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  1. #1

    Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    This is a compilation of the Cataclysm-related information released this week, including the official previews and important blue posts. I do realize that some of the class forums already have sticky topics, this topic is merely here to discuss this week's preview and changes and will eventually fall into the abyss of the class forums.

    Official Class Preview
    Originally Posted by Bornakk (Blue Tracker)

    World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will bring with it several changes to class talents and abilities. Here you will get a glimpse into some of the changes we have in store for the warrior. The information you're about to read is not complete, and is only meant to act as a preview for some of the exciting new things to come.

    New Warrior Abilities

    Inner Rage (Level 81): Whenever the character reaches a full 100 Rage, he or she will gain a buff that causes attacks to consume 50% more Rage and do 15% more damage for a short amount of time. This is a passive ability so it won't need to be activated by the player. The goal for this ability is to provide a benefit for hitting max Rage instead of it feeling like a penalty. However, we also don't want warriors to feel like they're supposed to pool Rage and do nothing until they hit 100, so we'll be closely monitoring how this plays out during the beta testing, and making adjustments as needed.

    Gushing Wound (Level 83): This ability will apply a bleed effect to the target. If the target moves, the bleed gains an extra stack and refreshes its duration, up to a maximum of three stacks. The ability is currently planned to have no cooldown, cost 10 Rage, and have a 9-second duration. Gushing Wound is designed to be weaker than Rend with one stack, but better with three stacks, which will be reached when fighting a moving target.

    Heroic Leap (Level 85): This ability makes the character leap at their target and apply the Thunder Clap ability to all enemies in the area when they land. Heroic Leap will be usable in Battle Stance and shares a cooldown with Charge, but the Juggernaut and Warbringer talents will allow Heroic Leap to be used in any stance and possibly while in combat. The cooldown for this ability might be longer than the Charge ability, but it will also apply a stun effect so you can make sure the target will still be there when you land.

    Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

    In addition to learning new abilities, you'll see changes to other abilities and mechanics with which you're already familiar. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we intend for each spec.

    • Heroic Strike will no longer be an "on next swing" attack, as we are removing this mechanic in Cataclysm. To keep the niche of Heroic Strike as a Rage dump, it will become an instant attack, but will cost between 10 and 30 Rage. This ability will not be usable until you have 10 Rage, but if you have more than 10, it will consume up to 30, adding additional damage for each point of Rage consumed above the base 10. Other abilities, such as Cleave, Execute, and Maul (for druids) will work similarly. The goal is to provide players with an option where if you can't afford the Rage, you don't push the button, but if you have excess Rage, you can push it a lot.

    • Battle Shout, Commanding Shout, and possibly Demoralizing Shout will work more like the death knight's Horn of Winter ability. Specifically, these shouts will cost no resources, generate rage in addition to their current effects, and be on a short cooldown.

    • Whirlwind will hit an unlimited number of targets, but only for 50% of weapon damage. The intent is for this ability to be used in multi-target scenarios and not on single targets.

    • Overall, heals cast by players in Cataclysm will be a lower number relative to players' health than the current game. So to make the Mortal Strike debuff less mandatory but still useful in PvP, Mortal Strike will reduce healing by only 20%. All equivalent debuffs, including the Shadow priest and Frost mage debuffs, will be for 20% less healing. At the moment we aren't considering giving this debuff to anyone else, though we will certainly consider PvP utility for historically under-represented specs that use other mechanics.

    • Sunder Armor will be reduced to three stacks instead of five, and still provide only a 4% reduction in armor per stack. We want to make this debuff easier to apply and less of a damage swing when it falls off.

    New Talents and Talent Changes

    • The Furious Sundering talent in the Fury tree will make the Sunder Armor ability cause 25/50% weapon damage and reduce the threat generated by 50/100%.

    • The Mace and Poleaxe Specialization talents in the Arms tree will be removed. These provided just passive stats, which are not the kinds of talents we want to design in the future. We will keep the Sword Specialization talent, but it will be changed to a talent that applies to all types of weapons.

    • As a Fury talent, Booming Voice will increase the Rage generated by shouts.

    • While we like how Titan's Grip plays, we recognize some warriors liked the Fury tree because of the really fast swings that dual-wielding one-handed weapons could provide. Therefore, we're planning to try out a talent called Single-Minded Fury that is parallel to Titan's Grip and will provide a large boost to the damage of a pair of one-handed weapons.

