1. #1

    Is there a way(or addon) to save multiple sets of keybindings

    I share an account with my little brother because he is 12 and doesn't play enough to get his own. I recently started using ESDF for movement keys after seeing a few threads and posts about how it feels more natural and free up more key-bindings. I have had to change my key-bindings 3 or 4 times now because my little brother changes them back whenever he logs on. Is there a way we can both be happy?
    Quote Originally Posted by TradewindNQ View Post
    If someone could transform Satan's anus into a potent powder, I would totally snort it.

  2. #2
    Legendary! llDemonll's Avatar
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    Re: Is there a way(or addon) to save multiple sets of keybindings

    esc -> key bindings -> top right corner -> click 'character specific keybinds'
    "I'm glad you play better than you read/post on forums." -Ninety
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  3. #3

    Re: Is there a way(or addon) to save multiple sets of keybindings

    Quote Originally Posted by llDemonll
    esc -> key bindings -> top right corner -> click 'character specific keybinds'
    Well thanks but he plays my guy.
    Quote Originally Posted by TradewindNQ View Post
    If someone could transform Satan's anus into a potent powder, I would totally snort it.

  4. #4

    Re: Is there a way(or addon) to save multiple sets of keybindings


    Save your keybindings locally, profile-based so you can have several per-character.
    We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. - Sgt. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, Battle of Serenity Valley

  5. #5

    Re: Is there a way(or addon) to save multiple sets of keybindings

    Quote Originally Posted by Taryble

    Save your keybindings locally, profile-based so you can have several per-character.
    Quote Originally Posted by TradewindNQ View Post
    If someone could transform Satan's anus into a potent powder, I would totally snort it.

  6. #6
    BUMP those addons are outdated

    Yea I play Holy PvE. Shadow PvE/PvP, and Disc PvE/PvP (same with other classes)and i use different keybinds for each spec and put different spells on different slots for each.

    Does anyone know an addon that will save each specs binds/spell placement?

  7. #7
    There was a thread about this a few days ago, try KeyProfiler2.

    Or if the addon doesn't work for you check this thread: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...-Key-Profiler2

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  8. #8
    you could try toggle hotkeys from curse, not allowed to post link yet sorry.

  9. #9
    I don't understand why people need different keybinding for different specs. It's not like you hit different keys, just different spells they're bound to.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Figoment View Post
    I share an account
    Very very bad thing to publicly announce...

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Taryble View Post

    Save your keybindings locally, profile-based so you can have several per-character.
    I also have to thank you for this one ; ), thanks!!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambrodel View Post
    Very very bad thing to publicly announce...
    How is it bad? :c

  13. #13
    Because sharing an account is technically a violation of ToS/EULA, and if Blizzard knows your account is being shared, then they won't help you get back anything if your account is hacked.
    We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. - Sgt. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds, Battle of Serenity Valley

  14. #14
    Immortal Evolixe's Avatar
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    Does that addon from 2009 still work in 4.0? I started using different keybindings in pvp for my rogue and i would accually like to have my normal keybindings for pve.

  15. #15
    High Overlord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saydyn View Post
    How is it bad? :c
    Derp.. Yes its the OP's little brother etc but this is frowned upon by blizzard and should he ever be hacked. This would then be grounds for blizz to refuse to aid account restoration etc because its shared.

    The right answer here is to give your little bro his own account now that vanilla/bc/wotlk can now be bought for next to nothing and then you can bind yourself into oblivion, or just teach him your bindings and give him a dead leg everytime he messes with your settings. Older brother title ftw

  16. #16
    The Patient kemanorel's Avatar
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    ^ and refer a friend him for the bonus xp and passenger mount.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Holo View Post
    Does that addon from 2009 still work in 4.0? I started using different keybindings in pvp for my rogue and i would accually like to have my normal keybindings for pve.
    Don't you use dual spec? Most bar addons will support different keymappings automatically when switching specs.

  18. #18
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Figoment View Post
    I share an account with my little brother because he is 12 and doesn't play enough to get his own. I recently started using ESDF for movement keys after seeing a few threads and posts about how it feels more natural and free up more key-bindings. I have had to change my key-bindings 3 or 4 times now because my little brother changes them back whenever he logs on. Is there a way we can both be happy?
    don't share your account or set it so his toon doesn't have your UI.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ant1pathy View Post
    I don't understand why people need different keybinding for different specs. It's not like you hit different keys, just different spells they're bound to.
    I agree, I have all of the same hotkeys for all of my characters. I just put the spell I want in the hotkey slot and problem solved.

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