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  1. #21

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Does anyone know how to make Octoshape work in Firefox, whenever I try to watch stream I get this error "mplayer notconnected nompever".

    Tried using Oshape in IE and it works fine there >

  2. #22

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Email them from the email you bought the HD stream with and ask for a 2nd key and they will send it apparently.

    Why is there only 4 teams? this All-star tournament seems good but tommorow will be pretty boring watching only 4 teams and last time I bought a HD pass it lagged like shit so I'll pass this time, my internet fails with streams.

    Stream works fine in my Firefox you probably need the newest version or you have changed some settings but it has always worked here, never tried IE.

  3. #23

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    It was a problem with NoScript, seems you have to disable it to watch stream.

  4. #24

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Is there a particular reason you have to post the Stream along with it's memory-hogging loading on the front page? I don't care about watching this tournament live or anything, so now I have to sit here as this useless crap loads every single time I refresh the page or otherwise return. Can't you just provide a link? Do you get a kick-back each time those ads appear? Can't you hide it on a 2nd page or behind a spoiler tag so it only loads for the people who want it to? Did you not say in the previous post that:
    A new MLG WoW tournament is coming this week-end! The stream on the site should be slightly less intrusive than the previous ones and I'll try to make sure the tournaments are once again an enjoyable experience for everyone on the site.
    If you tried making it less intrusive, you failed. It is just as intrusive as all the others.

  5. #25

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Welcome to competition of who is best at running around pillars!

  6. #26

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    schedule says the WoW All Star game starts at 1:00. But its 2:37est and its still footage from yesterday?

  7. #27

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    I bought the HD stream and so far no lag but where are the games? this was supposed to start 2 hours ago pretty much and nothing yet, sucks for the Europeans especially me since I've been up since 7 am! and I got my stream password soon as I clicked buy so it was instant I guess it's only hotmail users with problems.

    And no offence, but I think MMO champion is partners with the MLG so that is why they have the stream here, and it's a WOW site and guess what, the stream is WOW PVP so if you don't like it, disable flash or just stay away for 2 days but whinging about some stream isn't going to fix or change anything, accept it and move on.

    And iirc the stream used to be at the very top of the page so you saw it first and had to scroll down to see the news and now it's further down so I guess this is what he means with less intrusive aka less a pain in the arse, and if they put the stream on page 2 who the hell will see it?

  8. #28

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by Sphincter
    schedule says the WoW All Star game starts at 1:00. But its 2:37est and its still footage from yesterday?
    dude im in the same boat, what is wrong with this thing, and how do we fix it

  9. #29

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by Naoto
    [...] and if they put the stream on page 2 who the hell will see it?
    The people who actually want to?

    I'll definitely take your advice though and simply not visit MMOChamp for two days or however long this shit hogs my browser resources. Seriously though, who the hell puts streaming video on the front page of their website? It's terrible design - post the results and a link to or whatever and save everyone else the bandwidth.

  10. #30

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Do not install octoshape on any kind of large network, the thing is fucking evil.

  11. #31

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    free stream is a fkn joke, too bad HD cheat doesn't work on vista anymore.

    MLG: freestream = lol / premium = 10$ for 2d with VoD's and rewind function
    ESLTV: freestream = bad quality / premium = ~5$ for 30d with ton's of VoD's (also from other esports events) and ~6hr shows every day

    : : :

  12. #32

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    I did my best to make it a lot better for the end-user
    Indeed, it's not fullscreen anymore (iframe? too lazy to check)
    Though it still slows down the browser a bit.
    But your duty to Azeroth is not yet complete. More is demanded of you... a price the living cannot pay.

  13. #33

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    There was a time when the HD steam was free(or the free stream was normal, not low quality). Too bad its over. The "clicky cheat still works", but you can't go full screen this way, at least the sound is perfect.

    I am just wondering why won't you leave the sound as it is in the HD steam ? Anyone who doesn't wanna pay 10$ will still be able to at least listen to the games without a headache caused by this low quality sound.