    • Several talents that reduce the Rage cost of abilities will be changed to focus on increased damage for those abilities instead.

    • The new Arms talent called Disarming Nature will make successful disarms cause the target to cower in fear for 5/10 seconds.

    • Another new Arms talent called Blitz will make the Charge ability hit for extra damage. The amount will possibly vary depending on the distance travelled.

    • Improved Pummel, a Fury talent, will cause a successful interrupt to generate 10/20 Rage.

    Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses

    • Melee Damage
    • Armor Penetration
    • Bonus Swing

    Bonus Swing: This is similar to the Sword Specialization talent that is currently in the game, but Bonus Swing will work on all attacks and with all weapons. You have a chance to proc a free, instant weapon swing that hits for 50% damage.

    • Melee Damage
    • Melee Haste
    • Enrage Intensity

    Enrage Intensity: Every benefit of being enraged is increased. This includes doing more damage/healing/ etc. from abilities like Bloodrage, Death Wish, Enrage, Berserker Rage, and Enraged Regeneration.

    • Damage Reduction
    • Vengeance
    • Critical Block Chance

    Critical Block Chance: As we mentioned in the stat changes preview, block rating is changing to a chance to block 30% of a melee swing's damage. Protection warriors have a chance that the block will be a critical block and block for 60% of a melee swing's damage instead. There will likely be talents available to push the amount blocked even higher.

    Vengeance: This is a mechanic to ensure that tank damage (and therefore threat) doesn't fall behind as damage-dealing classes improve their gear during the course of the expansion. All tanking specs will have Vengeance as their second talent tree passive bonus. Whenever a tank gets hit, Vengeance will give them a stacking attack power buff equal to 5% of the damage done, up to a maximum of 10% of the character's un-buffed health. For boss encounters, we expect that tanks will always have the attack power bonus equal to 10% of their health. The 5% and 10% bonuses assume 51 talent points have been put into the Protection tree. These values will be smaller at lower levels. Remember, you only get this bonus if you have spent the most talent points in the Protection tree, so you won't see Arms or Fury warriors running around with it. Vengeance will let us continue to make tank gear more or less the way we do today – there will be some damage-dealing stats, but mostly survival-oriented stats. Druids typically have more damage-dealing stats even on their tanking gear, so their Vengeance benefit may be smaller, but overall the goal is for all four tanks do about the same damage when tanking.

    We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues.
    Additional Information
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    Heroic Leap
    I think too many of you are focusing on the Thunder Clap portion of Heroic Leap. Imagine instead the tooltip said "Leap into combat, crushing all enemies within the landing area for massive damage and slowing their attack speed for 10 sec."

    [...] it will do massive damage and apply the Thunder Clap debuff. That's like saying Bladestorm is just Whirlwind with a little CC immunity thrown in, so why do we need another Whirlwind?

    [...] On the topic of Heroic Leap, understand that these are not patch notes. They're previews. These abilities have not been extensively tested yet, and to be totally honest, several of them haven't even been implemented yet. We wanted to share with you the direction we're headed in while there was still plenty of time for feedback and iteration. While we like all of the new abilities we're discussing, there's certainly a chance not all of them will make it to ship.

    If Heroic Leap needs to be used out of combat or in different stances or to not share a cooldown with Charge in order to be awesome, then that's certainly the kind of thing we're willing to try.

    It's a struggle with previews like this to provide enough context (things like limitations and even numbers) so you get the idea of where we're going with a spell or mechanic without getting everyone over-focused on those details. (As another example, warriors dismissing Inner Rage because they think the numbers aren't tuned perfectly.)

    At the moment, we're focused on making fun abilities. As the beta progresses, we'll worry more about the tuning. (Source)

    Inner Rage
    Inner Rage isn't supposed to feel kiss / curse. It's supposed to feel like a limit break or similar video game analogy. When I get to 100 rage, I go into overdrive mode and cause even more damage. Rather than hitting max rage being a problem (because I'm wasting resources I could be gaining) it's something fun instead.

