OMG love to 10-man raiding guilds!
I always wanted that, thanks a lot blizz
OMG love to 10-man raiding guilds!
I always wanted that, thanks a lot blizz
Dear developers,
please nerf Rock, it's too overpowered. Paper is fine, however.
Signed, Scissors.
Since i was a little noob in BC, i dreamed of the day where guys like me who haven't the time to find 25 people to always rely on to raid with. Karazhan and ZA were the only things i could do. WotLK came out and i got to experience all the raids with my small we can finally raid 10 man heroics and be content...thank you blizzard, for catering to the casual players and making the elitist jerks STFU, now we can all raid and feel better about it. This is the best change i have seen to the game since i have played in 3 years, hats off
best change since they introduced 10 and 25 player raids, like it ;D
Thats complete Bulls*** this is one of the reasons which i hate about the way wow is going, everyone can get loot, I've been a raider since vanila, whats the point of 25man normal now then? 10man normal will drop the same items? why go 25man when theres less chance of getting loot and a higher chance to fail / wipe?Originally Posted by Boubouille
So i cant raid a 10 man and a 25 man in the same week. That's retarded dumbest idea ever.
At first reading it, my very first thought was "Well, there goes 25 mans."
But, thinking about it, it wont.
If they make 10 and 25 man just as hard, and 25 giving more loot to make it the quicker gearing option, it will be better for the game as a whole.
10 mans will be able to be tuned in 25 man gear.
So, think of it like this...
Instead of:
Run 10 man, learn fights.
Run 25 man with knowing the fights, get gear.
Run 10 man heroic with 25 man gear, making it easy.
Run 25 man heroic knowing fights learned from 10 man.
Run 10/25(Whichever you do.) man.
Also, this will help burnout from players running 10, 10HM, 25, 25HM each week(In ToC terms, 10 and 25 speaking of ICC)
So, as a 25 man(And 40 before that) raider for 4 years, I approve.
I knew someone would come up with the [IRL] card. But seriously, I (and many others) play this game solely for the raiding, and if it's possible to clear all relevant content in 1-2 raid days, then what should we do the 5 other days? I don't care about achievements, i don't care about pvp and i don't care about pets.Originally Posted by Jerazznor
They said 25man would drop more items and be more efficient than running two lots of 10mansOriginally Posted by Bosh
Well, thats 25 man raiding dead and buried. Kill off 40 man, now kill of 25 man. Disappointing in my eyes, and a sad day for WoW imo.
I remember when, I remember I remember when I lost my mind,
There was something so perfect about that place...
I like how they're balancing raids for both 10 and 25 raiding guilds...can't help but feel one of the 2 will become as neglected as WotLK 5 mans were though (prior to random system).
They aren't making 25man raiding pointless, they are making 10man raids better.Originally Posted by Ciandrawr
If you don't have 25 players the 10man mode is not good enough for those who like raiding 25mans.
People will QQ about this alot, but overall its a big upgrade for atleast half of the WoW community. Just because you can't play 25man raids why should those people have to do the same raid with worse reward?
I also hope that Realm First! Achievements will work on 10man with this change. I am not sure however if I like Blizz to gate all raid bosses, then it will be hard to get realm first achievements on raids since there is always one guild that goes to the extreme and gets raid together just as a patch hit or stuffs like that.
Now though, which raid should you do first at level 85 and get realm first achie on? ;P
More badges/gold/loot.Originally Posted by Bosh
If the boss drops say 3 times the badges and loot, you've actually got better chances of winning something.
Anyone truly complaining is just arguing for arguing sake.
There is nothing wrong with this, This changes 0 for a Hard Core Guild (makes it easier now that you can still raid if your short on your 25 man HM)
Casuals that RAID WELL will love it as well.
Only people complaining are MMO-C Whiners/Babies, Bad casuals, and asshats who just argue so they can.
Dropping the same items in 10 man and 25 man I can understand.... but making both in a single id.... seriously?
I mean... now I HAVE to play 2 chars to get as much raiding as I am doing with one char now?
Well, guess I might as well enjoy my free time a little more, but I feel the demise of my guild.. or everyone will simply roll with twinks so much more.
Originally Posted by Parynziux
Worst news i've ever heard since cataclysm was announced. Most likely, /farewell blizzard, since tbc, u failed hard, sure thing
"We're continuing to refine the raid progression paths in Cataclysm, and we'd like to share some of those changes with you today. Please enjoy!"
Wtf to enjoy ?!
Oh yea, watching u ruining this game.
Blizzard is probably doing this to cut the addictivness of the game of some ppl, i think they started doing this in WOTLK for that reason not making as many isntances per patch as before because they were being critisized about it and i think this is ok unless for people who have no life and dont have anything else to do besides wow and if they dont have a life they can make their alts and do it as many times as they want(i dont play much and i ahve 5 80s), anyway it seems a little strange this new system but it doesnt bothe me at all.Originally Posted by Maxrandom
So i disband my 25 man guild NOW or do I wait for Cataclysm ? Epic Fail
hmmmm...... why can't they just do; More loot on 25 man but same item level?
25 man boss - 5 drops 3 emblem
10 man boss - 2 drops 1 emblem
if they keep it the same, 10m bosses have 2 drops, 25m has 3 drops, 25m guilds will run 10's up until the gating is done then go for endboss. you would get double the loot if you did it this way. 2x3=6 drops from 1 boss a week versus 3x1=3 drops a week.Originally Posted by Coconut Monkey
bad change is bad.
this is coming from someone who likes 10m better than 25m