1. #1

    Is there a way to set up Grid to work like decursive?

    question in title. I'm simply wondering if it's possible within grid to do that.
    I run a satire / humor blog site very The Onion-esque. It's like taking trolling to another level.


  2. #2

    Re: Is there a way to set up Grid to work like decursive?

    Yeah, with Grid+Clique and setting your left/right clicks to decurse spells.

    Or, make a macro like this :

    #showtooltip DECURSE SPELL
    /cast [@mouseover] DECURSE SPELL

    Bind it to left/right click and done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark
    I dont know why everyone expects thing to be rebuilt after a cataclysm. Last time i checked, earthquakes dont fix roofs.

  3. #3

    Re: Is there a way to set up Grid to work like decursive?

    Yes there is! You can download an add-on called Clique http://www.wowinterface.com/download...08-Clique.html

    With this, you can bind certain mouse-clicks or combination of keys to different spells, which you can use on Grid.
    e.g. Binding left click to 'Dispel', left clicking on the Grid box will use the spell on that character.

    I hope this is clear enough for you

  4. #4

    Re: Is there a way to set up Grid to work like decursive?

    I'm sure this is obvious enough but just for the OP's benefit, any spell that targets something friendly can be set to work with left/right-click + modifier keys using Clique on Grid. Heals, buffs, dispels, probably ToTT/MD, be creative.
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