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  1. #1

    The Ensidia Incident Explained

    This post is made after thinking very hard and against the wishes of some of my closest friends.

    This letter also represent me saying my peace before my road ahead as a gamer.

    Before I begin let me attest that I will not be reading replies to it, will not be answering questions or hate replies, as a matter of fact this is why this post came into fruition.

    In regards to "the incident" Ensidia was involved in, first and foremost let me assure you that we are not cheaters, not in the sense most people are referring to us.

    During the LK fight we noticed something was different then the other 3 tries. No we did not power level engineering for the fight, we first noticed something was wrong right then and there. I was too focused on my role to notice what was happening, in retrospect, it happened so fast, I simply heard two or three people saying in vent "Whoa, did you see that?" followed by our raid leader stating "Whatever you did just now, do it again next phase." This happened in fraps as well as in two or three raid warnings. This is why the fraps will never be released unless some serious editing and music background is added, one member stated we should just voice over again and reenact the whole fight without the mentioning of this glitch and edit the raid warning frame by frame. He was told not to worry about it. Let me assure you this mentality is only present in the corrupt few found in most large and elite organizations.

    We had no idea at first that the saronite bombs were the culprit, as a matter of fact three or four people thought they were responsible for the "glitch", thinking whatever action they took was causing the glitch, including the rogue in question.

    You have to understand what its like to be in a guild capable of a world first, this would have been my first "world first" and it was just too overwhelming.
    When the adrenaline is pumping the last thing on your mind is "Is what were doing right?" trust me when I say this, the fight is so busy with so many mechanics to worry about.

    You will never understand the level of competition WHITHIN ENSIDIA ITSELF between the healers, DPS and tanking. There is another player (same class and role as me) who consistently boasts about how he is Ensidias #1 (his class) and he wasnt present at the LK kill, so in my mind I was thinking "This is it, this will finally shut him up."

    So for those who are under the impression that this "incident" was thought out and was not, believe me.

    Now as to why Im making this post.

    I know what the consequences are and honestly, most of us think a 72 hour ban is a joke, some were even laughing about it at our vent meeting. Three days is a good time to go over the freaps (yes there was one and it will never be released, believe me), review healing and DPS rotations, go over the reports etc.

    I disagree. I think the shame alone and the reputation of Ensidias players will be the real punishment. to some Im dreading logging on and reading /2 or getting the tells about this event, and im not the only one.

    As I stated above, my plans are to do a name/server change and start over, maybe find another elite guild and work my way in, I have no animosity towards Ensidia, I just dont want to deal with the tells and /2.

    I cant say Im ashamed tho some are, as I stated before, this was NOT premeditated, it just happened. Ive seen posts saying we should have wiped wwhen we saw something was wrong and maybe we should have, but I ask that everyone do a bit of soul searching and see if you would wipe and have your whole guild hating you.

    I will not be reading the replies to this, nor will I want to talk about it in game with anyone, I just want this to go away.

    Several members already stated they will do the same thing, not due to this event but due to the fact of how our guild handled it.

    Some of us asked that an official statement be made by our leaders and to just "own up to it", but this idea was quickly shut down.
    All I can say at this point is ask for the gaming community apology for my involvement and my involvement only

    I know some will say Im a troll, others that the letter is fake, and some that this isnt how it happened and that this is a cover up. I dont care, and will not be looking back.

    This is the viewpoint of the LK "incident" from one participant and not of Ensidia as a guild.

    Anonymous. (duh)

  2. #2

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Can you seriously all say, if you were in a position to get a WORLD FIRST on the Lich King 25, and something was going wierdly right for you, you would wipe it and open a ticket?

    No, thought not. Stop flaming.

  3. #3

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Abb
    Can you seriously all say, if you were in a position to get a WORLD FIRST on the Lich King 25, and something was going wierdly right for you, you would wipe it and open a ticket?

    No, thought not. Stop flaming.
    Of course they would

    Oh my! This must be a bug! Let's stop the fight ASAP and ask the Game Master if this a bug or not, maybe they will answer our ticket this week and we can keep playing! =D

  4. #4

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Abb
    Can you seriously all say, if you were in a position to get a WORLD FIRST on the Lich King 25, and something was going wierdly right for you, you would wipe it and open a ticket?

    No, thought not. Stop flaming.
    If you're fighting for world first and the encounter is bugging for a reason unknown or intended, you sure as hell is NOT going to STOP raiding and fucking wait 2-3 days to get your stupid ticket answered and then not get any help as normal.

    During the time you would wait for that ticket, there are plenty of guilds that could take the world first from you and you can't do shit.

