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  1. #1

    Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    After my first instance suggestion Castle Gilneas apparently was liked by most of you, I decided to post my next instance suggestion. It´s the big Temple of Gundrak. I don´t think it would be a very good raid instance but I think blizzard could make a 5man instance like TdM out of it. So here is my suggestion about the instance and the bosses which have all a hardmode. I hope you enjoy it.

    After you enter the instance you find yourself in a long corridor. Under the players there is the strange serpent tail which you can see in the first Gundrak instance. The players encounter three groups of Mobs containing 2 Godtorturer and one Shaman of the Drakkari. After the corridor you enter the Ritual chamber of Quetz´lun. Now you see that the serpent tail belongs to the Highprophet of Quetz´lun who is trapped inside the wall. In the Ritual chamber are 3 more groups containing one Godtorturer, one Shaman of the Drakkari and one Priest of Quetz´lun. There also is a pat containing the same mobs as in the corridor before walking around.

    Godtorturer: 100k Life Points
    3,2k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1,7
    Godtorturing: Deals 4k Damage every second over 12sek to a random player. The player can avoid the damage if he moves for the 12sek. Only running counts.
    Cruel Poison: Deals 3,4k Damage to two random players every 2 seconds over 6sek.

    Shaman of the Drakkari: 80k Life Points
    3k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2
    Totem of strength: Increase the damage of all Mobs by 100%. It has 15k Life Points.
    Totem of Healing: Heals every Mob by 15k every 3sek. It has 15k Life Points.
    Chain Lightning: Deals 5k Damage to every player.

    Priest of Quetz´lun: 80k Life Points
    2k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1
    Windwrath: Prevents all players from casting for 5sek.
    Airblast: Deals 6k Damage to the Tank and knocks him back.
    Lightblast: Deals 4k Damage to a random player and 7k to every player near to him (3 meters).

    Qui´Jin, Highprophet of Quetz´lun

    500k Life Points

    The Boss is trapped inside the wall and cannot move. He looks like Hakkar without wings.

    7k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2,5

    Wrath of the Prophet: Deals 8k every second to every player. Is cast if there is no one in melee range.

    Chainlightning: Deals 6k Damage to evey player.

    Static Field: Creates under a random player a static field which deals 8k damage per second over 10sek. It has a diameter of 8 meters and begins to deal damage after 4sek.

    Windblast: Knocks all players which are not in melee range through the room.

    Scythestrike: Deals 7k Damage to the Tank and after 5sek another 6k.

    Every 25% the Boss casts a shield on himself which makes him immune to any damage. Now one player has to go through a portal into the Ghost dimension. As long as he is in the ghost dimension the abilities of the boss outside will deal no damage to him but if he touches one of the other players he will receive damage equal to 50% of his total health. He has to deal 25% damage to the ghostform of the boss. The ghost form has 150k Life Points and sometimes knocks the player back. The boss outside continues to use his abilities of course.

    When the Boss reaches 1 Hp he casts the shield one last time. When the ghost form dies the Boss outside also dies.

    Hardmode: The Boss can be killed in Hardmode. To do this you have to not destroy the altar of Quetz´lun.
    New abilities:

    Tornado: A Tornade moves slowly through the room. If a player touches it, it will deal 8k Damage and knockest he player back. The Tornado has random aggro.

    All players are surrounded by a bubble which has a diameter of 5 meters. If the player in the ghost dimension touches the bubble he will get the damage.

    Every 15 – 25sek also spawn two small wind serpents which have 15k life and knock players back if they touch them.

    If you kill the Hardmode version of the boss he dropps a level 213 epic and an Emblem of Valor.


    Don´t touch this altar, dude: Kill Qui´Jin without destroying the altar of Quetz´lun.

    Can´t touch this: Kill the Hardmode version of Qui´Jin without a player getting damage in the ghost dimension.

  2. #2

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    After Qui´Jin is dead Har´Koa enters the room and accompanies the group. Now you move through and icy stable where some groups containing one Godtorturer, one Priest of Har´Koa and one mad snow leopard. At the end of the stable is a big protective shield which cannot be passed by Har´Koa but by the players. On the other side two Shieldwarde of the drakkari are casting the shield. They have 10k life and if they die the shield collapses.