    We put in some of that extra explanation because we don't want warriors to feel like the right way to play is to do nothing until they have 100 rage and then start having fun. It's supposed to feel like getting a string of crits or eating a big hit or something translate into higher damage for a short time. (Source)

    Demo Shout changes
    Actually we changed it to a percent physical damage reduction instead of attack power reduction. (Source)

    Vengeance is based on damage actually taken (physical and spell). This means it might take a bit to get stacked up to the max value, but it generally will get up there on longer fights and can even stay there in between pulls if you pull quickly.

    Remember, the problem we're trying to solve here is sustained damage and threat. We're not as worried about mobs sticking to you initially because you have plenty of tools to handle that now (including telling the mages they need to wait for half a second). Yes, your AP might start out a little lower if you get a string of avoidance, but with lower avoidance in Cataclysm, that is probably less of a problem as well.

    Protection Tree
    As a tank, you don't need to worry about nerfs to Sunder Armor and Demo Shout. We'll still tune the bosses to whatever damage we think they need to do. You don't need to worry about suddenly becoming less survivable or generating less threat.

    We changed Sunder Armor because the debuff was too massive, meaning realistically you couldn't raid without it. (Perhaps you still can't, but it's closer.)

    We changed Demo Shout because it was confusing. Nobody knows how much attack power a creature has, and we found that many players underestimated what a massive damage reduction Demo Shout actually provided.

    I can understand PvP concerns of changing these abilities. I'm less sympathetic if you're worried you'll lose your spot to another class because of them, since we're really trying to design a game where you aren't brought along just for your awesome buff.

    As far as other Protection warrior concerns go, you're welcome to bring up issues you think that the talent tree has. Our general feedback from warriors is they really like the Protection tree and playstyle (with a few exceptions, like Heroic Strike and perhaps Vigilance) and it was really the tuning relative to other tanks that bothered them. We try not to offer too many changes just for the sake of change (though a few can be fun, and there will be some in your talent tree). (Source)

    Threat generation
    I understand the appeal of threat management from a logical sense, and your point about it being engaging to everyone is compelling, but in application we find that it's one of those things that a lot of players just don't find fun. The UI doesn't do a great job of explaining threat, and even if we could build a UI to portray it in a more exciting way (which to be fair, we probably could) it's still a pretty intangible concept compared to damage and healing so I'm not sure it would feel great even then.

    Many DPS players don't like the mechanic that there's this higher level of damage they could achieve if only they weren't constantly being throttled by this one dude up in front. It often ends up feeling not like the group is overcoming a challenge together, but that the dude in front needs to get his act together. It just makes tanks feel weak. When the raid dies because the boss hammered the tank, then that feels cooperative because it's the raid vs. the boss. When the raid wipes because the warlock got aggro, then it feels like it's the tank vs. the warlock (or maybe the raid vs. the warlock or the raid vs. the tank).

    We always see a lot of negative feedback from tanks when they feel like they can't hold aggro. To be sure some of that is relative when the warrior sees the paladin generate more threat, but it's also a pretty constant source of friction for tanks when they feel like they don't have the tools they need for the job. You can write that off as casuals who just want free epics, but I think we see "we can't generate enough threat" feedback more than we see "please nerf this boss; he's too hard" feedback.

    Really, we're talking about relative degrees though. No warrior tank should be able to Thunder Clap and then go get a beer because they're going to then maintain aggro no matter what. In the situations where that happens today I think it's because of overtuned abilities like Tricks or Misdirect (or sometimes tank abilities themselves).

    Perhaps put more succinctly, a lot of tank players just seem to find the survival game more fun than the threat game. (Source)

    Unending Fury
    The kinds of talents we want to eliminate are the ones that say "You do 5% more damage." Unending Fury is pretty close to that because it buffs the attacks Fury warriors use the most. On the other hand, Flurry is a pretty unambiguous dps increase, but it does it in a way that's a little more interesting. A talent tree that didn't buff damage of a dps spec at all would feel lame. We just want to free up enough talent points that you can get more of the fun utility ones. (Source)

    1H/2H Dual Wielding and rage generation/damage gap
    Are you talking about Arms vs. Fury? That's not that hard. Arms can have a talent to let them generate more rage with a two-hander or require less rage for their attacks.

    Are you talking about 2H Fury vs. 1H Fury? The Single-Minded Fury talent could literally say "Your one-handed weapons do damage as if they were two-handed weapons." The talent gives us a dial and we can tune it up or down for whatever we need.