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans kailtas's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    One word against another

    The end result = Ensidia killed LK with cheat

    Either they knew it or not they stil cheated, also why didn't ensidia watch 10 man vids before the raid day? US players had already cleared 10 man when the patch came to EU.

    However they can argument against this too, that they did not know that the bombs where causing the bug.

    They knew they where cheating and they did not stop doing the encounter, they should be 100% aware that their way of doing the boss was the the ''legal'' way.

    The argument that they did not know they where cheating is not acceptable as this world 1 guild should know that the ice disapears. They knew something was wrong and therefore they should be punished for it.
    Your greed, your foolishness has brought you to this end.

    - Prince Malchezaar

  6. #6

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Maybe Nerfie told on them.

    They should have been banned the same way Overrated was.

  7. #7

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by member9889
    I simply heard two or three people saying in vent "Whoa, did you see that?" followed by our raid leader stating "Whatever you did just now, do it again next phase." This happened in fraps as well as in two or three raid warnings.

    This. Ban well deserved.
    You were good, kid, real good. But as long as I'm around, you'll always be second best, see?
    Oh, and no comment from Xe'ra about how the assault on the black temple was being led in part by the naaru. So was hatred corrupting A'dal's mind too, you pretentious windchime?
    - Volpethrope

  8. #8

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    It's Blizzards fault for not testing properly. This ban is a low blow against their own fans, and I would be surprised if Ensidia continues to support Blizzard the way they once did.

    A more reasonable approach would have been to strip them of the achiv and reset their instance, so they would have a chance to do it non-bugged.
    Whining about WoW since closed beta.
    Retired from WoW since patch 4.0.6.

  9. #9

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    never releasing fraps is pretty much what exodus did. However, they didn't bitch out quit the game and try to tell people to act like it never existed, which is what will happen with this for the most part. I know they had a rage post about it and whatnot but seriously. Ensidia is a disappointment in general and way over hyped

  10. #10

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by kailtas
    One word against another

    The end result = Ensidia killed LK with cheat

    Either they knew it or not they stil cheated, also why didn't ensidia watch 10 man vids before the raid day? US players had already cleared 10 man when the patch came to EU.

    However they can argument against this too, that they did not know that the bombs where causing the bug.

    They knew they where cheating and they did not stop doing the encounter, they should be 100% aware that their way of doing the boss was the the ''legal'' way.

    The argument that they did not know they where cheating is not acceptable as this world 1 guild should know that the ice disapears. They knew something was wrong and therefore they should be punished for it.
    The funny thing about this incident, is that any of the guilds competing for world first would have done the same as Ensidia. It's a mistake to think otherwise.
    Whining about WoW since closed beta.
    Retired from WoW since patch 4.0.6.

  11. #11

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Right because everybody in a 25 man guild have the same moral standards/values and thought process?

    Muqq quit because of the Ban, and the game being a piece of shit in his eyes

    This guy, whether he's a member or not, pretty much puts it out there that people in Ensidia think what they did is wrong
    (hypothetically speaking, with that last part)

    Also, you'd be surprised with how many people like to stay anon.

    He probably didn't have an MMO-Champion account either.

    Also, I agree with the last post. Not ANY of you would give up a world first like this, for a reason like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldjman View Post
    Warriors viable in multiple comps? lolno. Any high rated warrior falls under the following;
    1) wintraded.
    2) very high mmr at the start of the season, so they fought their way to glad at 5 am vs 2k teams.
    3) has their connections from previous seasons carry their class.
    Also, we most certainly weren't the most op in S9. Dk's were a better warrior in every aspect. Thanks for trying though.

  12. #12

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Elica
    It's Blizzards fault for not testing properly. This ban is a low blow against their own fans, and I would be surprised if Ensidia continues to support Blizzard the way they once did.

    A more reasonable approach would have been to strip them of the achiv and reset their instance, so they would have a chance to do it non-bugged.
    ^ This completely. I think Blizz overreacted on this one, and I'm really saddened by the way this whole event unraveled.

    And I'm not even European!

  13. #13

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Alright, just a few things that dont make sense to me in the whole incident. The saronite bombs were actually damaging something and causing it to rebuild, right? So this damage to the target should show up in combat logs and recount. I expect a guild such as ensidia would be looking rather thoroughly through the logs and would note the alleged single rogue in question that was using saronite bombs (if saronite bombs are a good way to really maximize DPS, why was only 1 rogue using it anyway? Especially since there were a few engineers in the raid...) was hitting something that they hadnt seen before.

