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  1. #101

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by frester

    I know what you mean, and i think blizz will do it somehow differently that you will end up doing it like today, but it will be less clunky and less random, but buff will flip at some point then you will spam the other nuke and you will charge eclipse so it can flip again but i'm not sure how fast you will enter that state when fight starts, guess they may mix torrent somewhere in there
    The buff won't be "flipping" at any point unless you want it to.
    Here's how they say it will go:

    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)
    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)
    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)

    It's your decision on when you want to use that buff to switch to Starfire and make the eclipse meter butt nature damage.
    A rich man once told me: "Hey life's a funny thing."
    A poor man once told me that he can't afford to speak...

  2. #102

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Put a cooldown on bear form.
    Put a cooldown on cat form.
    Put a cooldown on moonkin form.

    That way we can all look like a bunch of retards auto attacking out of form.

    I show up to raids/bgs/arenas to heal. Popping out of tree and dpsing couldn't be easier then it is. So why change it? If people are worried about doing damage as a healer in any sort of PVE environment please just change your spec. Don't impliment retarded changes to something that works fine as is.

  3. #103

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderChunk
    The buff won't be "flipping" at any point unless you want it to.
    Here's how they say it will go:

    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)
    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)
    /Cast Wrath (Eclipse meter goes a little towards the Moon, buffing Arcane damage)

    It's your decision on when you want to use that buff to switch to Starfire and make the eclipse meter butt nature damage.
    This one could drive the elitistjerks/theorycrafters stir kerazy, lol!

  4. #104

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    It's been mildly entertaining reading through the responses to all these class changes. There could be a new ocean formed from all the tears collected in each cataclysm preview thread, lol. The bottom line - each and every one of these crybabies will buy the expansion and play the game through at least one month of subscription at the bare minimum, most likely playing at least a year longer. Blizzard wins again. GG

    Wait till some results in beta first before spraying your tears everywhere, come on!

  5. #105

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    I'm guessing ToL as a cooldown will go through several changes in the beta. In my experience, healers rarely need burst cooldowns besides the ocasional Hymn, but if it worked similiar to the current main feature of the talent (mana cost reduction) it'll work gameplay wise, at least for PvE. But it still feels like the main reason behind it is the whole polymorph + dispel issue in arena that made them put it on a cooldown.

  6. #106

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    After reading the preview I don't quite see how restoration druids are gonna turn out. Way to little information, to know anything.. But I have full confident that blizzard are able to make it work

    The new change to tree form, is something i have been wishing for. Tree form is not giving anything other then + healing and some stupid armor.
    I have been waiting for a long time, to see druids get any kind of cooldown. I know that cooldown don't work the same way on healers as on dps, but still, It will always be times when some extra and maybe different healing will be needed.
    I also don't think the tree form cooldown, just will give you 30% more healing or something like that. I think it will change the way your heals are working, and also effect the hots you already have on the raid. This way, it will benefit druids a lot more then just give us some + healing, sines we are hot based healers, and are not spaming cast heals all the time. It will also make the cooldown more attractive to use, and fun!

    After reading about Efflorescence, I hope that talent will bring a new and refreshing mechanic too regrowth. Druids are Hot healers, but It don't mean that all our hots have to be insta cast Having a splash hot with casting time, will be really nice

    I also hope they will redo our other heals as well. Give some new ways to us are old spells. This way, healing as a restoration druid will feel refreshing and new, despite the fact that we don't get any new healing spells.

    All in all, we can only wait for more information.

  7. #107

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    It's a shame that all the fuss about Tree of Life form is kind of overwhelming the fact that feral druid tanks are still not getting any kind of ranged silencing ability. My main spec is resto and I'm not completely happy that my Tree form is being removed, but the fact that it will still be a pain in the ass to move that one spellcaster that refuses to come within my swipe range troubles me. Where I see that paladins are getting even more ways to silence mobs while they already had plenty of abilities, warriors have ways to get casters closer to them, but we bears just have to depend on our party/raid-members to get those mobs to us.

