My new interface I made on week ago.
PowerAuras and DBM is missing, it was just a test sreen to show the most
And yes, I know that my chat window has a nice background ;D
My new interface I made on week ago.
PowerAuras and DBM is missing, it was just a test sreen to show the most
And yes, I know that my chat window has a nice background ;D
Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
>,< I'm echoing the same thing as some already did.
@ Invisusira ~> Those power auras are so gorgeous *_*
Well, I guess I can post some updated images. I took ideas from TukUI, however I dropped TukUI and used other mods instead as replacement such as Pitbull, Quartz, Grid, and Bartender
Me just standing around Stormwind
Me on Heroic Rhyolith (sorry about the chaotic look)
Hinalover : Your power aura in the second screenshot is the AB stacks? Never thought of using this aura, nice work.
I have Grid in between me and my target, and Omen right above when in a raid.
When my cooldown is off cooldown they are spinning, and when they are on cooldown they are static with their timer ontop of it. All the power auras only show in combat.
"If everything is under control, you are going too slow."
- Mario Andretti
Guess I might as well post mine:
Follow this link for fullsize picture.
Since i always forget to take a screenshot in raids, i took one at dummies.
I have grid between me and my target, and Omen right above that, which only enables itself in combat.
"If everything is under control, you are going too slow."
- Mario Andretti
fdsa fasdf asdf asdf
Last edited by Epicmagelol; 2014-07-16 at 02:10 AM.
Loevty what is that addon that is next to your actionbar the one with Mirror Images and Mana Gem??
ty in advance
Love your UI lalaine! It's great