    Priest of Har´Koa: 90k Life Points
    3k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1,7
    Leopard claw: Deals 3k Damage to the Tank and increases the damage her receives by 30%.
    Frostshock: Deals 4k Damage to a random target and decreases his attack speed and castingspeed by 50%.

    Mad snow leopard: 100k Life Points
    5k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2,4
    Mad bite: Deals 4k Damage to the target and infects it with hydrophobia. If hydrophobia stacks 4times the target gets mad and has to be killed because it attacks the group.
    Charge: Charges at a random player and deals 4k damage. Also stuns the afflicted player for 4sek.

    Hara´Thes, Highprophet of Har´Koa:

    450k Life Points

    The Boss looks like Halazzi but it´s half snow leopard. Her head also looks like the head of Har´Koa.

    5k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1,7

    Clawattack: Deals 2k Damage every second for 5seconds to the Tank and a random player.

    Snowbreath: Deals 8k Frost damage to every target in front of Hara´Thes. Deals the double amount of damage if the Boss stands on frozen ground.

    Snowsplinter: Throughout the fight snowsplinters fall from the ceiling. They deal 6k damage on impact and leave a zone of frozen ground on the floor which has a diameter of 6 meters. If a player stands on frozen ground his attackspeed will be lowered by 90%. Shadows on the ground show where the snowsplinters will impact.

    Snowstorm: Two areas of Frozen Ground turn into ice pillars. All players have to move behind them becaus Hara´Thes casts a 8sek snowstorm which deals 100k Damage, unless you stand behind a pillar.

    At 50% one Avatar of the snow leopard will spawn. This mob will attack random targets and deal 600 damage per second and cannot be killed.

    Hardmode: The boss can be killed in Hardmode. To do this you have to not destroy the magic shield which doesn´t allow Har´koa to enter the chamber.

    New abilities:
    Every 5sek a enslaved Snow Leopard spawns. It has 10k Hp and deals 700 Damage to cloth wearers. They also slow down the movement of all players around them by 40%.

    Instead of two areas of Frozen Ground only one turns into a ice pillar.

    As long as Har´Thes or the enslaved snow leopards stand on frozen ground they will deal the double amount of damage.

    Every 30sek there also spawns a big snow leopard instead of a enslaved one. The big snow leopard has 50k life points and moves slowly towards Hara`Thes. If he reaches her he will heal her for 30% of her total health. After the big snow leopard is spawned 10sek no enslaved ones will spawn.

    If you kill the Hardmode version of the boss he dropps a level 213 epic and an Emblem of Valor.


    No kittens allowed: Kill Hara´Thes without the help of Har´Koa.
    5 at once: Kill five enslaved snow leopards within 5sek.

    Now you have to follow the path over a frozen sea. The group has to jump from one ice floe to another to cross it. After that you have to walk up a circular staircase to the room of the next boss. On the way you have to deal with 6 groups containing one Priest of Rhunok and a Fighting Colossus of the Drakkari.

    Priest of Rhunok: 80k Life Points
    3k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2
    Curse of the Polarbear: Deals 5k Damage every 4sek to a random player and decreases his damage by 50%. Also increases the damage of the priest by 50%.
    Iceclaw: Deals 5k Damage to two random players.

    Fighting Colossus of the Drakkari:
    150k Life Points
    10k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 7
    Stonefist(casttime 4sek): Deals 25k Damage to all players in front of the boss.
    Thunderclap: Deals 5k Damage to the Tank and 7k Damage to every other player.

    Rhanak, Highprophet of Rhunok:

    540k Life Points

    The Boss looks like Narolakk with white fur and a little bit bigger.

    Damage on Tank: 4k. Attackspeed: 1

    Polarstrike: Deals 4k Damage to the Tank and increases the damage he does and receives by 50% for 5sek.

    Polarice: There are several rifts in the floor. Sometimes ice walls shoot out of this rifts an deal 6k Damage to everyone who touches them, but you can stand between them the whole fight without moving and get no damage.

    Polar ice cap: Spawns an 8 meters big ice zone under the boss. As long as the Boss stands on it he will deal 50% more damage. Lasts for 10sek.

    Enrage: After 90sek the Boss enrages and increases his damage and attackspeed by 1000%.

    That means that every damage dealer hast to deal 2k dps to beat the enrage timer. (Without the damage of the Tank.)