    It's much easier to make dual-wielding one-handers and dual-wielding two-handers do equitable damage than it is to make dual-wielding one-handers and using a single two-hander do equitable damage, if that makes sense. (Source)

    Healing reduction effects in Cataclysm
    "All equivalent debuffs" means if you have the debuff today, you will have it in Cataclysm, but at 20% healing received. To avoid further confusion, we are talking about Mortal Strike, Furious Strikes, Wound Poison, Aimed Shot, Permafrost and Improved Mind Blast.

    We are also strongly considering having all of these effect cause the same debuff, called Mortal Wounds, which is a physical effect and therefore undispellable. This allows the behavior to be more consistent regardless of who is applying it and lets us consider things like how easy it should be to dispel poisons (since Mortal Wounds would not be affected).

    Heals will be smaller and health pools will be larger in Cataclysm, so we don't expect Mortal Wounds to feel as mandatory as it does today, but this is clearly the kind of thing that will require a lot of playtesting and feedback. (Source)

    Warrior Preview Q&A
    Q: Will the rotation for a Fury Warrior just be Bloodthirst and Slam with Heroic Strike to burn off rage?
    A: We think Fury is going to end up needing another attack in there for single-target fights. Furious Sundering was intended more as having to Sunder being less of a penalty, but at only 3 stacks, it may not end up being a big deal and we don’t want Fury to feel like they have to purchase a talent that they may not always use. We don’t want Whirlwind to be a good button against single targets however. It essentially gets “free” damage against groups of targets when it’s effective at using against single targets. It’s okay if warriors still do more damage in fights where they can use Cleave and similar attacks often, but right now it’s too extreme.

    Q: Are one-handed Fury warriors going to be competing with rogues for one-handed weapons?
    A: This is unlikely. Rogues and shaman will want one-handers with Agility, while warriors and death knights will want them with Strength. I won’t be surprised when one of these classes picks up the other’s weapon as it could be an upgrade simply based on the damage, but it won’t be optimal.

    Q: Why are warriors not getting some kind of AoE tanking tool?
    A: We think the newly buffed Thunder Clap plus Shockwave are sufficient abilities for AoE tanking. The design of Vengeance should make sure that threat generation doesn’t start to slip behind as the dps characters gear up. It’s not our intention that tanks face a constant struggle to generate enough threat, even in group situations, but we also don’t want threat to be totally irrelevant either. The danger for tanking too many creatures should also be tank death not threat management.

    Q: Is only Sunder Armor being changed?
    A: Rogue Expose Armor and other abilities that apply a similar debuff are being changed accordingly. They will all provide the same debuff at 12% armor reduction.

    Q: What about rage loss when changing stances?
    A: We still want the act of changing stances to require more consideration than just clicking two buttons to use the ability you want. One idea we are going to explore is that you don’t lose rage when you change stances, but you won’t gain additional rage for a short period of time after changing. This lets you say swap to do an Execute without losing your rage bar, but still keeps the idea that shifting constantly comes with inherent efficiency risks.

    Q: Is the intent of Gushing Wound that warriors constantly ask for targets to be kited around?
    A: No, it’s intended to be a bonus when you’re in an encounter where the target either moves around a lot (Ex. BONNNNE STORMMMM-ing Marrowgar) or just has to be moved around a lot (say Lich King). Warriors shouldn’t have the expectation of forcing every PvE opponent to move but it would be entertaining to watch this (from a third party perspective).

  2. #2

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    I have some questions that I assume alot of people are asking themselves, and I hope that somehow this will reach anyone that knows the answer:P

    - Gushing wounds:

    Will there be a limit on the duration (like the rogues mini-shieldwall), or will the duration keep refreshing untill you stop moving for 9 seconds?

    How often will the stack refresh? Is there an internal cd on it, so that you don't get instantly 3-stacked by moving 5 yards?

    Does rend and Gushing wounds stack? If no: Why not ? :P

    - Heroic leap:

    Does in work in the y-axis? I don't mean like how charge can sometimes charge up a wall, but if it can get you on top of the blades edge arena bridge if you are standing under below it etc.

