What a fantastic UI Lalaine, it's perfect in every way!
What a fantastic UI Lalaine, it's perfect in every way!
This is mine.
lalaine, Great Set up! Mind listing which UI's you have Please?
I like your threat meter placement Ciaro, even though it's not as critical nowadays.
Last edited by Ipsissimus; 2011-10-06 at 01:17 AM.
You could get away with reducing both the number of visible bars in your threat meter and the number of debuffs over your target frame to improve visibility. From what I can tell there isn't any particular reason to show that much information and it seems unnecessary.
DeeUi is a medium weight verry customizable addon compilation meant to improve look of old blizzard Ui by much and ofc your Gameplay when it comes to raiding mainly. Fits best to PVE but works verry fine in PVP also.
Atm this compilation is seted up for 2 classes Mage and Druid(Tank/healer) If you play any other class you will prolly need to change a few colors (for a class look) and setup your Vuhdo addon for healers.
Available here: http://www.wowinterface.com/download...eeui.html#info
Mage Power Auras setup available here:http://www.wowinterface.com/download...asforMage.html
Any constructive Critics welcome![]()
Posting images Posting images is fine, as long as they don't consume the entire screen and take too long to load.
Still working on it.
Last edited by Becrux; 2011-10-16 at 10:54 PM. Reason: Fixed it myself.
Hei guys, i recently started a mage, and i was searching for a mana bar addon i sawy here a while ago.
It showed when to evocate, when to pop gems and stuff, but i couldnt find the topic. Anyone remember the name or the link for it?
MageManaBar, there you go.
Rairu - Mage
cookies for you sir
I hate changing my bar UI tbh =/ Cooldown timers, maybe a few things to make it slightly easier to watch everything. I HATE moving my bars around though; Do fine without it :L
LaplaceNoMa Hello,
Would you be kind enough to help me set up my LUI like yours. Cause I tried finding every addon you used in your post for Mage's UI and I think I am missing a bunch to make it complete. I can uploaded your screenshots marked with red circles to where what addons I have concerns about. Please help me and make this happen. I can also link with url all the screenshots including my LUI at the moment.
Thank You,
- - - Updated - - -
I know I am new but this may over come soon![]()
I see a lot of mages here, gonna take a screen of my UI and post soon. Nice work with the yours.