This post is made after thinking very hard and against the wishes of some of my closest friends.
This letter also represent me saying my peace before my road ahead as a gamer.
Before I begin let me attest that I will not be reading replies to it, will not be answering questions or hate replies, as a matter of fact this is why this post came into fruition.
In regards to "the incident" Ensidia was involved in, first and foremost let me assure you that we are not cheaters, not in the sense most people are referring to us.
During the LK fight we noticed something was different then the other 3 tries. No we did not power level engineering for the fight, we first noticed something was wrong right then and there. I was too focused on my role to notice what was happening, in retrospect, it happened so fast, I simply heard two or three people saying in vent "Whoa, did you see that?" followed by our raid leader stating "Whatever you did just now, do it again next phase." This happened in fraps as well as in two or three raid warnings. This is why the fraps will never be released unless some serious editing and music background is added, one member stated we should just voice over again and reenact the whole fight without the mentioning of this glitch and edit the raid warning frame by frame. He was told not to worry about it. Let me assure you this mentality is only present in the corrupt few found in most large and elite organizations.
We had no idea at first that the saronite bombs were the culprit, as a matter of fact three or four people thought they were responsible for the "glitch", thinking whatever action they took was causing the glitch, including the rogue in question.
You have to understand what its like to be in a guild capable of a world first, this would have been my first "world first" and it was just too overwhelming.
When the adrenaline is pumping the last thing on your mind is "Is what were doing right?" trust me when I say this, the fight is so busy with so many mechanics to worry about.
You will never understand the level of competition WHITHIN ENSIDIA ITSELF between the healers, DPS and tanking. There is another player (same class and role as me) who consistently boasts about how he is Ensidias #1 (his class) and he wasnt present at the LK kill, so in my mind I was thinking "This is it, this will finally shut him up."
So for those who are under the impression that this "incident" was thought out and was not, believe me.
Now as to why Im making this post.
I know what the consequences are and honestly, most of us think a 72 hour ban is a joke, some were even laughing about it at our vent meeting. Three days is a good time to go over the freaps (yes there was one and it will never be released, believe me), review healing and DPS rotations, go over the reports etc.
I disagree. I think the shame alone and the reputation of Ensidias players will be the real punishment. to some Im dreading logging on and reading /2 or getting the tells about this event, and im not the only one.
As I stated above, my plans are to do a name/server change and start over, maybe find another elite guild and work my way in, I have no animosity towards Ensidia, I just dont want to deal with the tells and /2.
I cant say Im ashamed tho some are, as I stated before, this was NOT premeditated, it just happened. Ive seen posts saying we should have wiped wwhen we saw something was wrong and maybe we should have, but I ask that everyone do a bit of soul searching and see if you would wipe and have your whole guild hating you.
I will not be reading the replies to this, nor will I want to talk about it in game with anyone, I just want this to go away.
Several members already stated they will do the same thing, not due to this event but due to the fact of how our guild handled it.
Some of us asked that an official statement be made by our leaders and to just "own up to it", but this idea was quickly shut down.
All I can say at this point is ask for the gaming community apology for my involvement and my involvement only
I know some will say Im a troll, others that the letter is fake, and some that this isnt how it happened and that this is a cover up. I dont care, and will not be looking back.
This is the viewpoint of the LK "incident" from one participant and not of Ensidia as a guild.
Anonymous. (duh)