    Additionally, GM's are pretty much always on high alert for bug reports on end bosses that didnt see PTR testing. Why didnt they ticket a GM? It most definitely would not have taken days for a response in such a situation, because believe it or not blizzard is quite quick with responses in these scenarios. If you want proof of this, look at how quickly it was hotfixed after ensidia got the kill.

  14. #14
    Warchief Statix's Avatar
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    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Abb
    Can you seriously all say, if you were in a position to get a WORLD FIRST on the Lich King 25, and something was going wierdly right for you, you would wipe it and open a ticket?

    No, thought not. Stop flaming.
    This. That's all there is to it. Although, personally, I wouldn't feel good if I got World's First by using the game mechanics to my advantage, but in my opinion they did nothing wrong. No one if their right mind would tell a raid to wipe if they found a glitch, they'd probably encourage people to make use of it.

    Imagine that you find a glitch, and you know how to make us of it; can you honestly say you wouldn't? As they stated, they use the bombs for their normal rotations. You expect them to alter their DPS rotations to let the fight go properly? No, you expect Blizzard to fix it, or not let a glitch emerge in the first place.

    Also, it's not a cheat. It's just clever use of the game mechanics. Like Hardonox.
    Statix will suffice.

  15. #15

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by member9889

    You will never understand the level of competition WHITHIN ENSIDIA ITSELF between the healers, DPS and tanking. There is another player (same class and role as me) who consistently boasts about how he is Ensidias #1 (his class) and he wasnt present at the LK kill, so in my mind I was thinking "This is it, this will finally shut him up."

    this alone shows that this isnt a real member. no one gives a flying fuck about normal mode kills. if an ensidia player was going to compete with another it would be on h-LK...

  16. #16
    Herald of the Titans kailtas's Avatar
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    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Elica
    The funny thing about this incident, is that any of the guilds competing for world first would have done the same as Ensidia. It's a mistake to think otherwise.
    Thats not a valid argument for breaking the ''law'' if i can call it that.
    Your greed, your foolishness has brought you to this end.

    - Prince Malchezaar

  17. #17

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRabidDeer
    Additionally, GM's are pretty much always on high alert for bug reports on end bosses that didnt see PTR testing. Why didnt they ticket a GM? It most definitely would not have taken days for a response in such a situation, because believe it or not blizzard is quite quick with responses in these scenarios. If you want proof of this, look at how quickly it was hotfixed after ensidia got the kill.
    GM's are on high alert? The only proof that you could present to support your argument, would be to show that Ensidia has some sort of direct line to the top of Blizzard. If they write a ticket, they have to go through the same system as everyone else.

    It's like calling 911 and expecting the President to answer the call. Be realistic.
    Whining about WoW since closed beta.
    Retired from WoW since patch 4.0.6.

  18. #18

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Ensidia doesn't need a GM ticket.

    I am sure some of the barriers between the players and the devs/GMs are taken down at their level of play. I'm talking about corporate e-mail to developers, office telephone numbers and the like. They could have reported this FAST if they wanted to.

    I'm sure blizzard sees this as a breach of trust that embarassed them and they in turn, embarassed ensidia.

    Nevertheless Exodus oneshotted LK without a bug. ensida bugged it out on their 4th attempt.
    Why not you paid your $15 right?

  19. #19

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Really, whether they knew what was causing the bug or not, it still happened and they knew about it.

    I can understand the point about being under pressure and not wanting the guild to hate you for wiping or reporting the bug. I can guarantee though, if it had been the other way around, and there was bug that had made the fight HARDER for them, it would have been reported immediately.

    So was the suspension jusitified? That's not our call, it's Blizzard's, and they made it, and I think everybody just needs to move on, and Ensidia can do the same and try again next week.

  20. #20

    Re: The Ensidia Incident Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Elica
    GM's are on high alert? The only proof that you could present to support your argument, would be to show that Ensidia has some sort of direct line to the top of Blizzard. If they write a ticket, they have to go through the same system as everyone else.

    It's like calling 911 and expecting the President to answer the call. Be realistic.
    Blizzard filters tickets, which is why some tickets are extremely quick (stuck) while others can take days for a response (hacked account). Blizzard also has a tendency to drop in on high end guilds from time to time, evidenced by sunwell when KJ was bugging and a GM was already there to assist them (unsure of which guild exactly at the time though, but it was during attempts to get world first).

    EDIT: And further proof is that it was hotfixed so quickly after the kill. They wouldnt know about the bug if somebody didnt report it, so somewhere along the line somebody reported it and it was hotfixed within an hour of their kill.

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