Sorry for the size but im using EyeFinity
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Last edited by DirewolfX; 2011-05-18 at 10:04 PM. Reason: Remove quote NSFWimages
I love the wallpaper.
Download link : [url]
Last edited by Epicmagelol; 2014-07-16 at 02:12 AM.
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Last edited by Advent; 2011-06-03 at 03:36 PM.
Jobahlie-Mage- Only of it's kind since Vanilla WoW
I never used any unit frames and play with almost standard ui.
But I love those unit frames, especially the boss and adds. MUCH better than the standard.
is this done with pitbull (the only addon I've ever head of) ? or do you need any other addon to get those extra bars (for boss adds).
thanks in advance
Shadowed Unit Frames, it is very simular to pitbull. I used to use pitbull for 3 years, however I could never figure out how to get the boss frames to work.
Jobahlie-Mage- Only of it's kind since Vanilla WoW
Invisusira your power aura config is awesome, I used it with a few modifications and it's great.
Have you made/considered making other config for other classes?
me on dummies. But I am only not showing my raid ( in the right hand corner ) and the DBM and power auras.