    Now that wouldn't be a problem if Blizzard wasn't making all content nowadays just AoE-spamming frenzy. I can't trust DPS nowadays anymore to interrupt spellcasters so I need to have it in my own control. Help us out here Blizz, please? Either make it so that DPS is educated to use their interrupt abilities, or give them to me so I can handle it myself...

  8. #108

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Warform
    It's a shame that all the fuss about Tree of Life form is kind of overwhelming the fact that feral druid tanks are still not getting any kind of ranged silencing ability. My main spec is resto and I'm not completely happy that my Tree form is being removed, but the fact that it will still be a pain in the ass to move that one spellcaster that refuses to come within my swipe range troubles me. Where I see that paladins are getting even more ways to silence mobs while they already had plenty of abilities, warriors have ways to get casters closer to them, but we bears just have to depend on our party/raid-members to get those mobs to us.

    Now that wouldn't be a problem if Blizzard wasn't making all content nowadays just AoE-spamming frenzy. I can't trust DPS nowadays anymore to interrupt spellcasters so I need to have it in my own control. Help us out here Blizz, please? Either make it so that DPS is educated to use their interrupt abilities, or give them to me so I can handle it myself...
    I agree, bears do need this, atleast in PvE. Feral charge is sufficient for pvp along w/ cyclones and cat stuns. One idea I saw is that since FFF has a long duration, they could increase the cd to 15 sec, increase the rage generated, and also let it silence or interupt an npc for 3 sec.

  9. #109

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Here is my resume ;D

    - first about TOL, fine ill stop QQ and wait but i do really consider that was a bad change . We trees do bring utility, my roll is healer and somehow i am bringing something to the raid. Not because im not dpsing im not doing something worth, i am healing, i am regenerating ( a miserable amount but something at least) rage, mana, energy with rejuvenation and wg. we bring battle rez and a druid buff and one last thing here is well ill stop raging about this change if at least power up moonfire and actually i can hit level ??? boss on my healing gear without missing 3 times in a row and do efficient damage.. whats the point of having 2 % damage? lol .. or maybe druids are gonna be the last resort when all raid dead - poof moonfire -win well in that case yeah.

    -For pvp ok i guess that is fine , i do not pvp at all since i can admit i be bad at it , so as long as they really increase armor on leather and resilence resto druids should survive . As for the polymorph dispel i might be wrong but then that means you gotta bring other people who can dispel since you re not able to dispel yourself ? for me still useless when the druid is the sheep, and as i said well if u have priest, mage and other class with the new dispel mechanic then ya there no problem at all .. i just really dont see how resto droods are gonna survive, they can be sheep, they can be saped and as for banish they cant be anymore guess thats the only good thing.

    -For the guy who said druids like to top meters just using rejuvenation and wg , those are baddies, main reason why the chances are high for u to have a fail healer on heroics , etc is that. I do like to use almost all my spells , tranquility also, the one i dont use at all is healing touch. Nourish has become handy flash of light and with glyph is such a nice spell i dont see why someone would spam rejuvenation sit and wait since at least for fights like twins or BQ or even others fights .. hots can lose damage control easy and people need a direct heal but i guess baddies represent the best costumers for blizzard eh ? :P

    those are my thoughts, i could be wrong and yeah we better sit and wait. But most likely blizzard will change tol and everything they say, coz thats what they did when they nerf bm hunters, what they said , what they did no matter how much QQ they would get. If that's the case well better go dps even if i like the feral kitty rotation now, if they make it easy then guess thats better than not get into a raid since shammys are the new hot awsome healers 8)

    PS - if u want to see your gear while healing , honestly reroll priest , paladin or shaman. sorry peepz vanilla is gone , tree form has been here for 2 expansions , people love em .. hard to change that but we will see what happen.

  10. #110

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    So, after lookingn through each and every class/spec.. i kind of feel like blizz just gave us Feral druids a "cool-looking" ability for the trolls etc to think "Hey that might be useful and sounds cool" Well really.. I dont think so!

