I really hope the will compensate the Tree of Life nerf. Hating the CD already and its not even out yet....
I really hope the will compensate the Tree of Life nerf. Hating the CD already and its not even out yet....
I love the fact that Im gonna stay in caster form <3.Originally Posted by quiz
This is great news for me!Really hoped for such change since ages.
I dunno. I think they got it mostly right there. That you personally don't like it does not mean that it is wrong or won't work better.Originally Posted by Auroro
And so far, the people that support removing ToL as a permanent form have brought much more coherent arguments than those against.
The main reason for the removal is that ToL would barely do anything worthwile in Cataclysm, remember that. Almost all of its utility is being shifted elsewhere or being removed, so it would just be a bunch of restrictions with a different skin, which is not just awkward but also rather stupid to have.
You have to spent mana to gain ToL buff and wait until it is done to pop it again.Originally Posted by Rapti
It is a nerf to spent mana where we can gain the buff forever without spending mana to keep it up.
Gotta love all these TBC/WotLK scrubs QQing about losing ToL. Guess what? Restos did fine in vanilla without it. Now it's going to be a fucking CD to make us more powerful and you're crying? Some people will complain about everything.
"I don't wanna drop form to dps cause healing is hard enough as it is" just lol. Speak for yourself. Providing more utility is more fun for most people, and the majority here seem to reflect that.
Finally I'll be able to FF, roots and clone people without blowing mana to reform, or assist dps in badge dailies instead of just rejuving the tank and alt-tabbing.
Quit the QQ, beta isn't even out yet.
You couldn't dps in dailies? Right.... because its hard to heal your group without tree form armor bonus and 6 percent heal increase.... Did mom do your homework for you? Nothing stopping you from healing "dailies" in normal form.
Except, you know, the CD ToL will probably be a great deal stronger than the current one. And have quite a bit different effect as well.Originally Posted by Auroro
You're comparing apples and kumquats there.
When have they got the druid class just right.Originally Posted by huth
Before BC: There was no boomkin, and Feral. The only thing you can do was be a Tree.
BC: There was four different spec and tanking was awkward, Boomkin had some weird RNG, Kitty was bad enough until Sunwell, Tree was still good.
Wrath: Tanking was still awkward at the beginning. Boomkin still have the same problem, Kitty needed to be behind the boss to do good enough dps, Tree became one of the best healer class in the game.
Cata: Tanking is now a bit better, Boomkin have a different system to deal with their spells, Kitty might still need to be behind the boss to do good DPS, Tree form been run over because blizzard want them to do a bit dps.
Compare to other class's spec, blizzard are clueless when dealing with Druid.
Like Tier set for Feral.
T4 (Malorne Harness): The good bonuses of BC for both Kitty and Bear
T5 (Nordrassil Harness): The worst bonuses of BC for Kitty and Bear. (2) Set: When you shift out of Bear Form, Dire Bear Form, or Cat Form, your next Regrowth spell takes 2.0 fewer sec. to cast. When are we shifting out of feral form to heal, never. The four piece bonus is good enough.
T6 (Thunderheart Harness): The good bonuses of BC for both Kitty and Bear.
T7 (Dreamwalker Battlegear): Questionable bonus for Bear
T8 (Nightsong Battlegear): Questionable for Bear and Kitty for 4 piece bonus however 2 piece bonus is very good.
T9 (Malfurion's Battlegear): Much better improvement from T8 bonus.
T10 (Lasherweave Battlegear): Is that tear is your eye or this tier bonus is the best one in the game?
How many time did blizzard mess up, 4 time dealing with Feral Tier set bonus.
Blizzard should have solve the problem with Boomkin at the beginning and it took them two game to find the solution.
Old fat guys that do nothing but state the obvious. BOOM!Originally Posted by Bombthreat
Druids are looking a bit better in cata as far as feral goes, resto is a bit questionable, it is balance that is going to shit imo.
Here's the deal: Managing Eclipse is already dumb. Having 2 different 'main nukes' is kinda pointless for any ranged dps. The problem is that you have to use both already in order to maintain DPS, and you have to keep up moonfire and insect swarm. The fact that you HAVE to use both is the problem. If eclipse were just a proc on wrath, that increases starfall crit chance for a short duration, your rotation is so much cleaner. It is this 'spamming 2 different main nukes' that is taxing.
Look at mages for example. Arcane mages use arcane blast to 4 stacks, and clear it either with arcane barrage, or arcane missles if they proc. 3 spells to kill stuff with. frost mages are the same. They spam frost bolt until brain freezeFoF procs then hit fireball and spamlance.
