1. #20661
    RAF in the UK is slang for Rough As Fuck. So I assumed folk in this thread just wanted an RAF for some wink wink action.

  2. #20662
    I've got 2 months game time code for you as well so I can get a mount. I can level hard with you starting Friday night and then Saturday and Sunday before raid times. Hit me up in a PM, I'd love to get in touch with you.

  3. #20663
    Hi, I'm looking for a partner online.
    I can show you my Battle.net stats.

  4. #20664
    A food is something that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances that provide: energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm; materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy.

  5. #20665
    I can recruit players on EU.
    Just send me private message or message me on my battletag : angel#21812

    You can use this link: https://battle.net/recruit/6W2LQMSGJ7

    The above link will expire in 1 month.
    Last edited by panasc; 2022-01-11 at 07:51 PM. Reason: edit link

  6. #20666
    Strive for success. Good luck.

  7. #20667
    Good afternoon, I am looking for a person who will help me pay for the SL + month (via Recruit-a-friend ofc u will get bonuses too), because I cannot do this from my country (the card / paypal do not work). In exchange, a little later(in 2-3weeks) I can play PVP arena with you (for 0-1800 set of transmog or season mount farm/saddle). I can't pay because I'm from Russia, due to sanctions =(

    I played at EU for 17year and have some exp

    Discord: F1T1L#3691
    Last edited by F1T1L; 2022-03-04 at 11:37 AM.

  8. #20668
    Hello everyone,

    Looking to return to WoW. Long time Alliance player. This is a new account now. Looking to go Horde now and level up some characters, don't mind what server. I'd really appreciate some help with gold though

    Is anyone willing? I should say EU/UK player.

    Discord is Vass#3760

  9. #20669
    Played on/off for years, looking for someone to play with. last exp i played was legion

    not picky on server/realm though my characters are on exodar

    would like some help leveling and anything else you'd like to provide

  10. #20670
    Hey guys, I made a post a day ago about being recruited but now I'm thinking maybe it would be better if I did the recruiting.

    I'm ideally looking for someone to level with and hang out with while we play. I've not played in a few years (since legion) and don't really know what all has changed in a while but I know the game itself.

    I can provide some level of support ( some gold, bags, maybe help with subs) but like I mentioned I haven't played in a while

    lemme know if this appeals to you and we can work something out

  11. #20671
    Hello im looking for RAF partner in crime! Or a leveling buddy
    realm: Tichondrius
    faction: Horde
    I currently have 1 60. I have two person mounts flying and ground.
    Looking to level from 1 to 60 or 50 to 60
    The sun has set on this mortal world fools make peace with your end for the hour of twilight falls!

  12. #20672
    Last edited by Asous; 2022-04-21 at 06:46 PM.

  13. #20673
    up, still LF mate

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by F1T1L View Post
    Good afternoon, I am looking for a person who will help me pay for the SL + month (via Recruit-a-friend ofc u will get bonuses too), because I cannot do this from my country (the card / paypal do not work). In exchange, a little later(in 2-3weeks) I can play PVP arena with you (for 0-1800 set of transmog or season mount farm/saddle). I can't pay because I'm from Russia, due to sanctions =(

    I played at EU for 17year and have some exp

    Discord: F1T1L#3691
    Still LF mate

  14. #20674
    Based on My Opinion: WotLK = Legion > TBC = Classic > Dragonflight > MoP > Bfa > Shadowlands > Cata > Wod

  15. #20675
    Surprisingly I'm here dose it possible to have one Fizi?. I'm able to spent money and so on...

  16. #20676
    LF to recruit someone on EU realms

    I'll recruit you and we can take advantage of the 50% XP bonus when we are leveling together in a party.

    What I can provide:

    -14+ year experience with WoW

    -trustable, friendly, mature, patient & fun company

    -gold for all your needs (bags, heirloom gear, riding/flying skill etc.)

    -if you are interested in the lore I can lead you through the story of the game and the characters/places

    What you should provide:

    -the subscription for yourself

    We can do the leveling at your own pace. If you want to collect certain transmogs or mounts I can also take you through old raid content/dungeons to get them.

    My offer is for new players or returning players who had 2 years+ break from the game.

    "Q: Who's eligible to participate in the new Recruit A Friend program?

    A: Recruiters must have active game time to start the recruiting process. Recruits with new accounts must have a WoW account no older than seven days.

    Q: Can I recruit friends who have an old or inactive WoW account?

    A: Yes. You can recruit friends with an existing WoW account that has not had active game time added in the past 24 months.