    Stampeding Roar (Level 83): The druid roars, increasing the movement of all allies within 10 yards by 40% for 8 seconds. Stampeding Roar can be used in cat or bear form, but bears might have a talent to drop the cooldown. The goal of this ability is to give both bears and cats a little more situational group utility. 3-minute cooldown. No cost.
    Really when, and im just going to ask WHEN!? When are a 40% movespeed going to be really useful at all?! Not at once!

    For ourselves? we have travelform/dash, in pvp? what sense were it 60%+ i could see some use (most snares are 50% movespeed reductions) but with 40% movespeed.. that is actually a spell i wouldn't even bother to learn!

    Never in a pve enviroment is it going to be needed (yeah you can argue that you can "save" people who are bad at moving out of fire.. but do you really want to save those people?) and with only 40% and a 3 min CD it's pretty useless for pvp aswell.

    So enough QQ time to be constructive; Instead of this pieces of shit you just gave us which might "look-cool" you could maybe consider adding something more to it? Usually a "stampede" spell is kind of a battle-hunger. which would be cool, something along the lines of a raidwise 10% (actual value not important) damage increase together with the 40% movespeed? or something along the lines of letting it break snares and making affected targets immune to them, then it would atleast be useful for pvp. but as it is, worst piece of BS ive EVER seen! Better of not implementing it!

  11. #111

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Ok so let me get this str8 they are giving holy paladins a pet, aoe healing spell, some kind of blind, crusader strike. Taking away holy light with beacon. Just flash of light on a beacon.

    Lets recap what new spells there giving resto druids.....
    And there taking away ToL

    Thats balance.

  12. #112

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by torth-sucks
    Lets recap what new spells there giving resto druids.....
    And there taking away ToL
    Lies, we get little beds of pretty flowers!

  13. #113

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by squeeze
    Lies, we get little beds of pretty flowers!
    I thought that was an effect of regrowth. Didnt think it was a new spell

  14. #114

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    It's a talent.

    Now, am I the only one concerned about the potential usefulness of the HoT Scale Healing thingie? I know, new content, new encounters and all that. But it seems to me like it's worth the most when it shouldn't have to be worth anything at all, if that makes sense. Thoughts?

  15. #115

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Paendorrah
    Now, am I the only one concerned about the potential usefulness of the HoT Scale Healing thingie? I know, new content, new encounters and all that. But it seems to me like it's worth the most when it shouldn't have to be worth anything at all, if that makes sense. Thoughts?
    Yes, I understand what you mean. Everyone knows HoTs are great for moderate damage and topping off. The current instinct when someone is deeply hurt is they most need a fast and large direct heal and not a HoT. This "Hot Scale Healing" looks like is trying to rebalance this bias to make our many HoT heals as effective applying *first* to a deeply wounded target as a direct heal.

    Due to the much higher mana cost of spells and larger health pools relative to heals in Cataclysm, reactive healing rather than proactive healing will almost certainly be needed. Without HoT Scale Healing, as the damage size relative to healing increases, the more inefficient HoTs become for their mana cost (ignoring GCD cost due to mostly instant spells) under reactive healing. In the meantime, priests (with Radiance), shamans (with Deep Healing) and paladins with new smart aoe (Healing Hands) and single target heals (Guardian), will be able to apply "boot-strap" heals from low health much more efficiently - their heals are better suited for reactive healing.

    HoT Scale Healing is an attempt to rebalance the usefulness and the output efficiency of HoTs for boot-strap heals, especially. HoTs should remain fine for moderate damage. Topping off, however, may be a habit that in general all the healing classes have to give up trying to do most of the time. It may just be too expensive.

    I imagine HoT Scale Healing would be most effective with Wild Growth for group healing and Regrowth for single targets due to boot-strap heals. At least this is how I *think* it will work.

    I have a feeling that tuning Hot Scale Healing will be a total bitch. It could become just effective enough to be useful in many situations in PvE but then be totally OP in many situations in PvP. So, expect druid healing to get knocked around a lot even after release if this mechanic makes it to live.

    All in all, due to the expense of overhealing and proactive healing that will be in Cataclysm and everyone getting used to being reactive, preventative healers may be the new "kids on the block". Discipline priests may finally with their single target and group shields and the tons of instant active cooldowns of paladin healing, may become King and Queen when the going gets tough (heroic level).

