Go to the bottom. Meet (some of) the bosses. Underneath Beasts, at the end of the paragraph, the devs claim that you will face not one, but two Jormungar Wyrms.
Oh, and so it began. Let's start with WCRadio - TotalBiscuit picked up on it quickly, claiming the massive amounts of jormungar wyrms you face in other zones (in a small area), two jormungar wyrms are nothing new. However, he decided to be all funny and make a drop-in, with a deep voice saying "Not One, But TWO Jormungar Wyrms!". And the meme was spread. Now, WCRadio's official Blizzcon shirt... Two Jormungar Moon, a parody of the successful Three Wolf Moon.
With the new patch, we get three more references from Blizzard itself of the 2 Jormungars.
First off, the two Jormungars themselves. They are bosses from the new Argent Tournament raid. Acidmaw and Dreadscale.
First, in the official Q&A for the patch, they gave us this joke.
Q: Finally -- and it’s all too often asked -- how are players really supposed to deal with not one, but TWO Jormungars?!
Development Team: We can always hotfix one of them out if things get too crazy for players. We’ve put in a special achievement related to this as well, so hop to it!
And, that achievement will be after this...
Blizzard has tossed EVEN more jokes our way in the form of the Argent Tournament. More specifically, an NPC. This is the dude who watches over the two captured jormungar wyrms. He has some funny text if you right click him, ha ha ha.
Also, they locked up that giant yeti that killed that paladin's girlfriend in the teaser trailer.
Then, with the new raid, we have the achievement.
There it is.
So, I will leave with this - Do you find the "Not One, But Two Jormungar Wyrms" meme to be funny?
Has it gone to far and deserves to die?
And are there really not one, but TWO jormungar wyrms?!?!?!?!?!