    You can send me a PM/reply to this post here if you are interested or use this link to be recruited: https://battle.net/recruit/ZWCTVHZG6F
    If you have any questions feel free to ask!
    Last edited by Sodalis; 2022-07-31 at 02:19 AM.

  17. #20677
    Brewmaster Nielah's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Northlands of Sweden
    Greetings adventurers!
    Looking to recruit someone on european realms to level with infor Dragonflight, maybe sit and chat on voice with and pump some levels!

    I’m preparing to level all classes to 60 in preparation for Dragonflight since the expansion is going to have a more casual friendly treshhold for PvP when it comes to prequesting and gearing a character.

    If you’re intrested in tagging along on a new account or if you’re returning to the game again I welcome you to come try out all the classes.

    Crossfaction play is a thing nowadays so no matter race or class mix we can level together! I have 17 years of extensive experience with wow, some breaks but mostly played all the exp packs.

    I’ve got us enough gold to get accustomed to everything needed for someone returning to the game. I offer a good company, guidance and all kinds of information you may need.

    My main orientation is pvp but I do run some raids, love chasing new transmogs and socializing with the guild. If this sounds like something you’d find interesting send me a dm here, add my discord or use the referal link and I’ll see you ingame.
    Discord: Nikosaurus#5937
    Recruit a Friend link: https://battle.net/recruit/HR7GPX2GDF

  18. #20678
    LF to recruit people on EU realms

    I'll recruit you and we can take advantage of the 50% XP bonus that goes live on 4th of October!

    What I can provide:

    -15+ year experience with WoW

    -trustable, friendly, mature, patient & fun company

    -gold for all your needs (bags, riding/flying skill etc.)

    -if you are interested in the lore I can lead you through the story of the game and the characters/places

    What you should provide:

    -the subscription for yourself (You don't have the purchase the expansions up until Shadowlands, everything is included now in the sub except the last expansion.)

    We can do the leveling at your own pace. If you want to collect certain transmogs or mounts I can also take you through old raid content/dungeons to get them.

    My offer is for new players or returning players who had 2 years+ break from the game.

    "Q: Who's eligible to participate in the new Recruit A Friend program?

    A: Recruiters must have active game time to start the recruiting process. Recruits with new accounts must have a WoW account no older than seven days.

    Q: Can I recruit friends who have an old or inactive WoW account?

    A: Yes. You can recruit friends with an existing WoW account that has not had active game time added in the past 24 months.

    You can send me a PM/reply to this post here if you are interested or use this link to be recruited: [url]https://battle.net/recruit/BQ2LMMFBLB]
    Or you can add me in the game/battlenet app with: Solaris#2242

    If you have any questions feel free to ask!
    Last edited by Sodalis; 2022-10-02 at 09:37 PM.

  19. #20679
    现在面临所有的问题,都是由于他好钻空子、犯罪拿钱的罪恶心*决� �的,并且他的这种心*也在深刻的影响着他*边的*小骗子们。但他并� �有想过要改变这种来钱路径,反而是在诈骗的路上一直滚雪球,将� �局越做越*