    Hardmode: The Boss can be killed in Hardmode. To do this you have to not destroy the altar of Rhunok.

    New abilities:
    Polaraura: If a player doesn´t move longer than 7sek he dies. Every player has to move to prevent his dead. Only moving counts(not jumping) and you have to move for 3sek. After that you can stand still for 6sek again then you have to move again.

    Enrage: The Boss enrages after 2 minutes.

    That means that every damage dealer hast to deal 1,5k dps to beat the enrage timer. (Without the damage of the Tank.)

    Polarwrath: Stuns every player for 3sek.

    If you kill the Hardmode version of the boss he dropps a level 213 epic and an Emblem of Valor.


    Touching the altar still isn´t allowed: Kill Rhanak without destroying the altar of Rhunok.

    Polar-oid: Kill the Hardmode version of Rhanak without pulling him away from the polar ice caps.

  3. #3

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    The last Part of the Instance leads up the big tower in the middle of the Temple. On the way up you encounter several mobs which you already saw throughout the instance. Upstairs you reach a room where you find some oblations. After this room you enter the throne room of Frost King Malakk.

    Frost King Malakk:

    560k Life Points

    7k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2,2

    Call of the Frost King: The Boss receives one of the following Abilities:

    Poison Nova(5sek casttime): Deals 8k Damage to all players inside a diameter of 10 meter and inflicts them with a poison which deals 5k Damage all 3sek.

    Earthquake: Deals 6k Damage to all players and knocks them down.

    Stampede: Deals 8k Damage to a random player and knocks him back.

    Snowbreath: Deals 8k Damage to all players in front of Frost King Malakk.

    Polar ice cap: Spawns an 8 meters big ice zone under the boss. As long as the Boss stands on it he will deal 50% more damage. Lasts for 10sek.

    Scythestrike: Deals 7k Damage to the Tank and after 5sek another 6k.

    Wrath of the Frostking: Throws all players in the air and coverst he floor with fog. If a player touches the fog he dies but there are 5 free areas in the room. The players slowly float to the ground and can affect their direction slightly.

    Snowblindness(Cannot affect the Tank): Curses a random player for 10sek. The screen of the afflicted player turns white, so he can´t see anything. He also gets 1k Damage every second.

    Energycharge(2,5sek castzeit): Increases the damage he deals 500% but decreases his movementspeed by 70%. The Boss has to be kited when the charge is active.

    At 50% the boss gets back to his thrown and one of the following Aspects spawns:

    Aspect of Sseratus: 100k Life
    3k Damage on Tank. 2,3 Attackspeed
    Poisonbolt: Deals 3k Damage to a random target and leaves a dot which deals 3k Damage every 3sek for 12sek.

    Aspect of Mamm´toth: 100k Life
    5k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1,8
    Stomp: Deals 6k damage every 3sek over 9sek to all players in melee range.
    Aura of the mammoth: Increases the castingtime and attackspeed by 50%.

    Aspect of Akali: 100k Life
    6k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2,1
    Impale: Impales a random player and deals 1,2k Damage every second over 8seconds.
    Thunderstomp: Deals 5k Damage to all players and stuns them for 2sek.

    Aspect of Quetz´lun: 100k Life
    3k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 1,7
    Chainlightning: Deals 6k Damage to a random target and jumps on to another inflicting 4k Damage.
    Airblast: interrupts all casting and prevents from casting for 4sek.

    Aspect of Rhunok: 100k Life
    5k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2
    Polarstrike: Deals 5k Damage to the Tank and increases the damage he does and receives by 50% for 5sek.
    Polarwrath: Deals 5k Damage to the Tank and decreases the healing he receives by 50% for 5sek.

    Aspect of Har`koa: 100k Life
    5k Damage on Tank. Attackspeed: 2
    Clawattack: Deals 2k Damage every second for 5seconds to the Tank and a random player.
    Icespear: Deals 5k Damage to a random target and freezes it for 10sek.

    Hardmode: To kill the boss in Hardmode, you have to down the other three bosses in their hardmodes and destroy the oblations in the room before the Frost King.

    New Abilities: Instead of one he receives two abilities from call of the frost king.

    Instead of one there spawn to aspects at 50%.

    Icestrike: The Boss casts a shield on himself, which absorbs 40k Damage. At the same time he begins to cast Icestrike, which will deal 100k Damage to the Tank after 5sek. The cast is interruptible after the shield is down.

