafter's assistance.


    Additional Herbs used learning all 60 Minor Glyphs:
    12 - 13 Stacks of Alabaster Herbs - (Peacebloom / Silverleaf / Earthroot)

    Minor Glyph Research has a 20 hour cooldown. It will take about 2 months to learn them all.


    Leveling tips:
    1. The guide is broken down into simple stages based on the type of pigments used for that level.
    2. Mill the minimum recommended number of herbs listed before you begin crafting each stage. This way you will know how many rare pigments you have to work with each stage.
    3. There will always be room for variance based on the rare pigments you yield.
    4. This is a power leveling guide using the most efficient path to leveling the profession. It does NOT take into account the usefulness of the items you are crafting.
    5. Visit your trainer often! Make sure you are leveling with orange recipe glyphs.

    Note: You may have to train glyphs frequently. As you are leveling you can usually learn new glyphs every 5 skillups from the trainer. They will be orange when first learned so make sure you are only using orange glyphs to level unless otherwise specified. If your glyphs turn yellow, head back to the trainer.


    Stage 1: Inscription 1 - 75. Alabaster Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot.
    Materials used 6 - 7 stacks herbs, ~60 Alabaster Pigment (min), 15 Ivory Ink, 20 Moonglow Ink, 35 Light Parchment.

    What to craft:
    1 - 20 = Ivory Ink
    20 - 35 = Scroll of Stamina
    35 - 55 = Moonglow Ink
    55 - 75 = Armor Vellum

    Stage 2: Inscriptions 75 - 100. Dusky Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, Stranglekelp.
    Materials used 4 - 5 stacks herbs, 1 Alabaser Pigment, 40 Dusky Pigment, 1 Moonglow Ink, 20 Midnight Ink, 22 Light Parchment.

    What to craft:
    75 - 76 = Minor Inscription Research (20 hour cooldown, not counting Beta bugs)
    76 - 80 = Midnight Ink (Make all 20 ink before you continue crafting)
    80 - 100 = Any orange recipe class glyph.

    Stage 3: Inscriptions 100 - 150. Golden Pigment Milling Stage.
    Herbs: Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot.
    Materials used 10 - 11 stacks herbs, ~100 - 110 Golden Pigment, ~50 - 55 Lion's Ink, ~10 Dawnstar Ink, ~40 - 45 Common Parchment

    What to craft:
    100 - 105 = Lion's Ink (Make 50 Ink to start)
    105 - 125 = Various class glyphs using orange recipes only
    125 - 135 = Dawnstar Ink (as many as you can with the pigment you've milled) and various orange class glyphs if you haven't hit 135 from the Ink alone.
    135 - 145 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    145 - 150 = Strange Tarot (If you have enough Dawnstar Ink you can start making these sooner)

    Stage 4: Inscriptions 150 - 200. Emerald Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar's Whiskers, Wintersbite
    Materials used 10 - 11 stacks herbs, ~80 - 90 Emerald Pigment, 20 Indigo Pigment, ~40 Jadefire Ink, 20 Royal Ink, 40 Common Parchment

    What to craft:
    150 - 155 = Jadefire Ink (Make 40 Ink to start)
    155 - 175 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    175 - 180 = Royal Ink
    180 - 190 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    190 - 200 = Arcane Tarot (provided you've made enough Royal Ink for 10, if not make some more class glyphs from 190-195 to compensate)

    Stage 5: Inscriptions 200 - 250. Violet Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Arthas' Tears, Sungrass, Blindweed, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood
    Materials used 8 - 10 stacks herbs, ~90-100 Violet Pigment, 15 Ruby Pigment, 45 - 50 Celestial Ink, 15 Fiery Ink, 40 Heavy Parchment

    What to craft:
    200 - 205 = Celestial Ink (Make 45 Ink to start)
    205 - 225 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    225 - 230 = Fiery Ink (If you don't get to 230 from the pigment you have, make any orange recipe class glyph to finish)
    230 - 235 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    235 - 250 = Weapon Vellum II (If you don't have enough Fiery Ink, make class glyphs to fill in between 235 - 240)

    Stage 6: Inscriptions 250 - 290. Silvery Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Icecap

    Broken down into 2 substages:

    Sub-stage 6A: 250 - 275
    Materials used 6 - 7 stacks herbs, 60 Silvery Pigment, 30 Ink, 35 Heavy Parchment, ~10 Sapphire Pigment
    What to craft:
    250 - 255 = Shimmering Ink (Make 45 Ink to start)
    255 - 260 = Scroll of Spirit V
    260 - 275 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    275 - 285 = Ink of the Sky. (Depending how much Sapphire pigment you have you may have to make more gyphs to finsh)
    285 - 290 = Any orange recipe class glyph.

    Substage 6B: 290 - 300 Silvery or Nether Pigment Stage
    Herbs: Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Icecap
    OR Any Outlands herbs.

    Method 1 - If you have to make your own inks, you will have to use Shimmering Ink recipes until 300.
    Materials used **very rough estimate 4 - 10 stacks Silvery Pigment herbs. 40 - 100 Silvery pigment, 20 - 50 Shimmering Ink, 20 - 50 Heavy Parchment
    290 - 295 = Any yellow recipe class glyph.
    295 - 300 = Any green recipe class glyph. (Can take anywhere from around 20ish - 50+ to get your 5 skill points)


    Method 2 - Requires access to a crafter who can make Ethereal Ink . You must go to Outlands to learn these patterns and will not be able to make the Ink yourself until you hit 300.
    Materials used 2 stacks of Nether Pigment Herbs, 20 Nether Pigment, 10 Ethereal Ink, 20 Heavy Parchment
    290 - 295 = Scroll of Stamina VI
    295 - 300 = Scroll of Spirit VI


    Stage 7: Inscriptions 300 - 350. Nether Pigment Stage.
    Herbs: Ragveil, Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Terocone, Nightmare Vine, Netherbloom, Mana Thistle, Ancient Lichen
    Materials used 12 - 13 stacks of herbs, ~120 - 130 Nether Pigments, ~10 - 15 Ebon Pigments, ~60 - 70 Ethereal Ink, ~40 - 45 Resilient Parchments.
    What to craft:
    300 - 305 = Ethereal Ink
    305 - 325 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    325 - 330 = Darkflame Ink and any orange recipe class glyph.
    330 - 350 = Any orange recipe class glyph.

    350+ pre-WotLK
    Materials used 4 - 6 stacks herbs, ~40 - 60 Nether Pigment, ~20 - 30 Ethereal Ink, ~10 - 15 Resilient Parchment.
    What to craft:
    350 - 355 = Any orange recipe class glyph.
    355 - 360 = Any yellow recipe class glyph.

    360 - 365 = only green recipes and a waste of herbs imho.


    wotlk is from 350-450 (you can go higher than 350 but i dont think its much use, maybe other glyphs/perks will be added, who knows).

  2. #2

    Re: Inscription Powerlevelling guide -->

    thanks for this, gonna get levelling as soon as i get home tonight

  3. #3

    Re: Inscription Powerlevelling guide -->

    Why Ty for this, I was looking for a guide before i started lvling inscription /cheer to the author. ;D, I did give u thanks, in the opening of the sentence, but thanx again :P

  4. #4

    Re: Inscription Powerlevelling guide -->

    Quote Originally Posted by sinnheart
    Why Ty for this, I was looking for a guide before i started lvling inscription /cheer to the author. ;D
    again, i only copy/pasta this, you can thank me for that, but im not the author.

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