    I hope the new ToL when it finally gets released gives us a new tool as an alternative to just HoT Scale Healing or better fills in the gap(s) in this new reactive world.

    TL;DR. At its simplest, in PvE, you can view HoT Scale Healing as a passive bonus to Wild Growth. But I think its a lot more complicated than that when you put it in context

  16. #116

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by torth-sucks
    Ok so let me get this str8 they are giving holy paladins a pet, aoe healing spell, some kind of blind, crusader strike. Taking away holy light with beacon. Just flash of light on a beacon.

    Lets recap what new spells there giving resto druids.....
    And there taking away ToL

    Thats balance.
    A guardian, not a pet. And what good is crusader strike to a healer? Resto kann do the same now, turn into cat and hit things with claw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Paendorrah
    It's a talent.

    Now, am I the only one concerned about the potential usefulness of the HoT Scale Healing thingie? I know, new content, new encounters and all that. But it seems to me like it's worth the most when it shouldn't have to be worth anything at all, if that makes sense. Thoughts?
    There was a comment by Nethaera regarding Tank health in relation to healing in Cata.

    Paladins will be able to talent into a new heal that is slower and more powerfull than holy light, and you will need 3 of those(the new heal, not HL) to fill up a tanks health bar.

  17. #117

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by huth
    A guardian, not a pet. And what good is crusader strike to a healer? Resto kann do the same now, turn into cat and hit things with claw.

    There was a comment by Nethaera regarding Tank health in relation to healing in Cata.

    Paladins will be able to talent into a new heal that is slower and more powerfull than holy light, and you will need 3 of those(the new heal, not HL) to fill up a tanks health bar.
    No one is saying it will be usefull im just saying there getting something new while druids get a big penis in the arse.

  18. #118

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by squeeze
    Being a Moonkin gives you a ton of new spells, enhancements and mechanics not available in any other spec.
    Being a Moonkin does not give you any new spells. It does add to you bonus armor, enhancement to spells and special procs. The truth is you dont really need a Moonkin form as you get all that due to talents not the fact you shapeshift into a fat owl in the process. Same thing is with the ToL. Bears and Cats are indeed a bit different, but yeah the forms are the essence of playing a Druid.

    Now yes I am aware they are getting some new mechanics in Cata, no reason why ToL shouldnt get some too...not just turned into a ridiculous spell...thats just pure laziness by Blizzard.

    Being in Shadowform gives you a ton of new spells, enhancements and mechanics not available in any other spec.
    Same as Moonkin.

    Being in Feral Cat gives you a ton of new spells, enhancements and mechanics not available in any other spec.
    This is true. I may have gone overboard with Cats and Bears. They do in fact give you total change, new spells/abilities, etc.

    You get the point right. Whatever passive bonuses are rolled up in these dps specialisations (most of which are "forms"), they are nothing compared to what the specs give in order to be a competitive damage dealer. This is completely unlike the unique Tree of Life which is exclusively passive.
    Let me remind you of the rationale given by Blizzard...they are removing it so Resto Droods can now do offensive spells and look at their shiney armor...rofl

    I agree. But Blizzard have realised that they cannot give forms to specs which need to be able to do so much and cannot afford to be specialised, i.e. healers and tanks.
    Excuse me? The core of the game is (if you want to see the end-game content) to be specialized. And you have dual-specs bcz of that. Imagine a warr tank outside his tanking stance, DK outside frost presence, Druid tanking as kitty, Paladin tanking without RF and devo aura. Everyone needs to be specialized....the times where you could be hybrid and still do decent job is over...Blizzard made sure of that.

    Precisely. They want to give *all* current and future caster abilities to Tree of Life. But since all abilities (including all healing) are already available in caster and ToL adds nothing but passive abilities, why would you put all the effort into duplicating all current and future abilities in ToL when you could just get rid of ToL and rollup what it currently gives druids into the normal caster like all other healing classes?
    Because its the core of the class? Let me remind you why ToL was added: It made no sense that Druids as master shapeshifters had no healing form. As you may or may not know ToL was not something that existed from the start, it was added on the request of the community. And let me remind you that Resto tree has a talent called "Master Shapeshifter"...master shapeshifters without the form?

