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  1. #1

    Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Cataclysm Class Information Coming!
    If I was optimistic, I would say that it's starting to look pretty good for people who expected the Alpha/Beta to start in April.
    Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker)
    Beginning Wednesday, April 7 we will begin releasing class previews containing an overview of some of the changes currently being planned for each of the 10 World of Warcraft classes. The type of information you can expect from these posts are a list of the new spells from 80-85, the new passive mastery bonuses for all talent trees, a brief outline of some of the talent changes we're currently planning, and in some cases new low level spells for select classes.

    These changes will by no means be comprehensive, and are subject to change between now and the launch of the expansion. It's also important to understand that some classes are currently further along in the development process than others, and as a result the amount of information will vary from class to class. Please do not let this frustrate you should your class be amongst those which are on the "lighter" side of things, as all classes will receive the same level of design attention before the expansion is released. Additionally we'll be providing more information for all classes, especially as we move into the beta phase.

    Below is the schedule for each class:

    • Shaman - April 7
    • Priest - April 7
    • Warlock - April 7

    • Warrior - April 8
    • Death Knight - April 8
    • Rogue - April 8

    • Hunter - April 9
    • Druid - April 9
    • Mage - April 9

    • Paladin - April 16*

    These posts are being coordinated internationally so they'll be posted at different times throughout the day and night on the given dates to give players around the world the ability to see posts made at a convenient time. This thread will be updated with links directly to each class preview as they're posted.

    *The paladin is still deep in development. Instead of giving a preview that would be potentially less comprehensive than the other classes we made the decision to post it when it's ready, in order to properly honor the paladin class and those that play them. The wait isn't too long however as we're expecting to be able to post it on April 16.

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire darkfireyguy's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    good news cant wait for the shaman update
    Proud Healer Since 2007
    "Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid."

  3. #3

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    tomorrow will be the day!

    ready yourself for flamefest!

  4. #4

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    woot! cant wait to see some druid info! ;D
    There's A "Hardmode" In My Pants, And I Want You To "Beat" It.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille
    • [li]I will track down anyone mentioning an emulated server/sandbox on my forums, find where he lives, and steal all his left shoes.[/li]

  5. #5

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    OOOoooo i'm getting all excited again ...
    sod off

  6. #6
    I am Murloc! Irony's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Poor pallies have to wait till 16th. Looks like Boub was right with Beta in April.
    You can tell WoW changed the MMO for good when players started complaining about the amount of time they sink, into a time sink.

  7. #7
    Epic! phai's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Can't wait for shaman infos X_X

    Boub, when do you have planned to change the forum software?

  8. #8

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    I feel Paladins are going to get screwed, why would they take so long if not? I am worried for my class but I supposed I'll stay with it thick and thin...

  9. #9
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Thank fucking god, sorry for my language, but I'm glad they are going to show Shaman tomorrow to shut the QQers up.
    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  10. #10

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    woot, priests in the first tier of previews, im predicting mass mind control spells in our future.
    If at first you don't Succeed....then you fail.

  11. #11

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Cant wait to see the rogue/shaman stuff

  12. #12

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    :'( :'( Looking forward for the posts Can't wait till 16th !!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaa

  13. #13

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Quote Originally Posted by Culnar
    Sometimes people act like blizzard is their friend who betrayed them and now they're pissed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vulpei View Post
    Actually the backlash from pandas is because alot of the people didn't grow up.

  14. #14
    Dreadlord Metian's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    I smell a beta coming.. Probably after 16th. So in about 2 to 3 weeks . ( Atleast, I hope ).. Can't wait for 7th en 9th

  15. #15

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    LOL @ the Paladin one coming on my birthday. Considering they always suck, I'm expecting bad news for hubby (his main = Retadin)

  16. #16

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Oh dear, I got so excited I Deathwing'd my pants.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waterisbest
    And I've never seen someone this excited about the end of the world. Well, besides the Mormons.

  17. #17

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    April 16th for Paladins.

    Hmm im gonna start to set myself up for a huge disapointment, I just hope well be playable come Cataclysm, cause with the changes Blizzard has allready hinted at, I wonder if any spec except holy will be worthwhile.

  18. #18

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!


  19. #19

    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    I am calling that druids will get a dragon form on april 9 that will use ranged combat.

  20. #20
    Pit Lord Shamslam's Avatar
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    Re: Cataclysm Class Information Coming!

    Can't wait for the shaman one. Here's hoping we finally get some good looks from Blizzard. /crossfingers
    I once had a character named "Clamslam" but Blizzard deemed it inappropriate.
    Retired from WoW: February 19, 2011. It was fun Blizz.

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