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  1. #1

    Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Cryptozoic Entertainment Acquires WoW TCG License
    Originally Posted by Cryptozoic (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    Irvine, California – (March 24, 2010) – Cryptozoic Entertainment is pleased to announce that they have signed a long-term licensing agreement with Blizzard Entertainment. The multi-year arrangement grants Cryptozoic the right to produce the trading card game (TCG) based on Blizzard Entertainment's hugely popular World of Warcraft® massively multiplayer online role-playing game series.

    “This is an exciting time for us and for players of the trading card game,” said John Nee, Cryptozoic Entertainment’s CEO. “Our first priority will be to maintain the current programs that the community has come to expect and then build from there. The game itself is fantastic, and will not change. The community can rest assured that we are committed to providing them with the high quality product and organized play that they deserve, worldwide.”

    “It's important to us and to our players that every entertainment experience set in a Blizzard Entertainment game universe matches the standards we've established with our games,” said Paul Sams, Chief Operating Officer of Blizzard Entertainment. “We're proud of the quality and accessible gameplay that the World of Warcraft TCG has offered to date, and we're confident that Cryptozoic is the best team to help us continue that tradition.”

    Cryptozoic will continue to expand the World of Warcraft TCG for years to come. Players will soon have a slew of exciting new cards to test their skills and defeat their opponents with at the upcoming Continental Championships in June and the World Championship in August. The first product release from Cryptozoic will be the Wrathgate boosters in May followed by the Class Decks in June.

    “Having been fully involved with the development of the World of Warcraft TCG from day one, I've always been passionate about taking it into the future,” said Cory Jones, Cryptozoic’s President and Chief Creative Officer, and formerly Blizzard Entertainment's lead business and development liaison for the TCG. “I'm pleased to say that the players have a lot to look forward to as we continue developing and evolving the game to match the action and spirit of World of Warcraft.”

    To start, players can get the latest news on the World of Warcraft TCG at Then in just a few weeks a brand new website for the TCG itself will launch. Cryptozoic promises ongoing updates on everything from organized play to product releases as well as a regular dose of strategy articles and spoilers as they get closer to their initial product launch.

    Blue posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    30 minutes LFD Debuff
    We're keeping a close eye on the discussions, feedback and in-game information for this. We don't have any current plans to make changes, and it seems a bit soon to start considering them, but we are paying attention to constructive discussion and feedback on this change. (Source)

    3.3.3 Known Issues List - 3/24/2010 Update
    • Pit of Saron - Scourgelord Tyrannus can remount Rimefang during the encounter. (Source)

    Random Battlegrounds Queue Times
    There's a known bug that isn't properly incorporating random battleground queuers with those choosing specific battlegrounds. This can lead to queue times that are longer than what they should be.

    A hotfix is in the process of being developed and we anticipate it should be applied within the next day or two. (Source)

    Let healers DPS in Cataclysm?
    Ideas that would make healing more fun are good things to discuss in this forum, particularly with an eye towards Cataclysm.

    The idea to let healers dps a little is a controversial one though. Some healers just have no interest in it, so while it might make healing a lot more fun for you, it risks making healing a lot less fun for them. I would not approach that idea as an obviously intuitive one that all healers will rally around, because I suspect that's just not the case.

    [...] I could see that if the tree was structured in such a way that you had to give up a little bit of healing for that dps (and to be fair, talents like Searing Light already exist), such that it was the kind of thing you might do while soloing or running easy content (like Dungeon Finder when overgeared). In other words, I wouldn't want us to do it in such a way that healers were then balanced around doing damage -- like we calculated healer damage when we come up with boss berserk timers. Then it goes from a playstyle choice to being the only way to play. (Source)

    Commendations of Service - It's fun to click 400 times!
    As a one time thing it's really not that big of a deal. You could always do it in increments if you are getting bored. I also ended up figuring out a pretty easy way to do it where I had the vendor box open, I'd keep trading in the BG tokens, and just put the honor token on my 1 key so I was watching/reading other things while just spamming right click + 1 and going through all of them.