But druids? no, they have to watch 2 dots, + 2 different procs that can only proc if you spam wrath then starfire. I don't mean to make it sound like boomers are too hard or mages are too easy, but in cata boomers will have to alternate between wrath and starfire JUST to keep them doing equal damage. Sounds even more taxing if you ask me.
Boomkins are done imo. Also, the giant mushroom thing sounds like someone in R&D was eating magic mushrooms when they came up with that idea. Bad imo.
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That's actually a fair point. Moonkins do not get much flexibility in their rotation(s) to maximise dps or indeed for different types of damage. However, despite their complexity they can bring a comptetitive damage to raids.Originally Posted by Eroginous
But come on, a moonkin is a druid - a hybrid class. So, not only are you now demanding a competitive damage but all the different *types* of goodies that pure dps classes can get? I mean why stop at mage-like rotations? Why not have the little ents become permanent pets or apply different kinds of debuffs like a hunter? Heck, why not an additional Metamorphosis-like CD with quirky animation for a few seconds to buff damage like a warlock? Or go crazy with tons of aoe type spells with different magic schools and mechanics. I mean there has to be a limit right?
Instead of having the full versatility in rotations and types of damage of a pure dps class, they get a couple of more complex rotations forcing them to use as many of their tools as possible in order to maximise their dps and remain comptetitive. It's not a bad trade-off for a hybrid.
Though I admit, if I wanted to be a damage dealer I would be less than satisfied by being a moonkin mainGive me a pure dps class any day of the week!
I must have been one of the few who thought, "Wow, what a gimmick!". It sounds so incredibly situational and pvp-oriented except for a few rare lol-moments in dungeon chokepoints (assuming the rest of the raid wait around for you to plant your mushrooms).Originally Posted by Eroginous
That is exactly my point though. Yes, you could do all those things but at the cost of forgoing ToL. In the end, that just boils down to ToL being nothing more than a pretty buff for 6% healing, and why not make it a baseline buff? Or better yet just balance us without the 6%. Blizzard have already stated that the want to get rid of boring % talents.Originally Posted by Toad
With that in mind and the incoming mastery talents, ToL would become nothing but a form for the sake of a form. The idea of it being a CD now will make it more interesting and in effect, a buff.
For those worried about roots in raids or arena\BGs, remember that all healers will have a defensive magic dispell. If that turns out to be too expensive, there's still cat/bear.
as far as the ToL change goes it seems stupid that they are getting rid of it, i myself love healing in caster form, but being a tree made me a drudi healer i have a holy pally i have a disc priest and i have a resto shaman as well, if touch myself while i think about how sexy my gear moves when i wave my arms i would play them, but i play my druid so. And i do it because its fun and i just love jigglen meh branches like a coked up hobo. so for them to just say " you cant deeps as a tree so clearly you must feel left out." idk about most of you but is it really that hard to just hit your damage button to auto pop you out then go back to tree form when you need to heal, cause to me it seems like if your planning on doing tree deeps then there really isnt enouh healing required to feel like your loosing the gcd or mana to go back to tree form here and there. But on a side note that CD they give us better be interesting and not just some stupid holy wrath rip off, cause i do agree a good CD was all a resto druid was missing in its arsonal. Im hoping for something that either lets our hots jump like the t10 4 piece or making our hots do a burst of healing in an aoe around the target we put the hot on sorta like a seed of corruption but with heals.
http://owlkinbf.blogspot.com/Theory is where good ideas come from. Practice is where good players come from.
roflcopter came out when i read this.Originally Posted by Peta
wow i couldnt tel u the last time i healed a heroic in tree form. and i still dont help dps our cc. This is a fail change for blizz flat out fail. Keep me in tree form so i dont have to help dps or cc or anything like that. That isnt fun for me, and i will tell u like i have told everyone else. if u wanted to do this u should reroll. im assuming u did some kind of research (since u seem like somewhat of an intelligent person) before u picked a druid or continued to play one past vanilla.Originally Posted by Animorpheus
I hated tree form only because of how ugly it looked. I would've liked a new model than having ToL being changed to a CD.
Tree > Female Tauren D;
Oh well. There's always paid race change lol![]()
because spamming arcane blast or frostfire bolt was alot of fun? having 2 main nukes is fine if u ask me
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thumbs down for upcoming feral cat changes...making EVERYTHING in the game easier is not a fix, blizz.
Obsidium - Frostmane - www.obsidium.org
My 1st emotions by reading this preview were Anger and Disappointment.
But while reading on in the list of changes. I began to agree more on stuff said.
And i think the changes that are presented are some welcome changes for us druid healers.
I hope it will work like intended and that it doesn't have a bad influence on playing druid healer.