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  1. #301
    Design is based on TuKUi but isn't made using his script.

    Last edited by mmocc6074ee8f4; 2010-11-10 at 08:22 PM.

  2. #302
    Old God Swizzle's Avatar
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    Anyone using TukUi want to tell me why I can't equip new, larger bags?
    BfA Beta Time

  3. #303
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swizzle View Post
    Anyone using TukUi want to tell me why I can't equip new, larger bags?
    Right click the "X" (the button to close your bags) and select the option "show bags" - that should do the trick
    Main & raiding character: Elchali, Holy Paladin

  4. #304
    Old God Swizzle's Avatar
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    It did, thank ye.
    BfA Beta Time

  5. #305
    The Patient jasje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swizzle View Post
    It did, thank ye.
    Aa you did go to Tukui, good job!
    Here's my in action/raid screenshot wich is proberly my final( in most cases it's not but yeah...)

  6. #306
    Jasje, im going to find you if you don't package that online. Remember I asked for it first like 3 pages back!

  7. #307
    Jasje if is possible that you upload your ui somewhere would be really nice

  8. #308

    jasje - would love it if you can package your UI so we can DL it

  9. #309
    Old God Swizzle's Avatar
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    He/she did already. It's on or w/e. One thing Jasje, I downloaded yours but had to switch off from it since it had less bars than I had buttons (I know right). When I went to edit the bar Lua to add more, I realized....hey, I can't do this on my Mac for some reason.
    BfA Beta Time

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Swizzle View Post
    He/she did already. It's on or w/e. One thing Jasje, I downloaded yours but had to switch off from it since it had less bars than I had buttons (I know right). When I went to edit the bar Lua to add more, I realized....hey, I can't do this on my Mac for some reason.
    He/she gave up on his/her edit, its no longer available on Tuk, the version he/she is on now is another edit they he/she is editing to improve.

    You need to open the .lua files with TextEdit (default installed on Mac), or TextWrangler (recommended), or any text editor application.

  11. #311
    The Patient jasje's Avatar
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    Idd currently stopped my own edit to get some rest and just play THE game for once, might get back in december who know's :-)

    And for THE record im à he as in male name comes from my wife wich is jasmijn(took à shorter version tho)
    Last edited by jasje; 2010-11-09 at 11:14 AM.

  12. #312
    Work in progress it should be finished by the time Cataclysm comes out, using default blizzard buff frames until click off is fixed for Satrina's Buff frames.

    Left empty panel is used for omen and it is hidden when omen is hidden i just showed it for you to see where it is

  13. #313
    Quote Originally Posted by jasje View Post
    Idd currently stopped my own edit to get some rest and just play THE game for once, might get back in december who know's :-)

    And for THE record im à he as in male name comes from my wife wich is jasmijn(took à shorter version tho)
    WTB link

  14. #314
    The Patient jasje's Avatar
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    I could upload it but without any support(dont think its much needed tho). I also use Aurora wich makes the file big also the AbilityItemandSpellIconpackage made by Dawn i only upload this as a whole because it doesnt look good without that imo. File size is around 15mb but in-game it doesnt affect anything.

    If you dont mind this at all downlink can be found Here

    PS: Credits given in the readme file or commented in anyway.
    Last edited by jasje; 2010-11-09 at 04:05 PM.

  15. #315
    Quote Originally Posted by jasje View Post
    I could upload it but without any support(dont think its much needed tho). I also use Aurora wich makes the file big also the AbilityItemandSpellIconpackage made by Dawn i only upload this as a whole because it doesnt look good without that imo. File size is around 15mb but in-game it doesnt affect anything.

    If you dont mind this at all downlink can be found Here

    PS: Credits given in the readme file or commented in anyway.
    Legend, thanks!

  16. #316
    Quote Originally Posted by Drye View Post
    Finally redid my UI after 4.0.1 killed it
    Love your UI! Very clean and well laid out...any chance you could give a quick run down of your addons?

  17. #317
    I got asked a lot for what I was using so I made this. If you need anymore help PM me.

  18. #318

    Finally got around to tweaking it since the patch. Not much is different.

    - Swapped Buffalo3 for Satrinas.
    - Did a slight reskin.
    - Moved bars (added hidden keybinds) and altered opacity.
    - Swapped Doc_Nameplates for TidyPlates (recolored Neon DPS theme)
    - Changed Icons to CleanIcons.

    That will probably be the final until Cataclysm and mods either break again or I find better ones to use.

  19. #319
    This is mine pretty much. It still needs some work though, but cba to setup it atm.

    Addons are:

    Elkano's BuffBars
    Mage Nuggets
    oRA 3
    Prat 3
    Xperl unitframes (would use ag unitframes, but as they are no longer updated and havent have time to setup shadowed unitframes this is what i'm using atm)

  20. #320
    While you have the right idea, you have a lot of redundancies in your UI. Do you really need three addons yelling at you that AM procced? Do you really need two timers to see your Arcane Blast debuffs? Also your buttons could use a lot of trimming. Several abilities repeat (frost nova, mage ward, etc.) and others are redundant (you don't need each individual polymorph variation on your bars).

    Aside from that I'd suggest editing where you keep your cooldown timers. (I'm assuming you're using both the mage nuggets and quartz tracking). Your bars for slow, mirror image, and arcane power all on opposite sides of the screen. You could easily condense these all into one location (or one mod).

    Lastly I'm confused by your unit frames placement. Why are they spread so far apart? Also, why show cast bars in Xperl if you're going to use Quartz? Again, you have the option here to eliminate redundancy.

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