    What if the 2 second cooldown was 0 seconds instead.
    I believe that's more of a safety net to help lower hits on the hardware. These are tougher things to explain but imagine 100 players crunching at the tokens together in the same place, that could lead to issues for these players and others so it's better to be safe. Oops, used the same reasoning again in another post...

    Bugs and Test Dummies
    If you ever notice a bug, one of the very first things you should probably do is consider if it's a test dummy problem. We've had several false positives reported since we first implemented them, and in fact that's one reason we avoided putting in test dummies for so long.

    Which is not to say that actual bugs don't creep in too. (Source)

    Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator)
    Spirit Beasts
    The Spirit Beasts were added as a way to capture that old feeling of having to hunt (which really means be very patient and very lucky) to get rare spawn pets so that you'd feel awesome and be able to show them off. Making those creatures actually more powerful than other pets goes completely counter to that design. If the frustratingly rare spawn is needed for highest possible dps, there would be a lot of exasperated hunters out there, and I think they'd be totally justified.

    Spirit Beasts are the hunter equivalent of the Time Lost Protodrake. They are there for bragging rights, not max dps.

    We're not sure yet what we're going to do for hunter pets in the future. I fear that even if the dps gain was marginal that hunters would still go for the highest dps pets, so really there only exists an illusion of choice. We could literally make all of the pet families do the exact dps and have rather watered down special abilities (because otherwise one of them might grant a 1 or 2% dps benefit and that would end up being the pet again).

    In other words, I can see a design where pet choice is purely cosmetic and pet stats are identical or I can see a design where pet choice matters, in which case you don't really have that many to choose from on content that matters. (Source)

    Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator)
    Molten Fury and Torment of the Weak
    We think we figured out a problem here with the Molten Fury talent not playing well with Torment the Weak. If that proves to be the issue that explains the observations some of you all are having, then we'll try to get a fix in quickly. (Source)

    Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator)
    Warrior T10 4pc DPS Bonus
    Yes, there appears to be a bug with the dps warrior 4 piece bonus. It should be easy to fix. (Source)

    Fan Arts
    The Blizzard Fan Art Section has been updated with 3 new fan arts.

  2. #2

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    These fanarts make me happy :3

    Quote Originally Posted by Farahawnee View Post
    Not having an authenticator on your account is like not locking your windows because your front door is locked, and then wondering how a burglar got in.

  3. #3

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot1291
    These fanarts make me happy :3
    Indeed. I didn't read any post yet, just saw the arts and went "wow!!"

    Female Illidian vs Female Arthas is awesome. If it is ever implemented in game (which it won't :P), it will be a dream come true for me.

    Edit: just noticed female illi is a draenai
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  4. #4

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    awesome fanarts.

  5. #5
    Stood in the Fire Preliatus's Avatar
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    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Fanarts very close to Rule 34...

    Anyways.. after gawking at the fan arts for a bit I am going to retreat to my small corner and do things..

  6. #6
    Dreadlord .Nensec's Avatar
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    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    i doubt it was meant to be as a draenei. Illidan has hooves cos of his demon side. Painting those on a female with horns just makes it look more like a draenei than a nelf >. >

  7. #7

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Man why couldn't Illidan and the L(Q) be females.... so much hotter.

  8. #8

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    That illidan is definetly a night elf with the pointy ears, there's no tail either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bahumut5
    I don't want to call Boubouille and wake her up for something like this.

  9. #9
    Pandaren Monk Eis's Avatar
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    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by Shamtasticle
    Man why couldn't Illidan and the L(Q) be females.... so much hotter.
    Exactly my thoughts.