  3. #3

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Rifee
    Does in work in the y-axis? I don't mean like how charge can sometimes charge up a wall, but if it can get you on top of the blades edge arena bridge if you are standing under below it etc.
    I think you mean the Z-Axis.

  4. #4

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    It’s okay if warriors still do more damage in fights where they can use Cleave and similar attacks often, but right now it’s too extreme.
    Mindsear and Volley, however, are "working as intended."

    Lets enjoy our 50% weapon dmg 10 second cooldown (no one will glyph that shit after cata) AoE attack, wooo..

    Quote Originally Posted by Farahawnee View Post
    Not having an authenticator on your account is like not locking your windows because your front door is locked, and then wondering how a burglar got in.

  5. #5
    Warchief Freedom's Avatar
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    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Personally I sort of welcome a warrior aoe nerf. WOO WW + CLEAVE CLEAVE CLEAVE = SKILL GUYS LEMME OUTDAMAGE SOMEONE WITH 3 MORE PIECES OF 264 THAN ME.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrod View Post
    Ok, I give up. This is pointless.
    Many Multitudes Online Constantly Harping About Minor Problems

  6. #6

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom
    Personally I sort of welcome a warrior aoe nerf. WOO WW + CLEAVE CLEAVE CLEAVE = SKILL GUYS LEMME OUTDAMAGE SOMEONE WITH 3 MORE PIECES OF 264 THAN ME.
    this can be used for mages too you know?

  7. #7

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom
    Personally I sort of welcome a warrior aoe nerf. WOO WW + CLEAVE CLEAVE CLEAVE = SKILL GUYS LEMME OUTDAMAGE SOMEONE WITH 3 MORE PIECES OF 264 THAN ME.
    Because other classes have such complicated aoe rotations or cleave mechanics.

  8. #8

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom
    Personally I sort of welcome a warrior aoe nerf. WOO WW + CLEAVE CLEAVE CLEAVE = SKILL GUYS LEMME OUTDAMAGE SOMEONE WITH 3 MORE PIECES OF 264 THAN ME.
    Yes yes! Never forget that GearScore is what matters!

    I think the keywords in these posts are "Fun and utility". It's still a long way to go before we can draw any conclusions
    as to how Cataclysm is going to treat us warriors.

  9. #9

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    On Gushing Wounds :

    I wonder what will happen when a handful of people will actually start kiting bosses as a real and effective way to gain more damage from melee classes via talents like these?
    I don't see how Blizzard could effectively deal with it, unless they completely remove it.


  10. #10

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom
    Personally I sort of welcome a warrior aoe nerf. WOO WW + CLEAVE CLEAVE CLEAVE = SKILL GUYS LEMME OUTDAMAGE SOMEONE WITH 3 MORE PIECES OF 264 THAN ME.
    And personally I think you're an idiot, so everything evens out.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with whirlwind leave it be for the love of god. So we do a little more damage on multi target fights, big deal. We have something we really excel at and therefore we must get the shaft, great logic. That's like saying "Frost Mages do too much frost damage on bosses vulnerable to frost damage, please nerf it QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ." It's an AoE ability FOR A REASON.

    Ok, rant done. Now my biggest question is if Gushing Wounds will apply like Deep Wounds or Rend because if it's a stacking buff that applies like Deep Wounds, things could get very fun very quickly.

    Also, I want something cool like Smoke Bomb. What do we get? We get to jump in the air and do some damage there's nothing wicked about that. Unless of course they plan it to break LoS and put you out of casting range until you land, in which case, I'll take it.
    Blizzard, please nerf paper, scissors are fine.


  11. #11

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Griefel
    On Gushing Wounds :

    I wonder what will happen when a handful of people will actually start kiting bosses as a real and effective way to gain more damage from melee classes via talents like these?
    I don't see how Blizzard could effectively deal with it, unless they completely remove it.
    the simple answer would be to give warriors a consecrate-like effect, when, combined with rend, outdamages a 3 stack from movement, even if its only by 5%-10%

  12. #12

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Overweight
    the simple answer would be to give warriors a consecrate-like effect, when, combined with rend, outdamages a 3 stack from movement, even if its only by 5%-10%
    It could be interesting, but I don't see them copying other class abilities anymore.


  13. #13

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by blukkie
    I think you mean the Z-Axis.
    No he doesn't, in 3D coordinates the Y axis is the one going up and down.