    And btw. the main reason they mentioned to remove ToL is just not serious. Along with the things I've said in my previous posts I would like out to point out two major things that could happen as well.
    1. Lets say you are a healer and you have time and mana to order to dps you will need hit rating. What is the point of being able to cast offensive abilities if most will not even hit the target?
    2. Imagine now a resto Druid healing a tank or the raid...we have inc major dmg spike, in order to compensate Druid needs to go for ToL cd and triggers the GCD losing precious seconds in which raid members and tank could die. This would be the equivalent of current Druid shapeshifting while on healing duty.

    There are few major reasons why I am against removal of ToL:
    - Reasons they gave for removing it are not serious and give no least from a PvE perspective.
    - They are messing up the core basis of the class, if you want to look at your armor while raiding you can go reroll a Shaman, Priest or if you dont look at your armor anyway while standing in Dalaran or wherever.
    - Adding new spell on GCD which may prove serious issues with large dmg spikes on raid and tank

    Yes, I kind of agree. The new ToL may not be well thought through and tested and either becomes a limiting factor to our healing or becomes almost irrelevant, like Tranquility. But there is literally no way of knowing that for sure until they release more details about it.
    Well now we are talking. This preview (and I hope this is still work in progress and will face some serious overhaul and rethinkikng) has offered nothing new to Resto spec. We have Blizzard saying they will try to root out useless spells and passive abilities...I agree though that Druids dont really need new healing spells but I do disagree with some spells not being "fixed". We had no mention at all about Tranquility, this is near to useless spell which could be changed, buffed or whatever. In fact this spell could even be the new GCD major spell they want to make ToL into. Perhaps something similar to new Shaman spell or whatever.

    To summirize changes by Blizzard to Resto tree should be:
    1. update the damn ToL graphics, do not remove it ffs...;
    2. changes to Reju, LB, etc they announced are good;
    3. add some more utility if thats the problem (I think they have enough utility as it is now);
    4. add some ToL specific mechanics triggering similar to Moonkin Eclipse they are getting in Cata and make the ToL useful since passive's are going away;
    5. fix the damn Tranquility!

  19. #119

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by joker13

    There are few major reasons why I am against removal of ToL...blahblahblah

    To summirize changes by Blizzard to Resto tree should be:
    5. fix the damn Tranquility!
    Dont worry for players like you, Blizz is thinking about a minor glyph to keep you in ToL form the whole time. Then you can sit there and think "Oh yay ToL and Cata gave me another CD to use"...
    All the passive benefits will be in caster form. It is a simple graphic change with an another CD (ToL) to utilize. Oh and now you can CC without shifting cause cyclone and roots have a higher chance of missing but still work.

    Funny how all the talk about shifting is a core mechanic of the class... when in pve combat druids rarely shift. The vision of druids is a class that shifts and takes advantage of forms. I am glad druids will actually be shifting in pve combat. Staying in one form the entire fight is not shifting just a static mechanic that is tiresome.

    I actually hoped they would do the same for moonkins so I could be shifting in pve combat as well.

    And Tranquility is being redesigned to act like divine hymn so you got your wish there.

  20. #120

    Re: Druid - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Let me remind you of the rationale given by Blizzard...they are removing it so Resto Droods can now do offensive spells and look at their shiney armor...rofl Wink
    I think the more important rationale given was that it pretty much doesn't do anything noteworthy in cataclysm but still imposes some restrictions.

    Would you really use it if that were the case?

    Moonkin is okay because a moonkin will rarely, if ever, have to leave their form to do their job and never for more than a few seconds.
    I wouldn't be terribly sorry if Starfall and Typhoon would require us to be giant owls either.
    For a healer on the other hand, having to shift to use a spell would feel clunky, and might cost you time you do not have.

    At the same time, i have seen resto druids spend entire raid fights in caster form.

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