  10. #10

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    ^Because they have to be badasses and we wouldn't want to hit them.We'd much rather "mana" tap them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Synthaxx
    "Can you handle the Paperwork please?"
    "The only escape is death..."
    "Umm, ok, but would you mind? It's not much, really."
    "Stick Around!"
    "I'd love to, but i've gotta get back to the meeting"
    *Marrowgar knocks the paperwork off the desk in rage*

  11. #11

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    One of the best Idea's I've seen for hunter pets is lurking somewhere in these forums, and that's to make the model a purely cosmetic function and every pet can access every tree. But once you start going into that tree your committed until you respec your pet again. This is one are where homogenizing is the answer unfortunately because one is always going to be marginally better and cosmetics don't matter in a raid environment, only doing the most your character can. And for those who say my $14.99 says I can play how I want, well the rest of the raids $359.76 says shut up, know your role and bring your best.

    Three rules to live by: 1. Be polite. 2. Be professional. 3. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

  12. #12

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    All the comments about the fanarts!

    Which are awesome...


    I'll be in my bunk.
    Quote Originally Posted by jai151
    The wings are spot on for horse anatomy though.

  13. #13
    High Overlord
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    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    I saw my 4set bonus proccing quite alot with my bloodsurge proccs last night was that the bug?
    Evil people on cell phones preventing me having a sig!
    Quote Originally Posted by Koedy
    Blizzard paid Iceland to start this real-life volcano event!!!! Deathwing is coming!!

  14. #14

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    ugh, great. does the PoS bug actually stop it from being completed?

    also, in response to the fan art. Why is it even allowed? I remember the rage over a piece of art that, in the end, forced blizzard to ultimately remove off the of U.S. site with some stupid excuse, but still kept on the EU blizzard site.

    being the artpiece in question.

  15. #15

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    The sheer amount of badass-ery baked into that picture of Sylvanas is more than my tiny gamer brain can comprehend.
    Must. Make. It. Desktop. Background...
    *uncontrollable mouth frothingz*

  16. #16

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by Waterisbest
    Edit: just noticed female illi is a draenai
    Def not, just has the Illidan demon-goat legs

  17. #17

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by aloís
    I saw my 4set bonus proccing quite alot with my bloodsurge proccs last night was that the bug?
    Yes, it was 100% instead of 20% was pretty nice and made for an excellent fury rotation for a night, now we're back to open GCDs and spamming HS

    The Illidan and Arthas fanart is great
    A hero of war, yeah that's what I'll be. And when I come home, they'll be damn proud of me

  18. #18

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by Hauroch
    Def not, just has the Illidan demon-goat legs
    You are right. Everything I see with goat legs become a draenai for me, especially if it's a female :P. The goat legs are really miss leading. You can see purplish night elf skin clearly in the picture and no tail, which I noticed after reading the comments here. Awesome fan arts nonetheless
    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  19. #19

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    I really hope they get rid of 30 min debuff, its starting to get retarded, forcing me to boost noob groups where dps warriors have mocking blow in rotation and dps thinks its a help to chain fear every single mob..

    There are limits to what I can take.

  20. #20

    Re: Cryptozoic acquires WoW TCG, Blue posts, Fan Arts

    Quote Originally Posted by Cronnix
    I really hope they get rid of 30 min debuff, its starting to get retarded, forcing me to boost noob groups where dps warriors have mocking blow in rotation and dps thinks its a help to chain fear every single mob..

    There are limits to what I can take.
    Well hopefully then this is one of them and you leave?

    That was meaner than I intended, it is just that for every one like you who might leave for an actual reason there are many more who bail for every stupid reason one can come up with. This is intended to deter the latter and the latter definitely needs deterred.
    Quote Originally Posted by Porcell View Post
    "Sir, you'll have to move, you are blocking the fire exit."
    "Excuse me, but if you have legs and are flammable, you are NEVER blocking a fire exit." I'd run.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhias View Post
    Actually, the deluge has been very enlightening to me. Lesson of the week is to not go out of your way to treat people with respect because there is a 90% chance they are narcissistic douchebags.

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