    Icezone: Spawns a blue icezone under a random player which will deal 50k Damage after 5sek.


    This were my oblations. MY OBLATIONS!!!: Kill Frost King Malakk after you killed all previous bosses in their hardmodes and his oblations.

    The aspects of the gods: Kill all six Aspect of the gods of Zul Drak.

    I´m blind ... Or am I wrong?: Kill the Hardmode Version of Frost King Malakk after 4 different persons were hit by snwoblindness.

    Meta achievment: Glory of the Heroic: Complete the following Achievments:

    Glory of the hero

    No, more trolls: Complete all Temple of Gundrak Achievments

    Cold as the Night: Complete all Outer Defense WallAchievments.

    Back to the Future: Complete all Flow of time Achievments.

    Cold Water, hot Magma: Complete all Prison of the Kvaldir Achievments.

    Reward: Title ... the Heroic

    Outer Defens Wall, Flow of time and Prison of the Kvaldir are other instances I "made" but I haven´t translated them yet.

  4. #4

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

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  5. #5

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    I don't doubt that Gun'Drak will be the next big raid. But I also think that Blizzard has already begun designing it with bosses (and with that achievements and items) already outlined (which I think is true for Icecrown Citadel too.)

  6. #6
    The Hedgehog Elementium's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    MA, USA.

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    Sounds nice. Trolls are kinda meh.. idk way too many of them these days. Anyway great ideas. Now go outside.

  7. #7

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    I think everybody knows this will be an instance/raid soon-ish.
    It's just a game.

  8. #8

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak


  9. #9

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    Quote Originally Posted by Offhand
    First my instance is not a raid it´s a five man instance. And second I also don´t like another troll raid and thats why this is a 5 man instance

  10. #10

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    The problem here is that we already have an instance called Gundrak, which I would guess is the majority of the troll capital. To then have a temple called Gundrak would just add up to the confusion, with two raids at the same place and with almost identical names.
    If I was a Blizz server technician, I'd hijack a server and use it to download porn 24/7. Guess why the instance servers always are full B]

  11. #11

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    I know what you mean Pheonixis but the current Gundrak instance is only beyond the courtyard on which the Rhino is standing. so we don´t saw what is in the main Temple yet. Also I don´t want this to be a raid because we had enought troll raids but a 5man troll instance would be ok

  12. #12
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Jul 2007
    The Netherlands

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    What's wrong with troll raids? I'm sick of dragons and deathknights atm, could do with a chnge of scenery.


  13. #13

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    Apparently haing 0 progression troll raids is too many, right?

  14. #14

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    What's wrong with you people?

    Did anyone of you actually read what the OP wrote? It's not about a raid, ist's about a regular 5 player dungeon!

    Now go back and read it or just be quiet! I'm so sick of all this self-important "scream scream scream" when you don't even have a clue what you're talking about!

    To the OP - very nice work! Your ideas for boss encounters are very creative and I'd be thrilled if blizzard some time in the future implemented parts of it, if not the whole thing.

  15. #15

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    Two things:

    1. I like your idea. I like your suggestions, and the interesting mechanics you came up with. I am very in favour of new 5 man content.

    2. If you want blizz to do anything about this, post it on the official forums, and post it about 9 months ago. Because blizzard has everything mapped out way in advance, they were working on uldar encounters when you were still trying to down illidan at 70.

  16. #16

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    One question for the first boss you mentioned an achievement for not destroying his alter but no where do you mention anything about said alter in the encounter so how does it get implemented?

  17. #17

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    I don't get it. Gundrak already IS a 5-man instance.

    This looks more like "Instance remodeling suggestion: Temple of Gundrak."

  18. #18

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    This user has been banned.

  19. #19

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    10/10 would read again

  20. #20

    Re: Instance suggestion: Temple of Gundrak

    I just posted the last boss: Frost King Malakk. Sorry it because it took me so long but I was very busy at the weekend.

    The altar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampyrr
    One question for the first boss you mentioned an achievement for not destroying his alter but no where do you mention anything about said alter in the encounter so how does it get implemented?
    The altar stand in the room of the boss on the other side of wall in which the boss is trapped. Your party can decide if they want to destroy the altar to make the boss easier of if they want to try the Hardmode.

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