  14. #14

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    not to ruin the fun, but my brain wont let me not mention this

    X and Y are simple, they follow the reference plane, as left and right, and up/down. Z is perpendicular to them.

    Assuming you use the ground as a reference plane, X would be your left and right, Y would be forward and back, and Z would be vertical travel.

    Assuming a reference plane being your character, with the X axis being left/right (strafing), and the Y axis being up and down (jumping), it would mean the Z axis is forward and back.

    TLDR: you're both right, it's all about how you look at it.

    Generally speaking from a drafting/Architecture point of view, Z is vertical, with X and Y determining coordinates along the ground plane.


    So as to mention something about warriors, it need not copy consecrate, only the general idea: a dropped, ground based AoE that does some damage and threat.... the WW that many mobs do, dropping a weapon that spins, could be a decent analog for a player ability.

  15. #15

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    i am kind of concerned to be a warrior in cata. With most of the changes i dont see being a warrior unique or much fun anymore especially with armor differences and health pools being closer to plate wearers. Whats the point of wearing plate if u barely have more armor than a rogue? ITs already a pain to kill classes like mages and hunters so hows it gonna be with their armor and health upgrades? Its hrd enought to keep them in melee range now i will have to do it for much longer. Also with the emphasis on rogues being able to fight toe-toe why do i now have to be worried about rogues that dont stun lock. Priest might get a barrier and all dots seem to benefit from haste and crit greatly. I just cant see the upside to being a warrior in cata am i maybe looking at it in the wrong light? Could someone point out some things to look forward to (not heroic leap)

  16. #16

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    I can see Gushing wounds being situational tbh in PvE and really handy in PvP cus there are some bosses you have to move like Uronn or w/e his name is in Oculus and the boss in naxx who dropped poison rings it can be really handy for some fights and in other fights it can just be one of those extra buttons you don't need to worry about it's a take it or leave it move but at least it gives you choices of what to do.

  17. #17

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Heroic Leap looks... completely useless to me.
    "Leap into combat crushing your enemies causing massive damage"
    We already do that, it's called Charge + Thunderclap or Shockwave.
    It seems like such a waste. It's like getting FoK as a level 80 ability. Pretty shitty except for AoE.

  18. #18

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by blukkie
    I think you mean the Z-Axis.
    Wut? You mean Wow is in 3D? Damn, how did I not see that.
    Insert Signature here!

  19. #19

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Casual
    i am kind of concerned to be a warrior in cata. With most of the changes i dont see being a warrior unique or much fun anymore especially with armor differences and health pools being closer to plate wearers. Whats the point of wearing plate if u barely have more armor than a rogue? ITs already a pain to kill classes like mages and hunters so hows it gonna be with their armor and health upgrades? Its hrd enought to keep them in melee range now i will have to do it for much longer. Also with the emphasis on rogues being able to fight toe-toe why do i now have to be worried about rogues that dont stun lock. Priest might get a barrier and all dots seem to benefit from haste and crit greatly. I just cant see the upside to being a warrior in cata am i maybe looking at it in the wrong light? Could someone point out some things to look forward to (not heroic leap)
    Yeah you're looking at it the wrong way. There will be reason to play warrior in the expansion. If health pools and armor are gonna increase for cloth and leather, why do you think plate will get no increase at all? They also mentioned that there will be lowered combat and healing numbers all around. Perhaps we will see greater special ability numbers, lesser ability to heal, lesser ability to prevent heal, higher health and armor. Everyone is going to be durable not just rogues, hunters, warlocks etc.. but warriors too. I'm also seeing a trend that is going to say crit is going to be overall lower, much to the detriment of mages too. Its starting to sound like a whole new game, so wait until we can actually try this out before you make any rash judgements.

    I am Warrior - Play Free Online Games

  20. #20

    Re: Warrior - Cataclysm Preview Compilation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreggums
    Heroic Leap looks... completely useless to me.
    "Leap into combat crushing your enemies causing massive damage"
    We already do that, it's called Charge + Thunderclap or Shockwave.
    It seems like such a waste. It's like getting FoK as a level 80 ability. Pretty shitty except for AoE.
    Yeah, and it even shares cooldown with Charge. <.<
    "What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."

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