    - - - Updated - - -

    “诉山讼海”疑无路 “时间沙漏”将见底

    郭文贵申请破产,实在是“泄水保船”之举。根据SEC的GTV公允基金退 款公告,郭文贵已向SEC支付了总计4.55亿(455,439,194.49)美元。退款行 为坐实了诈骗之嫌,但退款数额与他从5000多名投资人手里骗取的4.87� ��(486,745,063)美元相比,还有3200万美元的缺口。与SEC命令的5.39亿( 539,433,428)美元退款额(除4.87亿美元诈骗赃款外、还有约1769万美元� �判决前利息和3500万美元民事罚款)相比,还有8400万美元的缺口。这 些缺口到哪里去了?说明老郭还有所保留,留下这点资产以图*山再� �。而保留资产的途径,就是利*美国司法资源,打着骗过法官的小算� ��,申请破产保护。
    也正是因为SEC基于老郭的退款启动了面向投资人的退款程序,所以老 郭在盖*的*直播已经没有人观看了,观看量一度跌为零。这说明蚂蚁� ��虽然深知老郭是骗子,但之前在得不到退款保障的情况下,抱有期� ��的蚂蚁只能依附在老郭左右,看他的直播,赞他的视频。甚至一度� ��农场内部反戈蚂蚁爆料,农场内部规定了GTV和盖*的视频观看量、赞 评量任务指标,营造出盖*即将超过推*脸书,一跃*为全球第一社交媒 体平台的假象。如今SEC打开了退款的闸门,蚂蚁们就纷纷弃老郭而去 了,场面陷入繁华后的冷清。更可笑的是,老郭为了隐匿资产,除了 在游艇Ladymay和18楼的问题上把自己的至亲拉下水,现在又说盖*和GTV� �他没有关系。
    这把盖*CEO杰森﹒米勒置于何种境地?如果米勒配合郭文贵在法庭上� �伪*,那么盖*即将上市却永远没有上市的诈骗责任将由谁来承担?蚂 蚁投资盖*的诈骗款将由谁来退还?米勒肯定不会承担这个责任。他� �定也没有料到,老郭会在危急关头把锅完全甩给自己。老谋深算的� �文贵在启动一个诈骗项目之前,必定盘算好怎么甩锅,在立项之前� �做好了和自己撇清关系的布局。但老郭搬起的石头到最后砸的往往� �自己的脚,恰恰是这样的布局和这些代*人,将*为老郭的掘墓人。作 为郭文贵至亲的郭强和郭美,都深知老郭的秉性,因为是至亲,所以 了解得更透彻。也因为是至亲,他们为了保住老爹,可以在法庭上作 伪*对抗法官。那么非亲非故的米勒,何必*自己的“钱途”为一个落� ��下石给自己甩锅的骗子买*?
    退一步讲,就算米勒*了老郭的蛊惑,选择在法庭上作伪*,也影响不* 。*竟多方*据*明郭文贵就是盖*和GTV的创始人和实际控制人。老郭隐� �资产的这套伎俩,美国法官估计看得多了。上次庭审后法官就表示� �4月27日之前不再安排听*,并警告老郭:“如不能达*共识,时间沙壶� �比你预期的更快见底”。破产局也表示赞同法官。这是什么意*?意* 是法官和破产局都知道老郭是在拖时间。正如奥**拉格法官所说,郭� ��贵将其资产隐藏在“空壳公司和家庭*员”的迷宫中。但是根据美国 司法精神,就算知道你是骗子,但只要你提出动议,还是要走程序。 你恶意破产、藐视法庭,我就层层加码,几千万的欠款变*现在的近� �2亿。法官不急,随着时间的流逝,急的是老郭。只要老郭不跑路,� ��切就都在法官的掌控之中。
    实际上,郭文贵破产案和PAX案已经从纽约南区破产法院移交至联邦康 州法院,而联邦康州法院支持破产局的意见。美国破产局的指控里, 字里行间透露出老郭恶意破产的*号。一旦被驳回破产动议,根据破� �法,郭文贵将面临20年以上的监禁。我们期待着4月27日,法官在审*PA X的恢复执行蔑视法庭判决动议时,直接对郭文贵执行藐视法庭的1.34� ��判罚,并且驳回破产动议。无论怎样,老郭在诉山讼海中已*重创, 元气*伤。
    善泳者溺于水,擅骗者坠于讼。作为一个讼棍,郭文贵在过去*年来� �诉过的除了诸多战友,还有国际刑警组织、华美银行、富国银行、� �*、YouTube和Facebook公司等诸多实体,指控多维新闻为PAX案提供假*据。 他很有可能在未来一段时间指控米勒为破产法院提供假*据,状告破� �法院和联邦康州法院的法官因为被蓝金黄而做出“歪曲事实”的判� �。但现在他的滥讼沙漏就快见底了,在SEC的步步紧逼下,退款4.55亿� ��元,是郭文贵一败涂地的标志性节点。对于蚂蚁们来说,在黎明前� ��黑暗中,老郭虽然会做出殊死挣扎的举动,但蚂蚁们的黎明*将到来 。#DrLiMengYan1 #LiMengYan #COVID19 #YanLiMeng #Ethnicity #CCP #USCIS

  20. #20680
    I have recruited 10+ people using the old RaF program and I am looking to get more new players on board using the new and updated Recruit of Friend system. While both RAF programs have one big disadvantage - the recruited person does not receive any rewards, I have created my own rewarding system for the new player:

    1. As soon as you hit level 21 you will receive:

    • 12 big 32 slot bags to make sure you never run out of inventory slots + bank
    • 10000 gold to help you until you reach the next reward level

    2. For each reward I receive from the RaF program I will give you 50, 000 gold. I receive a reward after you add game time to your subscription. There are a total of 12 rewards so this is 600,000 gold for all of them.

    Due to the fact I am qute busy I will NOT be able to play with you for the most part. I am just interesting in the rewards so my offer is good if you do not mind leveling solo.

    I can offer gold on some of the highest populated servers in Europe - Stormscale Horde, Kazzak Horde, Twisting Nether Horde, Ravencrest Alliance.

    Recruit A Friend Link:

    See you in World of Warcraft
    Last edited by Teamrandom; 2023-07-03 at 10:25 AM.

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