  14. #34

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    2 combat rogues , damn that's cheap for a tournament

  15. #35

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Man, i cant see the stream. Keeps saying "No Stream" in caps

  16. #36

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    I did my best to make it a lot better for the end-user, if you have any constructive feedback about the tournament I'd love to hear it.
    How about don't autoload the stream on the front page of the site? Put a "click here to open streams" button in, perhaps, or put it on a separate page altogether. As-is when trying to load MMO-Champion for the WoW news I get forced into a long load and huge memory resource jump on my PC while it loads streams I wasn't interested in seeing before news I was interested in seeing.

    Last time these went up someone posted exactly what to put into AdBlock to block these streams, but I've since reinstalled everything and that's not in my filter list anymore.

    Edit: Looks like those of you with ABP can just add a filter for ||^ and you're set. Front page is all news again.

  17. #37

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Man, I think I pity the x2 rogue + priest comp. Raped in both matches.

  18. #38

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by Xentropy
    How about don't autoload the stream on the front page of the site? Put a "click here to open streams" button in, perhaps, or put it on a separate page altogether. As-is when trying to load MMO-Champion for the WoW news I get forced into a long load and huge memory resource jump on my PC while it loads streams I wasn't interested in seeing before news I was interested in seeing.

    Last time these went up someone posted exactly what to put into AdBlock to block these streams, but I've since reinstalled everything and that's not in my filter list anymore.

    Edit: Looks like those of you with ABP can just add a filter for ||^ and you're set. Front page is all news again.
    thank y ou very much for that, was going to fiddlw tih ABP to get rid of this load of shite.

    Seriously, just... add it on a seperate pae, or make it so it doesn't auto load. after 6pm thrusday - monday I hae like NO bandwidth and a lot of other people ave to use the net too, it's not very nice =/ my net gets hogged by stuff like this and then I get it in the neck. I'm not even interested in whatever it is. So yeah, it's annoying = / can you just not.. make half a news post and then like... a cut? And under the cut goes to the full post with stream. IDK if you can get that onf orums, I hate forums but...

    I shouldn't have to be using an adblocker, to get rid of ome intrusive, bandwidth stealing stuff when I just came to look somethjing up quick.

    Seriously, pepole wouldnt' be pissed if you just made it so it didn't auto load and stuff.

    Or, just add a splash page, warning people about it and either give them a link to the forums to bypass it, or make a sepeerate thread with the stream and direct link it on the splash page. It would make a lot of people happy <3. It gives people the options to not even have to use ABP, which, we shouldnt' have to be doign to visit a site.

    There's LOADS of alternative options. For mine, it's giong to be ABP and just stay from the site for like a week or however long it goes on for... but I'm sure we'll see yet another stream auto loading on our main page soon anyway.

  19. #39

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    Quote Originally Posted by redraven937
    The people who actually want to?

    I'll definitely take your advice though and simply not visit MMOChamp for two days or however long this shit hogs my browser resources. Seriously though, who the hell puts streaming video on the front page of their website? It's terrible design - post the results and a link to or whatever and save everyone else the bandwidth.
    MMO champ are partners or whatever with MLG so it makes sense to have the stream on the frontpage don't you think? it's retarded not to isn't it? and why not, because a few babies with shit PC's QQ because it takes an extra few seconds to load the page? maybe if you didn't QQ you would have more time to do what you wanted but instead you have free time to QQ yet not enough time to wait, the fuck? if it loads fast enough for you to come here and whine then you can go to other topics and do what you want to do so what is your problem?

    Anyway, the stream is down so what the fuck? was watching it, then it froze and now says no stream available, gay.

  20. #40

    Re: World of Warcraft: MLG Orlando Championship

    It's a form of advertising. Hosting MMO-C on a webserver isn't free hosting for you to QQ about. MLG is paying for some of the hosting costs, that's why their adverts are plastered all over the main page. If it wasn't on the main page, I wouldn't have enjoyed the few hours long event on the free stream.

    HD froze for only a few minutes. Anyway, the day's event is over.

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